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I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
When we went to the doctor for her 1 year checkup she said to make the switch over to milk and to also start limiting it to 18 oz/day.
The switch went fine, we also got rid of the paci, so we waited a few weeks to limit it from 4 bottles to 3 bottles a day.
However for the past week (since we've done the switch) Emily has been waking up in the night and also has been really cranky at times.
This morning (it was my day to sleep in) DH said that she seemed hungry after bottle #1 so he gave her another one. She ended up drinking 11 oz straight through.
The doc said that if we limit the milk she should start eating more solids to fill her up ---- and she DOES eat her solids --- just not any more then before.
My question is -- is there a reason why you have to limit the milk aside from her drinking more solid food? Does too much milk harm them?
Should I be giving her the 4th bottle still? Since it seemes like she wants/needs it?
I don't want her to be hungry or not have enough nutrition --- she is very skinny compaired to how she used to be --- but I don't want to go against what the doctor said because she must have said it for a reason -- i just can't get her to eat more solid foods.
Posted 11/5/06 8:20 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
My ped didn't tell me to limit her milk. I thought they should be getting around 24oz a day of milk. Hayley won't drink an afternoon bottle of milk, she throws it so she really only gets about 16oz a day plus I give her cheese to help supplement with the calicum.
Posted 11/5/06 8:25 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 2922 total posts
Name: Hillary
Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
my doc and brother both said you don't need more than 16 oz a day of milk a day...
I was worried that he wasn't getting that much because he only drinks from a sippy cup. We went cold turkey switch to milk and sippy when he turned one.
He has yogurt and cheese at meals so that counts towards your milk intake.
I wouldn't worry that much.. Sounds like you are doing fine..
Like when she has formula ,she will let you know when she wants more and when she doesn't.
Message edited 11/5/2006 8:37:40 AM.
Posted 11/5/06 8:36 AM |
Best Friends

Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
I wouldnt go crazy trying to limist the milk. I dont think an extra few ounces will hurt. I believe the reason they tell you this is because she should be getting most of her calories from solid foods. Not necessarily because too much is harmful.
Posted 11/5/06 8:38 AM |

Member since 5/05 16438 total posts
Name: Beth
Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
I think the only reason why the ask you to limit the milk intake is so that your lkittle one will start eating more solids, thus getting a more variety of nutrients. Also, if you feed her TOO much calcium it can be a little harmful - too much calcium prevents the absorption of other nutrients. So, if she's drinking 4 bottles a day, try to limit the amount of other dairy products she's getting in. Maybe she's just thirsty or feeling dehydrated? Have you tried giving her more water during the day?
Posted 11/5/06 9:24 AM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
We do give her sippy cups with juice/water and water with every meal -- and let her also keep them with her when she is playing. So she does drink other fluids -- I just think she's HUNGRY without that 4th bottle and she's just not making up for it by eating extra solids.
She is a picky eater when it comes to solids. She really picks at most of what we give her and never finishes ......
Posted 11/5/06 10:39 AM |
Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05 3932 total posts
Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
My doctor said 24oz was OK. He loves his milk so that is what I am been giving him.
Posted 11/5/06 10:42 AM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: Need Help -- question about milk for 1+ year olds...
Posted by dawnie
My doctor said 24oz was OK. He loves his milk so that is what I am been giving him.
Same here
Posted 11/5/06 10:54 AM |