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Need opinion for girl name!
I need an opinion. I love the name Aubrey for a girl (with a B). I mean truly LOVE it!! I picked it out even before I found out I was pregnant. It's one of the only names Dh and I agree on for a girl. I just found out last week that my sil is naming her dd that is due in March, Audrey (with a D). I'm bummed. Do they sound that similar? Could you still use the name Aubrey knowing this? My rationale was I was pregnant first (I'm due in January) and had this name picked out before pregnancy even! But I still feel weird and bad for picking it. Part of me almost wishes it was a boy so I wouldn't have to deal with this.
Help! What would you do???
Message edited 10/12/2014 8:57:36 AM.
Posted 10/12/14 8:56 AM |
california dreamin'

Member since 2/13 1443 total posts
Name: love my family!
Need opinion for girl name!
I would keep it. It's NOT the same name after all. Did they know u liked that name? This is why I don't share names. Lol. Either way you will be giving birth first. Go with the name u like.
Posted 10/12/14 9:39 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/11 3170 total posts
Name: Me
Need opinion for girl name!
I voted to keep it. They are similar but not the same. I'm in the mentality of using a name DH and I love no matter who else shares the name or has something similar.
Posted 10/12/14 9:52 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Need opinion for girl name!
I'd keep it if that's the name you love. Maybe just the other couple a heads up and say you plan to use Aubrey and just wanted to let them know since it's similar. If they don't like them being similar they can change theirs and if not then everyone's happy.
Posted 10/12/14 10:12 AM |
LIF Infant
Member since 8/14 328 total posts
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
Use the name that you and your husband have chosen. It's the name you love.
Posted 10/12/14 10:54 AM |
You are my I love you

Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Need opinion for girl name!
My friend always loved the name Emma, it was a known thing, her sister named her DD Emily, when my friend had her DD a few years later she named her Emma anyway, not the same name and she always loved it , go for it!!
Posted 10/12/14 2:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/10 814 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
They aren't the same name. I wouldn't change my baby name even if someone loved it and decided to use it. Mine is close to both of yours too. There will just be alot of little A's running around : ) I don't think she planned on changing her name even if you named your baby Aubrey. I also dont think she expected you to change yours if that was the name you were happy with. I know she had that name picked out before she knew cole was a boy.
Posted 10/12/14 2:44 PM |
2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08 7878 total posts
Name: Mama mama mama....
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
FWIW I have a cousin Melissa and sister Elissa. SIL is Erika and she has a cousin Eric. It's no big deal.
Yes, obviously they sound similar. It'll make calling everyone in for Christmas dinner a little confusing. BUT that's not a reason not to use a name you love. Aubrey is a really pretty name, and it sounds nice with your older DD's name. Go for it!
Posted 10/12/14 3:20 PM |

Member since 12/12 4088 total posts
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
Does she know you plan to name your DD Aubrey? If not, you might want to tell her if you are definitely using it. Then it's up to her.
Posted 10/12/14 4:38 PM |
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
Posted by IVFmiracle
Does she know you plan to name your DD Aubrey? If not, you might want to tell her if you are definitely using it. Then it's up to her.
yes she does know. I definitely wouldn't blindside her with this. I just feel so bad using it, but we both love it so much!
Thanks again ladies! Makes me feel a little better if we do choose this name.
Posted 10/12/14 7:40 PM |
my little love

Member since 12/09 5054 total posts
Name: Me
Need opinion for girl name!
Hmmmm that's tough. We had a similar situation in our families with Madison/ Addison and Ava/Eva. Needless to say, we chose neither since they were just too similar in the family. But if this was a friend situation, I'd have no problem using the same/similar name.
Message edited 10/12/2014 7:48:56 PM.
Posted 10/12/14 7:48 PM |
So In Love!

Member since 8/11 1487 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
I definitely think you can use the name. As long as she knows. You loved the name before she chose Audrey. You can't help that.
I probably wouldn't though. I grew up with my Aunt having the same name as me. I was born before she started dating my Uncle. It's always a pain at big family events. It still is except now they differentiate us with our last initial.
I know they aren't the same name. But they sound so similar I think it would have similar problems. Your family when all together will probably accentuate the different letter to the annoying point. Like my friends Elissa and Alissa, pronounced the same way, but to this day we call them E & A.
That said… Are you due first? It sounds like you are. If you are, and the similarity doesn't bother you, then I think its kind of up to her to decide if she wants her daughter's name to be that similar to yours.
Posted 10/12/14 7:53 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 1/14 3196 total posts
Need opinion for girl name!
Definitely use it! You love it, you always have. You're due first and it's a different name. You have no reason to feel bad. If she cares let her change the name, if she doesn't then you really have no reason to feel bad.... I have like literally 5 Marie ' s in my family and two Maria's, we manage! And plus, what if she ends up changing her mind after you give birth and you go with a different name for nothing. . . Totally 100% keep it if you love it.
Posted 10/12/14 8:18 PM |
L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05 9320 total posts
Name: Mrs. B
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
I would keep it.
One of my cousins named her youngest DD Emilie. Her sister named her 1st DD Emma a year later. They both call them 'Em' here and there but it doesn't phase anyone.
They are also super close, so their kids are always together.
Posted 10/12/14 9:15 PM |

Member since 6/07 8274 total posts
Name: me
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
Posted by bunnyluck
Definitely use it! You love it, you always have. You're due first and it's a different name. You have no reason to feel bad. If she cares let her change the name, if she doesn't then you really have no reason to feel bad.... I have like literally 5 Marie ' s in my family and two Maria's, we manage! And plus, what if she ends up changing her mind after you give birth and you go with a different name for nothing. . . Totally 100% keep it if you love it.
Use it!
Posted 10/12/14 10:13 PM |
Love my girls
Member since 7/10 3580 total posts
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
I'd use it. It's not the same name. That would be a different story! Love Aubrey!
Posted 10/13/14 8:22 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14 638 total posts
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
If she didn't know, then it might be a different story but since she knew Aubrey was what you picked and they still are going with Audrey then I say go for it.
Posted 10/13/14 8:31 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 2/14 555 total posts
Name: Mom
Re: Need opinion for girl name!
I say keep the name. Not because you were pregnant first, but because you like the name. There are TONS of families that have people with similar or even same names in them. If they don't like it.. Oh well. It is a different name.
Posted 10/14/14 10:36 AM |