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Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Need Registry Advice from the Experts!
HI Ladies,
I was hoping to get some hep from you about registering. I really would like for DH and I to do it by ourselves without having to take another peson to give us their "opinions" if you catch my drift.
So, I was hoping to compile a list of the necessary, unnecessary, and just utterly useless, don't bother items to help make my and my pgs in the Pregnancy boards lives a little easier.
Please help us!!!
Message edited 12/26/2006 2:29:45 PM.
Posted 12/26/06 1:45 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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I'm a big sister!!!

Member since 5/05 6707 total posts
Name: Noel
Re: Registry Advice from the Experts!
This is just what i found useful and not useful i know p;enty of people who would prbobly disagree.
Useful Swing Bouncy chair Bumbo chair Swaddle me- some babies dont like to be swaddled but if they do this is easier than a bnlanket. Snap and go- A MUST!!!!!!
Not Useful A milion wahscloths and towels- just get a few of each if you are liek me and does wash pretty often Bathrobes- never uise them she goes staright to pjs A million stuffed animals, to me they just take up room. Pack and play- unles syou travel aot i dint realy find it useful A million burp cloths and recieving blankets
ill seee i can think of
Posted 12/26/06 1:54 PM |
He's here!!!!

Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Registry Advice from the Experts!
Posted by 04bride
This is just what i found useful and not useful i know p;enty of people who would prbobly disagree.
Useful Swing Bouncy chair Bumbo chair Swaddle me- some babies dont like to be swaddled but if they do this is easier than a bnlanket. Snap and go- A MUST!!!!!!
Not Useful A milion wahscloths and towels- just get a few of each if you are liek me and does wash pretty often Bathrobes- never uise them she goes staright to pjs A million stuffed animals, to me they just take up room. Pack and play- unles syou travel aot i dint realy find it useful A million burp cloths and recieving blankets
ill seee i can think of
thanks! now I just have to figure out what all the "useful" stuff is!!!!!!!!!
Posted 12/26/06 2:29 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: Need Registry Advice from the Experts!
off the top of my head:
Snap & go-Definately!!! (i used the solely for the first 5 months
infant car seat-graco or peg perego
bassinet-my kids liked the one that played music-helped them to fall asleep
sleep positioner-the one that inclines
graco pack n play-theyre all the same-just get the color that matches the room its going to be in- I didnt think id use this-but I love it, bc the way my house is set up the bedrooms are upstairs so I keep the bassinet in my bedroom for the baby to sleep in at night, but for naps during the day&for diaper changes-the pack n play is in my living room on the main floor so the baby could be near me.
monitor-the tv one is great if youre baby is going to nap on a different floor-but if youre on one floor you can get any sound monitor-i actually got the cheapest most basic one free with a purchase I made, and I find it to be better than the expensive ones
swing and/or bouncy seat (vibrating chair) both FP aquarium-my kids lived in both of these from the day i brought them home till about 5 months old
advent or dr brown bottles-these 2 i found to be the best-dont buy a lot in the beginning bc your babay will probably prefer one over the other-so just buy a couple of each
Bath tub-one with a little cushion or sling for the newborns- i went thru so many of these-imo they all suck(lol!)and take up so much room so just get a basic one for the first couple of months-nothing with the sprays-they break and to me xtra peices are annoying- then when your baby can sit up-get the bath ring at Buy buy baby-its great for that short period of time when theyre too big for the tub that lays flat-but not quite ready to go into a tub alone.
things i thought were a waste- slings/baby carriers you wear
plug in bottle warmers for the car
bottle sterilizers-they take up so much counter space-i just put bottles in the dishwasher
diaper genies-these gross me out
high chairs-take up so much room and are annoying to clean-i love the plastic booster seat that straps to the chair
umm wow this is a lot of info,hope youre head isnt spinning(lol!) this is all i can think of for now... if youre like me you will probably want the most expensive &top of the line stuff for your baby, but I have learned that most expensive doesnt = the best... everyhing is so short lived & baby grows out of everything so quicky,so a lot of $$ is so easily wasted- dont forget to save receipts and dont take tags off of clothes you get before you have the baby bc you will get more gifts than you think & a ton of doubles so you will probably doing a lot of returns once the baby come! good luck!
Posted 12/26/06 2:47 PM |
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Member since 3/06 10128 total posts
Name: Gina
Re: Need Registry Advice from the Experts!
that's great.....thanks......but what is a snap-n-go???????????????
Posted 12/26/06 2:52 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/05 2509 total posts
Name: michelle
Re: Need Registry Advice from the Experts!
Posted by curliegirl
that's great.....thanks......but what is a snap-n-go???????????????
sorry, its now called a SnugRider Infant Carseat Frame-you can find it at babies r us or Buy buy baby- its a lightweight base to snap your carseat into, inplace of using a stroller. I found it to be so much easier than those travel systems from graco-the ones with the strollers that the car seat fit into-they are so bulky&heavy.
Posted 12/26/06 3:45 PM |