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Need crib advice Please

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/06

178 total posts


Need crib advice Please

My husband and I just went crib shopping for the first time today for our daughter, who is 6 weeks (and sleeping in a Pack n' Play) Unfortunately, we live in NYC and don't have a car, which makes shopping difficult, and so we are looking on the internet a lot. We are confused by the options.

We think we want a convertible set, has that been worthwhile for those BTDT moms?

What about the drop side? Many of the models had no drop side, just one side that was lower. I am short (5'2") and I worry about being able to lean over it if it doesn't drop down. If those are lower, then might DD climb out???

Is it important to "test drive" the crib and see it in person, or ok to order from the web?

Any recommendations for brand or style???? Thanks!!!

Posted 5/25/07 11:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

MY Dd has a drop side. We got it from land of nod and its very sturdy and I love if only i could get her to love it and not love my bed so muchChat Icon I ordered mine online and was very happy with the quality and service. I was worried about the stationary side cribs as I fellt she would be able to climb over easier but I know lots of moms on here have them so they will tell you more about that.

ITs so confusing as there are so many models out there but try to get it sooner than later so she will get used to it..I waited until my DD was 6mths and IMO that was too long to wait.

Posted 5/25/07 11:14 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

i have a drop side crib that is from my first 8 years ago so its a bit outdated i guess. i got it at babies r us and it is very sturdy.. t0 be honest though i have never even used the drop side because it's loud and i'm afraid of waking the baby up.. i just lean over and put him into the crib and i 've never had a problem. i've always thought the convertible cribs were cute but when you plan on having more kids, it's more likely that you'l be using the crib for the baby instead of converting it. it's' much cheaper to buy a new bed for the toddler than a new crib for the baby.

Posted 5/25/07 11:18 PM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

5857 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

I'm short and couldn't do without the dropside. Ours turns into a toddler bed but not a full bed.

Posted 5/26/07 9:19 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3380 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

You can look on We got ours from one of their stores but I think they have a store in Manhattan. I don't think mine has a drop side. Although I'm 5'3" and we lowered it once and it's not a problem for me.

Posted 5/26/07 10:29 PM


Member since 5/05

12578 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

I have a drop side and love it.

I ordered it from BBB - they delivered it relatively cheap.

Its Bonvita

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Posted 5/26/07 10:51 PM

Mom of 2 + 1

Member since 10/05

7395 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

I'm only 5 feet, and I love my drop side. In fact, it has been broken for a bit now, and I can't wait til DH fixes it because sometimes I feel like I drop DD into the crib. It's not a problem getting her out because she stands. Before they are standing up, you have the mattress at a higher setting so you can still get the baby out, even if they are lying down. BBB sells Sorelle cribs, which are nice. They have the lifetime ones, that do have a drop side.

p/s - also, for us a convertible crib wouldn't work because I really don't think a full-size bed will fit into DD's room with her other dressers and stuff we have for her.

Message edited 5/27/2007 12:08:25 AM.

Posted 5/27/07 12:05 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

I'm 5'3, don't have a drop down and do fine with our Munire set. It's a quality convertible set that will last a lifetime.

Posted 5/27/07 7:20 AM

Big sister!!!!!!!!!!

Member since 12/05

17450 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

Posted by Charly

I have a drop side and love it.

I ordered it from BBB - they delivered it relatively cheap.

Its Bonvita

I have the same crib as Jodi but ours is a sleigh bed type crib. I absolutely love it. Its very sturdy and very pretty.

Posted 5/27/07 7:46 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: Need crib advice Please

DW and I are both about 5'6", and we have convertible beds. We never had a problem with DS (he's 4 now) climbing out, or putting DD (1) or DS in the crib. We were nervous about the drop sides because they can't be as strong as a "permanently" affixed side. If we put too much weight on the side, or if the side wasn't fully latched, and either DC put some weight on it, we were afraid it would fall when we weren't in the room, and not know about it.

Plus, for us, it winds up being cheaper in the long run. We bought really good quality furniture that will last their entire lives in our house (and after, if they want to keep it). We don't have extra cribs lying around, and we don't have to buy any more furniture. Everything matches, and if we had to buy a full size bed now for DS, we wouldn't be able to get the same pattern as the rest of his furniture. (Not that it's that important, but it looks nice when everything matches)

Posted 5/29/07 8:33 AM

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