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Never Forget

Member since 2/06 2735 total posts
Name: Jen
Napping @ 5 months old...
Do the BTDT moms of 5 month olds have words of wisdom re: napping? How long were your morning and afternoon naps? Did you completely arrange your schedule around them, ie, not going out during these periods of time? TIA!
Posted 2/8/07 9:39 PM |
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Loving Mommyhood!

Member since 5/05 2391 total posts
Name: Susan
Re: Napping @ 5 months old...
Yes, I totally revolved my day around my DS when he was 5 mos., and I still do now, at 7 mos! It's so hard. I never get out b/t feeding and sleeping, !
Posted 2/8/07 9:47 PM |
My Big Boy!
Member since 10/05 2383 total posts
Re: Napping @ 5 months old...
DS is 5 months, I don't have set nap times for him, but he ends up napping somewhere around the same time each day. Usually has 3 naps a day, 1 long one and 2 shorter ones. I don't revolve my day around him napping, If he is sleeping and I need to go out, I just pick him up and put him in the carseat. He always falls asleep in the car and stroller, so he will just fall back to sleep.
Posted 2/8/07 10:30 PM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Napping @ 5 months old...
No,,I dont arrange my schedule around his naps. He love his naps and usually they are at the same time each day...and if I have somewhere to go and he is napping....I do the same as tanaholic posted...
I just put him in his car seat and off we go~
Posted 2/9/07 8:23 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Napping @ 5 months old...
His naps are like 40 minutes long usually, and occur every 2 hours. Up til now I have revolved my days around his schedule, but I might start to change that. I will always make sure he gets to nap, even if it's in the car. He is awake most of the day during the week at daycare and I think he catches up on sleep on the weekends so I don't like to interfere w/that.
Posted 2/9/07 9:32 AM |
Soccer Baseball Lax Mom
Member since 10/05 11240 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Napping @ 5 months old...
Jiavana is 5 1/2 mths and doesnt nap regularly. She takes cat naps here and there.
Posted 2/9/07 10:23 AM |