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Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

He is tall for his age as well so maybe that is why?

We took him to stride ride to get him measured and the shoe guy said he was a 5 1/2 wide but, you should buy the shoes 1/2 inch bigger so his size is SIX WIDE - he is 12 mos Chat Icon

At any rate he is not really walking on his own yet - and we were going to get him the softer stage 2 shoes but they don't go up to that size!!! The shoe guy said not to get him the regular shoes until he was walking well so we didn't.

But I want him to have shoes since he can walk well holding on to things and loves to stand and play and I want him to be able to do this outside the house but, I really don't want to put his feet in those hard shoes - any suggestions?

Posted 9/7/08 2:47 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

Buy the shoes that fit and only use them when necessary in places where you think his feet might get hurt. Inside on safe ground, why not keep him barefoot?

Posted 9/7/08 2:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

1464 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

buy him robeez or pedipeds. they have a chart online of what size their shoes are equivalent too- you can do 12-18 months or 18-24 months. i htink robeez go up to 3 years

Posted 9/7/08 3:00 PM

My girls!!

Member since 8/06

5843 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

we had the same issue and I got her the hard shoe anyway and it was fine, it took her about a week of practice bc it was heavy but it was fine. she is now a size 7 1/2 xwide at 16 months old................

Posted 9/7/08 3:44 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

Robeez definately go up to 18-24 months at least. My 16 month old is still wearing 12-18 months.

Posted 9/7/08 3:48 PM


Member since 8/06

6435 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

We used Robeez until DS could walk.

Posted 9/7/08 4:52 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

29450 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

I would keep him barefoot until he really starts walking or taking steps.

DS is 14 months and is a 6 1/2 so it doesn't sound that big to me! Chat Icon

Posted 9/7/08 4:57 PM


Member since 12/06

16001 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

Get him some Pedipeds. They are like barefeet but have a sole for outside.

Posted 9/7/08 5:02 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Need shoe advice - my DS appears to have HUGE feet for his age!

I used Robeez until he was walking - for cruising, and toddling, etc I loved them - he had big feet too!!!

Posted 9/7/08 5:54 PM

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