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My loves!

Member since 10/07 3002 total posts
Name: Kristin
Need Christmas gift ideas....
For me!! lol. My husband (and that's one of the first times I've called him that!!!!!!) keeps nagging me for gift ideas and I am sincerely drawing a blank. I don't really NEED anything...and the only thing I'd love is a cleaning lady...haha-but that's a weird gift to ask for. Any ideas? How can I not think of anything...and better yet-how can he not? haha. So ladies-what is on your gift wish lists this year?
Posted 12/10/08 10:36 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
My family is complete

Member since 4/07 1819 total posts
Name: Cathleen
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
Ninteno Ds, IPOD, Watch, Jewelery Box and a few small things.
Posted 12/10/08 10:44 AM |
Love my Babes

Member since 8/05 5889 total posts
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
merry maids does gift cards...even online. sounds like a good gift to me!
Posted 12/10/08 11:40 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/06 5435 total posts
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
why not get the cleaning lady?? if its something you really want and will help you out... why not?! even if its like a once a month thing or something... sounds like the perfect gift to me!
Posted 12/10/08 12:18 PM |
Stalkers, get a life.

Member since 11/07 12820 total posts
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
If the only thing you REALLY want is a cleaning lady, then why not??
On my wishlist this year are: - Various accessories for my DSLR camera - Ugg boots - A david yurman ring I've been drooling over - Shootsac camera bag (just got it for myself as my birthday gift) - Gift Cards to go clothes shopping - Tickets to see The Little Mermaid on Broadway
Hopefully that gives you some other ideas.
Message edited 1/18/2010 6:17:35 PM.
Posted 12/10/08 12:57 PM |
Life is beautiful

Member since 8/08 2543 total posts
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
i need the same kind of help. My mom called before and asked me what i could use...but i couldn't think of anything!
We don't need anything for our apartment since we haven't even used our bridal shower gifts yet!
Posted 12/10/08 12:59 PM |
3 Girls for Me!
Member since 8/07 12475 total posts
Name: Keri
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
My wishlist this year is pretty extensive- I can NEVER think of what I want- but this year was different!
-DSLR camera -iPod docking station for home -Arm band for my iPod -Britney's new CD (or itunes card) -Boots -Diamond studs - Hard cover edition of Twilight and New Moon -Hard Cover of the first Harry Potter (I lent mine out and never got it back- I like to have the full sets)
I just saw the commercial for the new george foreman grill thing last night. I want that now too!
Message edited 12/10/2008 2:25:20 PM.
Posted 12/10/08 2:23 PM |
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
theres a few things that i want for christmas but none of them are a reality.. maybe you will have more luck than me.. (we set a $100 limit)
LV Monogram GM
a vacation bc this is the last time we wil probably be able to go on a vacation before the honeymoon.. (already know im NOT getting either of these)
jewelry is always much appreciated.
Posted 12/10/08 2:59 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
I asked for gift cards for clothing once I have this baby and lose the weight, I won't be working so I will need some cash for that Photoshop 7.0( I only have the 4.0 version) my Valentine's gift every year- A spa gift certificate.
Posted 12/10/08 3:28 PM |
Bunny kisses are so cute!
Member since 5/05 19461 total posts
Name: L
Re: Need Christmas gift ideas....
I usually have the exact same problem but I have a list this year gc for a spa day (the spa I like also had a gift of their make up so I know I am getting that too) garlic press measuring spoons because some of mine melted in the dishwasher so now I have to guestimate new slippers new stroller for DS but really for me b/c his is such a PIA to close - the mechanism broke. I would love a new camera. Not that there is anything really wrong with the one I have now, it is just tht it is only 3.2 megapixles and I would really like an 8 or 10 megapixle one with antishake autosmile and a baby mode. I think all I am getting is the gc for the spa day and the garlic press. The other stuff will have to wait.
Posted 12/10/08 8:17 PM |