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Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
need some BF support
I have only been breastfeeding a week - and I have to admit - I HATE it - feeding the baby, pumping - it all makes me very anxious.
Today when I started to pump - out of one of my breasts it was all blood (yes I am using lanion and all - but I guess my nipples still cracked.)
I feel trapped by it right now...I don't know there is really nothing I am enjoying about it.
Does it get better?
I am not saying I want to quit just yet (although at moments it seems like the only good solution)
The only time of day I can take it is the first feeding in the am. By the time I get to the night feedings I just want to cry...
Posted 9/21/05 6:38 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: need some BF support
Yes it gets better!!!
Do you have a good nursing pillow? (My Brest Friend was great for me in the early weeks, the Boppy was better latter on).
Do you have a foot stool?
Is there a comfy pillow for you behind your back?
You should have the best seat in the house -- wherever you would be most comfy and it should be set up perfect for you. For me, it was right in front of the television! I watch lots and lots and lots of tv in the first few months. (TIVO RULES!) That helped to distract me a bit which was great.
Posted 9/21/05 6:45 PM |
Yay Spring!

Member since 5/05 5133 total posts
Name: Gloria
Re: need some BF support
It does get better but if you are not using the proper technique for latching on, it will just cause pain. Make sure the baby's mouth is wide open before latching on. The LC told me cracked and bleeding is not normal and should never happen if the latch is correct. Soreness may happen initially.
I also found these nursing pads that I love - they have lanolin built into them (I haven't used my lansinoh since I got them and have had no soreness at all). They're by the First Years - disposable lanolin treated nursing pads. Give them a try.
As for the pumping, maybe you have the suction set too high - that can make it uncomfortable.
Posted 9/21/05 7:18 PM |
LIF Infant

Member since 5/05 373 total posts
Name: Mom of 2
Re: need some BF support
Make sure baby is latching on properly. Also use LOTS of nipple cream. That was my saving grace in the beginning. When you shower dont use soap on them either it may dry them out futher. Just water. And make sure you air them out when you can.
And as far as the pumping goes, maybe you could take a break for a few days until you heal? I remember favoring one side over the other if I was cracked in the beginning.
Good luck to you
Posted 9/21/05 9:07 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 906 total posts
Name: Nancy
Re: need some BF support
Pumping and BF is VERY time consuming! May I ask why you are pumping too? If you are having trouble with the latch maybe you should concentrate on that first before getting in to pumping (I'm guessing so DH can help with feedings.)
It does sound like you have the pressure up too high and feeling anxious during pumping doesn't let you easily let down.
It can get better! Let me know if I can answer *any* specific questions you might have! Feel free to PM anytime!
Posted 9/21/05 9:14 PM |
My love.

Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: need some BF support
I am giving her one or two bottles of formula (at night) right now - so I pump before I go to sleep and after my shower (to store or for dad to feed baby)
I am going to lower the suction tonight. I have been very aware of her latching on this breast since her latching seems to be better with the other I do suspect that is the problem-and I am trying to resolve it.
I just hope it gets better...I am not sure I can continue this way.
Posted 9/21/05 9:35 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: need some BF support
Message edited 8/31/2011 4:50:08 PM.
Posted 9/21/05 11:17 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: need some BF support
You sound like me. I felt soooooo guilty in the beginning because I was so shocked that I didn't LOVE BFing like everyone had said they did. They all mentioned it would be hard in the beginnign but I had NO IDEA how hard. I cried at almost every feeding for the first 2 weeks. And when anyone said it would get better with time i wanted to scream. I thought 10 feedings a day for 2 weeks was long enough to suffer. I felt like i was gonna throw up every time my baby cried cause i knew i would have to feed her again.
I then saw an LC and let me tell you my world changed. I am now going on 11 weeks and I absolutely love it. It got better at the 2 1/2 week mark and got better and better every day. Don't just hang in there....get help!!!! See an LC or go to a free support group. FM me if you need anything.
Posted 9/21/05 11:57 PM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: need some BF support
My mom is a LLL lady and also I've read in so many books and heard from so many people that if you try to supplement with bottles at first it makes it harder because the baby gets nipple confusion. I know it's nice for dad to be able to feed the baby sometimes but you might actually have more sucess if you stick just to breastfeeding for a few weeks, make sure that's established and going well, then start introducing bottles in.
It's just a suggestion. I would also recommend a LC or a LLL leader. I know my mom helped out a LOT of women over the years. She'd get phone calls almost every day and spend so much time with them.
Posted 9/22/05 5:50 AM |