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need a rec. for new kitty litter

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last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


need a rec. for new kitty litter

aparently, fresh step decided to change their clay litter formula & now it SUUCKS at clumping... i cant take it anymore!

therefore, i need to switch -- but i want a litter thats GOOD at clumping... any suggestions?


Posted 1/20/10 5:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 4/07

3915 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

we tried so many different ones...i didnt like any of them and some made it smell like ammonia where i have the litter box. We tried the Bjs brand from a reccomendation and its great. We never smell anything and it clumps great.

Posted 1/20/10 6:53 PM


Member since 8/07

10682 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

oh no, I really liked fresh step. The only other brand that I know works great is the Arm & Hammer brand

Posted 1/20/10 8:27 PM


Member since 1/09

5476 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

i have only tried fresh step and i couldn't handle the dust factor but clumping was amazing. Now we have tidy cats and its dustless which i like but you have to leave the pee or poo in for a hour or so for it to clump. I am so used to scooping it out as it happens unless we are home.

Posted 1/20/10 10:38 PM

Always My Miracle

Member since 9/05

9923 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

I use ever clean multiple cat formula (even though I only have one cat) and have no issues (and I will say that I am not as dilligent as the above poster with cleaning the litter box...its an every 2-3 days for usChat Icon ) but no odors to speak of

Posted 1/21/10 12:17 AM

Thru the rabbit hole!

Member since 7/06

4412 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

I have literally used every single brand... Swheat Scoop, Worlds Best, Feline Pine, Yesterday's News, Tidy Cats, Fresh Step.... I can't even remember all of them!

I really like Nature's Miracle Litter. I can't really use clay because of the dust. It clumps great, smells nice (like wood kind of...) but I will warn you that it tracks worse than clay litter on thier paws. You can't get it in the supermarket, though, you have to get it at petco or a pet store.

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Posted 1/21/10 8:13 AM

last month on leave!

Member since 6/08

4551 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

thanks everyone!!

yeah everything started when DH and i signed up at costco... they have a 40 pound bag of fresh step for $10 so i bought that b/c before that, i was buying the buckets of fresh step

once i bought the huge bag, i noticed that the clay was different... it was kind of like bigger particles, which in turn, didnt clump AT ALL! i would go to scoop his pee and it would literally fall apart, forcing me to scoop as much pee filled litter as possible, but i always end up scooping some clean litter too... its just really annoying and i feel like im wasting litter each time i do it!

so in any case, i thought that maybe it was just the big bag that had the different formula... so i went back to buying the smaller bag (not the bucket) and the small bag is the same clay! so i just decided to forget and and switch to a different brand

has anyone else noticed this with fresh step or am i just crazy?

Posted 1/21/10 12:12 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

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The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

A friend recommended the store brand at Pet Supplies Plus and it is AMAZING!! A 40lb bag is $12, and it the clumping power is great!

Posted 1/23/10 3:44 PM

spring is in the air

Member since 11/05

2688 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

from the start with 2 kittens we used single cat 'the worlds best cat litter' clumps great

Posted 1/24/10 7:32 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: need a rec. for new kitty litter

We use arm&hammer.

Posted 1/24/10 3:17 PM

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