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need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

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LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

1418 total posts


need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

ok..well dh and i got them the 2 high chairs that they registered for..(twins)..i wanted to get a few more things and was thinking of staying with the theme and just making up a basket of bibs,sippy cups,spoons etc...but now i just realized they wont be using that stuff until later on...what should i do? i was now thinking of making up a basket of stuff she will def need right away and i know people wont get her that onsies. bottles and all the boring stuff..i know for my shower everyone got me mostly clothes...and one friend got me all the wipes and mylicon drops for my sentimental gift my mil and i made a quilt for each im not worried about that..what would you girls do? would you stay with the theme? or get the real stuff they need? thanksChat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 2:09 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

See that is difficult, cause I see where you are coming from. But I also know that it stuff that I did not get at my shower (the sippy cups and stuff), so I think your original idea is great.

I know - I didn't help Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 2:20 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

my SILs shower was this weekend and she got a ton of bottles, onsies etc.

I would go with the theme, because it will save her a LOT of money when she needs to buy those things later!

I bought ( stolen from here) my SIL a bib for every holiday ( valentines day, St. Patricks day, Easter, 4th of july etc)...she love dthe idea! ( I got them mostly on ebay new for around $2- each)

then get like bowls, baby spoons, forks, those disposable bibs they have now. Wipes for mouth and hands. And even bottles can go with the "eating" theme.

I think its a great idea and you should stick with it.

Posted 8/1/06 2:26 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

I know that suff seems boring, but honestly, my son is two and we are still pulling stuff out of his closet from the shower!
Lotions, diaper creams, qtips (when needed the safety ones), dirty diaper sacks, toddler feeding bowls and spoons and forks.... etc.

Even if you don't need that often, like for us the diaper cream - we got all different brands and I can see which are my favorites and work for us without going out and trying each one.

The basics do come in handy....

The theme is cute too,

Bibs, spoons and forks for all the different stages, highchair toy (the suction one), sippy cups (Nuby are great), maybe a travel booster seat, those plastic stick on placemats for restaurant table (used these everywhere we went!), a cheerio dispenser, if I think of anything else I'll add it!

Posted 8/1/06 2:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/06

1418 total posts


Re: need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

thanks...i think i may stick with the theme!!

Posted 8/1/06 9:13 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: need help with my sil's baby shower gift..

I would absolutely stay with the theme!! I think its adorable and shows a lot of thought and those are things she will inevitably need!! The stuff she NEEDS for right now she will get plenty of! I got so much stuff for when DS was an infant that I didn't even get to use everything but had nothing really useful after the age of 10 months +

Love the idea & it is stuff they will eventually need! Go with your original idea! Chat Icon

Posted 8/1/06 9:18 PM

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