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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

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Member since 5/05

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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

going to try Frozen transfer this cycle- we have 5 frozen from two years ago when I did a freeze cycle before my ovarian tumor surgery. saved them as a "just in case" and tried a few fresh cycles first but with no success.
My FSH is 26 this month- spiked from 10 to 24.5 to 26. so unfortunately its not looking good for me so this may be my last chance.

besides lots of prayers that my embies are good and will survive the thaw, does anyone know anything about natural FET? I still ovulate on my own which is why I think my dr is doing it this way.Im not on meds as of yet. I did a day 3 baseline sono- blood and going back monday for another. will trigger with ovidrel then start PIO shots- timed with thawing etc.

Big question is since I will be triggering and know when ovulation will occur, do I try naturally as well? I read some places say yes and others advise against it? so confused. going to ask my dr but also wanna hear from others who have done it this way.

Posted 8/7/14 12:14 PM
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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

I did natural FET cycles with my old RE because I do ovulate on my own. He had told me to refrain from intercourse during my cycle. I never did a trigger on a natural FET cycle either.

I basically went in for my baseline sono and blood. Went back maybe once for monitoring. I then checked the OPK for a smiley call them go in did the transfer and began PIO the night of the transfer and went in for my beta like 11pt.

I prefer a medicated cycle but that's just me.

Posted 8/7/14 12:23 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by TyReseGreen

I did natural FET cycles with my old RE because I do ovulate on my own. He had told me to refrain from intercourse during my cycle. I never did a trigger on a natural FET cycle either.

I basically went in for my baseline sono and blood. Went back maybe once for monitoring. I then checked the OPK for a smiley call them go in did the transfer and began PIO the night of the transfer and went in for my beta like 11pt.

I prefer a medicated cycle but that's just me.

Thanks for I info. I'm so used to being on meds that I was confused.
I'm going back on Monday for blood sono and and will do so until they see surge hen they are triggering me with ovidrel I will start PIO shots before transfer and have transfer roughly 6 days after starting progesterone so it's not completely natural I guess but I'm not starting any meds and I'm on cd6.

Posted 8/7/14 1:14 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Just wanna wish you good luck! I hope they are great quality embryos and everything works out.

I did one FET but it was medicated. I was on Estrace pills. FET monitoring and everything was a lot easier than IVF.

Posted 8/7/14 2:49 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by babydreams21

Just wanna wish you good luck! I hope they are great quality embryos and everything works out.

I did one FET but it was medicated. I was on Estrace pills. FET monitoring and everything was a lot easier than IVF.

I'm monitoring but no Estrace as of now. Thanks. Trying my hardest to stay positive.

Posted 8/7/14 3:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/12

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by ggt08

Posted by babydreams21

Just wanna wish you good luck! I hope they are great quality embryos and everything works out.

I did one FET but it was medicated. I was on Estrace pills. FET monitoring and everything was a lot easier than IVF.

I'm monitoring but no Estrace as of now. Thanks. Trying my hardest to stay positive.

Thats all you can do. You are trying something different which I feel like different is what can make all the difference. You know my story- 4th transfer finally worked- so miracles do happen.

Posted 8/7/14 3:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 9/13

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

I had a medicated FET cycle so I am no help. Just wanted to wish you good luck! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/7/14 10:31 PM


Member since 1/09

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

I want to say good luck. I don't have any experience with this. Sending you tons of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/8/14 6:37 AM

Two Little Rosebuds

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Is this your first FET? I personally never got to do one because I only ever had enough good embryos for the fresh transfer, but I'll be doing one with our PGS-tested embies some time in the future. My current doc gave me a long list of reasons why FETs are better than fresh transfers (some docs are doing strictly freeze-all stim cycles followed by FETs because of improvements in outcomes and reduction of birth defects) especially for girls with an egg quality problem that causes embryos to grow more slowly, so I'm hopeful for you! My doc prefers medicated FETs because they're easier to control than natural, but the pregnancy rate is the same.

Are you transferring blasts or day 3s? Good luck!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/14 5:38 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by bookworm

Is this your first FET? I personally never got to do one because I only ever had enough good embryos for the fresh transfer, but I'll be doing one with our PGS-tested embies some time in the future. My current doc gave me a long list of reasons why FETs are better than fresh transfers (some docs are doing strictly freeze-all stim cycles followed by FETs because of improvements in outcomes and reduction of birth defects) especially for girls with an egg quality problem that causes embryos to grow more slowly, so I'm hopeful for you! My doc prefers medicated FETs because they're easier to control than natural, but the pregnancy rate is the same.

Are you transferring blasts or day 3s? Good luck!! Chat Icon

Yes this is my first FET.. I have 5 frozen from two years ago when I went through IVF to freeze only before surgery. They were frozen at 2PN which is day 2. They would have to thaw them and grow them which makes me nervous. I think my dr wanted me to take a break from all the meds and since I ovulate on my own and my levels have been good, he thought this was better route for me. Since I'm a teacher and still off I have the time to go to theses appts.i have one tomorrow am.
Because I'm a poor responder I was on a heavy dose of Stims which I'm sure did a number on my body. I'm hoping the natural route will be less stress on The body.
My practice tries to grow them to day 5 but they will make that decision day by day. My dr prepared me for the fact that none might make it. I'm trying to stay positive though. Thanks for thinking of me!!! ;).

Posted 8/13/14 10:20 PM

... With a cherry on top!!!

Member since 11/09

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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/14/14 6:15 AM

... With a cherry on top!!!

Member since 11/09

1332 total posts


Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 8/14/14 6:15 AM

So In Love!

Member since 8/11

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Now I was told they wouldn't trigger on a natural freeze because they want your body to be naturally ready. I had to wait until I naturally ovulated.

But it was wonderful to be med free and it seemed to work.

My understanding is the risk with trying on your own us if they put 2 back you could get 3, and so forth. I was told not to.

Posted 8/14/14 10:26 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by shellbebaby

Now I was told they wouldn't trigger on a natural freeze because they want your body to be naturally ready. I had to wait until I naturally ovulated.

But it was wonderful to be med free and it seemed to work.

My understanding is the risk with trying on your own us if they put 2 back you could get 3, and so forth. I was told not to.

So I guess I'm part natural. Haven't been on any meds as of yet. Tracking ovulation but will trigger w ovidrel when follicle is ready. I'm going to try naturally also since I have no idea if embryos will survive thaw. And now I'll know exact ovulation time. It's day 13 and my follicle is 13 mm so I probably ovulate on day 15-16 even 17. Yet the opt sticks weren't showing that late so I'm glad I'm getting accurate results.

Posted 8/14/14 11:35 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

I did a natural FET transfer bc the PA at my RE screwed up my appts. My RE' office never does natural bc its inconvenient for them but bc it was there mistake they let me do a natural FET. I am now 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Good luck !!!

Posted 8/17/14 4:42 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by dms

I did a natural FET transfer bc the PA at my RE screwed up my appts. My RE' office never does natural bc its inconvenient for them but bc it was there mistake they let me do a natural FET. I am now 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Good luck !!!

Ahh meant to be for you!!! I'm doing this now. Had to go in three times total for ovulation monitoring. Wasn't too bad for me Now I'm prepping for transfer this week. PIO shots, medrol and azithromycin go in one more time for final blood and sono before the transfer. My dr suggested this for me so my body could get a break from meds and since I do ovulate still on my own. Thanks for your story. Gives me some hope!!!

Posted 8/18/14 9:57 AM

So In Love!

Member since 8/11

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Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

GOOD LUCK with your transfer. My Natural FET seemed to work for me as I am 7.5 weeks pregnant. Either way, it felt good feeling normal while doing it for a change, especially coming off 4 IUIs in a row, followed by BC pills, followed by IVF. Being med free (other then 4 days of pills) was terrific.

Even now all I am on is crinone, which is gross and making my boobs get bigger faster, but otherwise no shots, no meds. Also saved me a lot of money since I don't have injectable coverage.

Posted 8/19/14 7:53 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 2/13

173 total posts


Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by ggt08

Posted by dms

I did a natural FET transfer bc the PA at my RE screwed up my appts. My RE' office never does natural bc its inconvenient for them but bc it was there mistake they let me do a natural FET. I am now 20 weeks pregnant with twin boys. Good luck !!!

Ahh meant to be for you!!! I'm doing this now. Had to go in three times total for ovulation monitoring. Wasn't too bad for me Now I'm prepping for transfer this week. PIO shots, medrol and azithromycin go in one more time for final blood and sono before the transfer. My dr suggested this for me so my body could get a break from meds and since I do ovulate still on my own. Thanks for your story. Gives me some hope!!!

Hope is key in all of this. I had 2 miscarriages, 1 chemical, 7 iui's and finally ivf with PGD testing plus I am almost 38. The road was not easy but I never thought I wouldn't be a mother. I wish you the very best and lots of luck and sticky dust :)

Posted 8/19/14 9:18 PM


Member since 5/05

5208 total posts


Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Posted by shellbebaby

GOOD LUCK with your transfer. My Natural FET seemed to work for me as I am 7.5 weeks pregnant. Either way, it felt good feeling normal while doing it for a change, especially coming off 4 IUIs in a row, followed by BC pills, followed by IVF. Being med free (other then 4 days of pills) was terrific.

Even now all I am on is crinone, which is gross and making my boobs get bigger faster, but otherwise no shots, no meds. Also saved me a lot of money since I don't have injectable coverage.

It was so nice not to be on meds for first part. Now I'm on Estrace and PIO shot once a day which is killing my poor azz. In addition to medrol. Since being on meds I feel like crap but hanging in there! Congrats to you!!!

Posted 8/20/14 8:24 PM

Grateful for my babies!

Member since 2/12

4571 total posts


Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

I have no experience with this bc I was never able to get any embryos to freeze but I just want to wish you good luck!!!

Message edited 8/20/2014 9:00:01 PM.

Posted 8/20/14 8:59 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/11

244 total posts


Re: Natural Frozen Embryo Transfer this month.. have ?

Another natural FET success story here. I transferred one 5 day blast and am now 20 weeks pregnant. I am hearing lately that FET success rates are getting much better. I loved being relatively free of meds during the cycle. Good luck!!!!!

Posted 8/20/14 9:11 PM

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