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Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08 1351 total posts
Name: Liz
Need advice- Updated
So I woke up to AF this morning- I didn't take anymore HPTs as I think it's safe to say this was just a chemical. I was kind of a mess yesterday, but I am feeling better today. Dh and I had a long talk this morning and we have decided to take a month or two off TTC to let my body recover(and my mind as well!)
So here is my question- do you all think I need to call my doctor and tell her what happened? I really don't want to even talk to them about it b/c I feel like an idiot. She had told me to wait a month, and I had planned to...we actually only BDed once since our last mc, and I knew I should have ovulated around that time, but I kind of figured "what are the chances?" you know?
If I call, I will have to go in, do the whole pee in a cup thing (which will probably come up negative by tomorrow anyway) get blood drawn, blah blah blah. And what's the point? They'll just say that they told me to take a month off....
I already had a recurrent mc panel a couple weeks ago and I'm still waiting on all the results, so it's not like they can/will do anything else at this point, right?
What do you all think? I really just want to forget this weekend and just move forward- would that be a mistake?
Thanks for reading my rambling- I'd appreciate any input.
Update- So I just got a call from the docs office (I never called them yesterday) The nurse called to tell me that the results of my recurrent MC panel were all negative. Isn't that fast for them to come back (less than 2 weeks- I thought it took a month to come back?)
I told her about what happened over the weekend. My doctor is at the hospital today, so she was going to send her a message and have her call me today if she can. I wonder if I should ask her to refer an RE at this point? Or do I stick with her and see what the next step is?
Message edited 11/4/2008 8:19:04 AM.
Posted 11/2/08 9:11 AM |
Welcome to the World!
Member since 5/05 6747 total posts
Re: Need advice
Did you test positive at some point? If so, then I would call your doctor just so she can rule out ectopic.
If not, I wouldn't call her.
I am so sorry!
ETA: I just read your other post.
Message edited 11/2/2008 9:23:22 AM.
Posted 11/2/08 9:21 AM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Need advice
Well based on what you said, I think its ok to not tell them. I would tell them when you go to get the recurrent M/C results. Tell them then, but if youdont feel like you can handle the visits etc right now, theres nothing they can do for you.
I dont think it would be etopic with a faint line, since usually etopics create higher levels of hcg and no bleeding.
Posted 11/2/08 11:37 AM |
Maybe this time?
Member since 7/07 1761 total posts
Re: Need advice
If it were me, I would let her know when you get your test results. Since you got af, you know that you are not pg.
I might also recommend giving your body a month off from trying....just one month...that way when you do become pregnant again, you will be able to know for sure your dates, etc. This is just my opinion.....
Posted 11/2/08 8:11 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/08 647 total posts
Name: I'm waiting for you to come back to me
Re: Need advice- Updated
I think if everything came back normal it's a really good idea to take a month or two off.
I don't know what bloodwork you took but maybe you want to discuss with your Dr. that you should have some 3rd day blood drawn on your next AF.
That will give you alot of hormonal information. If that comes back OK then you waited the month and you can try again.
Posted 11/8/08 3:22 PM |

Member since 5/05 34581 total posts
Name: Donna
Re: Need advice- Updated
Hoe many m/c or chemicals did you have?
Also I got my RPL Panel results back fast as well..well I got "most" back within 2 weeks. Although my dr said it would take longer.
Posted 11/8/08 9:09 PM |
Sugar & Spice

Member since 7/08 1351 total posts
Name: Liz
Re: Need advice- Updated
Posted by dm24angel
Hoe many m/c or chemicals did you have?
Also I got my RPL Panel results back fast as well..well I got "most" back within 2 weeks. Although my dr said it would take longer.
3 since June. Which means I have conceived 3 out of 4 cycles and lost it each time- anywhere from 4 1/2 weeks to almost 7 weeks.
My doctor said not to worry about this last one- that my body probably just wasn't ready. I so want to believe her, but part of me is doubting her because it just seems so unlikely that it would keep happening like this...i
Posted 11/9/08 9:32 AM |
True beauty

Member since 10/07 9888 total posts
Name: Tara
Re: Need advice- Updated
I'm so sorry you've been through all of this!
Posted 11/9/08 4:12 PM |
<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06 19197 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Need advice- Updated
I'm so sorry you are going through this. It could be as simple as a progesterone issue which they could put you on suppositories right away (like right after you O). I would also demand a RPL panel. You need some answers as to why you have been unable to hold a pregnancy.
Posted 11/9/08 5:27 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: Need advice- Updated
i am so sorry you are going through all this.. definitely try to get more testing done, even if that means seeing an RE... i am about to do the same
Posted 11/10/08 1:25 PM |