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Natural Birth-BTDT moms

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Love my baby girl!!!

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Natural Birth-BTDT moms

So I really want a nature birth. I've been reading more books on it, and looking into taking a Bradley course.

I know a big thing that will help since I will be giving birth in a hospital is laboring at home for as long as possible.

My question is...if I do that, how will I know when it's time to go to the hospital?

My friend just did this and labored at home for 18 hours, and when she went to the birthing center was 5cm (I think).

I definitely would love to be able to get to the hospital at 5cm or more...and I know this will make it easier to have a natural birth, but how will I know as a first time mom when it's time?

Posted 4/30/11 11:44 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

I labored for 32hours total no drugs. I labored at home for 17 hours I think and when I got to the hospital I was just about 5 cm. I cannot tell you exactly when you'll know to go to the hospital but I just kept checking in with my midwives and they kind if judged by my voice and timed contractions when to come in. I actually when in and they gave me the option to go home ( which I should have done) but I stayed because I was nervous going home at 5 cm.
You know your body and you know what you are comfortable with so when it gets to be to much or your just nervous go. Good luck! Its one of the most amazing things I have ever done/ felt in my life.

Posted 5/1/11 4:05 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/11

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Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

My midwife said getting a doula is a great idea. The doula comes to your house and helps you through labor and she knows when you should go to the hospital.

Posted 5/1/11 9:16 AM

Love my baby girl!!!

Member since 3/09

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Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

Posted by MrsP

My midwife said getting a doula is a great idea. The doula comes to your house and helps you through labor and she knows when you should go to the hospital.

Thank you. Going to look into this, but I think it might be too expensive. That would be the ideal situation though..

Posted 5/1/11 1:10 PM

Love my baby girl!!!

Member since 3/09

3405 total posts


Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

Posted by VTTG0609

I labored for 32hours total no drugs. I labored at home for 17 hours I think and when I got to the hospital I was just about 5 cm. I cannot tell you exactly when you'll know to go to the hospital but I just kept checking in with my midwives and they kind if judged by my voice and timed contractions when to come in. I actually when in and they gave me the option to go home ( which I should have done) but I stayed because I was nervous going home at 5 cm.
You know your body and you know what you are comfortable with so when it gets to be to much or your just nervous go. Good luck! Its one of the most amazing things I have ever done/ felt in my life.

Thank you!! Did you post a birth story on here? I would love to read it. Glad you had such a great experience :)

Posted 5/1/11 1:10 PM

My loves <3

Member since 8/09

3294 total posts


Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

I did not because I was not on this site at the time. If you would like I can send you my birth story.

Posted by jax1

Posted by VTTG0609

I labored for 32hours total no drugs. I labored at home for 17 hours I think and when I got to the hospital I was just about 5 cm. I cannot tell you exactly when you'll know to go to the hospital but I just kept checking in with my midwives and they kind if judged by my voice and timed contractions when to come in. I actually when in and they gave me the option to go home ( which I should have done) but I stayed because I was nervous going home at 5 cm.
You know your body and you know what you are comfortable with so when it gets to be to much or your just nervous go. Good luck! Its one of the most amazing things I have ever done/ felt in my life.

Thank you!! Did you post a birth story on here? I would love to read it. Glad you had such a great experience :)

Posted 5/1/11 5:34 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

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Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

My plan was to labor at home as long as possible too. My water never broke. I went to the hospital after 3 hours of steady contractions when I saw blood when I wiped during a contraction. Blood scared me. My contractions were about 6 minutes apart at that point and when the nurse checked me at the hospital, I was 5 cm and 100% effaced. One hour later, I was 9 cm, and one hour after that I was 10 cm and my OB broke my water and I started pushing.

Start to finish, my whole labor was only 6 1/2 hours! And this was my first baby! For me it wasn't too difficult to stick to my guns and do a natural drug-free birth. The only part of L&D that really hurt terribly was pushing her out.

I'm sure you'll follow your instincts and do well! Moving around while laboring is a HUGE help. I did a lot of yoga positions at home on the ball and once I got to the hospital, I faced the bed, kneeling with my arms over it (kinda shaped the bed like a chair) and I used the bar on the bed to get into different positions. DH was a HUGE help. The class I took at our hospital helped a lot too. Just knowing how contractions work, the waves of intensity and the breaks in between, really helped you get your mind around it.

Posted 5/1/11 5:53 PM

I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06

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Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

I think you kind of have to go by instinct -- if your contractions are 5 min apart or less for over an hour you might be getting near time. My first was back labor and my contractions were right on top of each other (basically no break between them) early on, so I was 3 cm when I arrived, but it really didn't make a difference. I was with a really supportive midwifery group (Stony Brook) and I easily had a natural birth. With my second I had an early water-break and wanted antibiotics since I was GBS+ so I was in the hospital early. Again, I was with good midwives and it really didn't make a difference. I used hypnosis with both births and it was awesome and I had no trouble having natural births in a hospital.

Here's my second birth story. I love to talk about natural birth, so let me know if you have any questions!

Evan's drug-free hypnobabies birth

Posted 5/1/11 9:09 PM

Me and my Boys

Member since 1/10

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Re: Natural Birth-BTDT moms

It's hard to say, my water broke first and I labored at home for 7 hrs, I just stayed home basically until I couldn't take it anymore. My contractions came on FAST and strong, they were like 2mins apart pretty quickly, I tried to endure it as long as possible but it was really painful I didn't know what position to be in anymore nothing was helping. I got to the hospital and I was 7cm dialated, but again I had no idea how far along I was could of been like 2 and I wouldn't of known. I too went with the stonybrook midwives, the night I went into labor it was torential rain and LOTS of mommies went into labor that night so I was on the phone on and off w/the midwife on duty however she told me I could wait to come into the hospital until morning, good thing I didn't b/c DS was born at 9am. Sorry it may not help much but you really just have to go with your gut...listen to your body.

Posted 5/2/11 1:21 PM

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