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Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

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Support Cancer Research

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Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

So the RE called me back to ask what we want to do next.

I'm like "Uh, aren't we all geared up for IVF?"
Because they had told us that with me doing 7 Clomid cycles already and with DH's sperm issues, IUI is not a high percentage for us.

Today she said that since I DID technically get pregnant on an IUI cycle, they would give us the option of doing one more before moving to IVF.

My opinion was no way, let's move on to IVF.

I mentioned it to DH and he was all for more IUIs.

I know I have to make the decision with him, but what do you girls think??? What would you do???

Try out one more IUI or move to IVF?

Posted 7/11/06 2:28 PM
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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

I am assuming that IVF is covered?

If so, if it were me, I would go straight to IVF. I have read that success rate is so much greater through IVF. I know it is a hard decision. Go with your gut. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 2:36 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

Me personally would move right to IVF. I went through 6 cycles of IUI's and was so discouraged and couldnt wait to move to IVF.
But this is something you and DH have to agree on, because we had to do a lot of stuff before we started the IVF cycle. Such as many tests and blood work, etc. So it takes awhile to get the ball rolling, so if you have the coverage I would move right on forward
Best of luck to whatever you chooseChat Icon

Message edited 7/11/2006 2:39:56 PM.

Posted 7/11/06 2:37 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

I wanted to move onto IVF...but I wound up sticking with the IUI's since insurance covered up to 6 (I got PG on #5).

What about changing the protocol for the IUI cycle, if you decide to try it one more time. I did my first 3 rounds with chlomid, and the next 2 were with injectables because I knew staying with the chlomid was useless to me. I made sure we were very aggressive with the doctors and the amount of meds on the injectables.

Good luck in whatever you decide...and I'm here if you want to vent/cry/etc. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 3:50 PM

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

If the IVF is covered, I would charge full steam ahead!!!!

Posted 7/11/06 3:52 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

At this point I would still move on to IVF.

Estimates are that an IUI cycle has about a 10% success rate where as and IVF cycle are about a 40% success rate.

I have read that the greatest success rates with IVF are with couples who only have a male issue and I know of two such cases who got pregnant with twins on their first try. Second, are anatomical issues and third, hormonal/immune etc. because that's the most challenging to the doctors.

With those odds you could be doing IUI's for another year and it would take a toll mentally, as we all know this journey does.

Posted 7/11/06 3:55 PM

spring is in the air

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

Posted by LisaW

If the IVF is covered, I would charge full steam ahead!!!!

I agree

ps - what age are u?

Message edited 7/11/2006 3:56:12 PM.

Posted 7/11/06 3:55 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!


To answer the questions:

I'm 31.

IVF is covered at 60%

Male factor is a big issue, I have PCOS too.

My biggest concern is that maybe it's not me GETTING pregnant that's the problem, it's STAYING pregnant and I don't know that IVF will help that.

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Posted 7/11/06 5:21 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

I think this is gonna depend on the person truthfully.

I know for me, I didnt want to do IVF, it was alast last resort. I dont knwo why, just my prefernce and thats why I ended up with 13 iuis and some medicated natural cycles. The injectable cycles were a lot for me to deal with and Im plain scared of IVF.

BUT I know I would have been forced into it sooner had I had the insurance coverage for it.

Now I know my Re's believe IUI is the course of treatment for PCOS, NOT ivf due to hyperstimulation possibilities...BUT adding in your DH's male factor I would think IVF is likely your best option.

As fas as staying PG...TRY to treat each one on its own. agin , I hate to compare but I had a stillborn, a M/C at 10 weeks and a chemical PG and they were ALL due to unrelated factors, but someone else might say , well you cant stay PG. Each situation is different.

Your husbands sperm issues could easily be the reason for the Chemical and the egg didnt fertilize properly this month. So that would mean its GREAT news you were able to conceive and that IVF would likely work wonderfully for you. I would try to think of it if possible that way .

Hope is ALL we have, so stay strong.

How many IUIS Have you had?

For me personally I would have ( if I had IVF coverage ) done 6. Most Re's say no more then 6.

Thats about all the advice I have, but I hope you dont drive yourself crazy making the decision.

Think over what you can handle and go for it , and DONT second guess whatever decision you come to! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 5:58 PM

Support Cancer Research

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

Thanks Donna. I know we are in a similar place right now, having to potentially go to IVF.

I've only had 3 IUIs. After the 2nd one they told me that IVF would be a better option for us because of the male factor.

But the embyro lab was closed, so we decided to do one more cycle of IUIs just for the heck of it and that's the cycle I'm coming off of now.

I know that's only a few IUI's and like Kim said (and a couple other's I know) the 6th one was the charm.

But I have done 7 cycles on Clomid and I just can't take it anymore. So I would have to move to injectibles and my RE feels that if I'm already going through the pain of injectables I should really be doing IVF to help with the MF.

This is all so damn confusing and overwhelming. Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 6:57 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

Its a hard decision to make Lauren.

I guess it would depend on how bad your DHs MF is?

And if you can afford the IVF and feel up to it, then it sounds like now might be the right time.

I can say though as far as injectable IUI goes, its half of what the injectable IVF is like. And for me my original plan was at least 6 IUIS so it wasnt weird to keep going.

It sounds like your leaning towards and probably made up your mind to do the IVF. If thats the case, I say go for it!!!!
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ETA_ I also feel like for me anyway, I am trying to get the last drop out of every effort I have available or option I should say. i know I was heartbroken to think, no more IUIS EVER and that scared me. I didnt want to rush to IVF and have it fail and then really be scared...if that makes sense?

Message edited 7/11/2006 7:04:08 PM.

Posted 7/11/06 7:03 PM

Best Friends

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

being that you have a MF I would go right to IVF. Having done it, I can honestly tell you its not as bad as you anticipate. But if you do decide to do one more iUI (which cant hurt) I would def do an injectable cycle. Plus this will give you kind of a sneak peak as to how you might respond to meds.

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Posted 7/11/06 7:24 PM


Member since 7/06

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

since there is the MF, you may want to consider IVF because you can use ICSI. ICSI makes it possible to fertilize eggs with sperm with the severest degrees of male infertility.

i don't know anything about IUI, because i had to do IVF for PGD, but as far as the injections of IVF, it can be overwelming at first, but it is completely doable. i just had my retrieval and i can't believe how fast it came. we have just a few more days of injections left (i think) and i never thought i would have made it through. so i wouldn't let the injections sway your decision too much.

best of luck to you and your dh. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 7:25 PM

Check out my cool glasses

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

Lauren...I'm going to change my answer. Since you have a MF (I did not have that issue), I would go to the IVF. At least that part is taken out of the equation, because the fertilization happens outside the body and can be monitored. Since you already know you can get PG (implant), thats another bonus on your side....then it just comes down to luck I think as to whether it will stick! I wish you all the baby dust in the world Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 7/11/06 9:08 PM

Be a big girl!

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Re: Need advice, insight, whatever you got!

I'm just sending lots and lots of Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon . I know you and DH will reach a decision

Posted 7/12/06 5:33 PM

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