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Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

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Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)


hannah is now 1 and does not hold her own bottle. i still have to hold it for her.

she will not take a bottle in daycare. it is a new place for her and she is very much distracted.

since it is centerbased and very strict they will not lean her against a pillow to drink (this is the only way i can get her to drink at home). she has to drink the bottle while sitting in one of those table/chair combos (so she is very upright.

she does drink water and juice from a sippy throughout the day.

so heres my q:

is it bad that she only gets a bottle in the morning (7am) and then at night (7pm)?

should i try to force the issue at the daycare and see if I can get her to drink there?

she wont take the formula from the sippy. i think it would be so much easier for her if she did b/c she can hold that.

i just feel so bad. i picked her up at 415 and gave her a bottle in the car and she guzzled the 8 oz so fast.

i wish these feeding issues would just go away alrready!Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/07 5:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Love my son!

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Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

Hate to say it, but it sounds like she's being lazy and you've developed a habit that needs to be broken. I personally think she should have been able to hold her bottle well before she was one. But that's JMO... Since she is over one, I think it's okay if she has 8oz in the morning and 8oz at night. Is she eating 3 full meals? or is formula still the majority of her nutrition?

When you give her a bottle in the morning, do you automatically prop it up for her? Just hand it to her and let her figure it out. She will have to do it eventually! Sorry you're having such feeding issues! Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/07 5:10 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

i know i feel like a bad mommy that i have perpetuated this problem of her not feeding herself her bottle. as of the last few days i have been making her hold it and then i put my hands around hers so she can learn to hold it properly. Chat Icon

she eats 3 meals and 2 snacks during the day. we are still on formula and will be moving to milk soon.

Posted 6/14/07 5:16 PM

Love my son!

Member since 6/05

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Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

OH, I hope you don't think I think you're a bad Mommy! I know TONS of kids who were "lazy" when it came to this! You just have to give a little tough love and force her to hold it. If she's eating that much, I personally think 16oz of formula is okay for the day. Michael only gets 16oz of milk per day. Oh and if we're talking bad Mommy's, lol, my son is 2.5 and will ONLY drink his milk out of his bottle! Chat Icon Chat Icon

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Posted 6/14/07 5:18 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

Some hugs for you...Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are not alone. DS is 1 also and still doesn't hold his own bottle. He gets easily distracted if he holds it. Sometime if I am sitting next to him i'll prop him up on the bed with pillows and put his hands on the bottle and he'll hold on, but then he starts getting distracted and looking to play around. If I hold it he'll drink it, otherwise he'll play with the bottle and toss it around.

He does hold a sippy cup when I give him water. He loves water and when he sees the cup he gets excited and practically rips that thing out of my hands...LOL and then when he's does sipping he starts playing around with that too...LOL

Hey the way I see it is I'll do what I have to get him to drink. I just don't have all day to watch him just sit twirling the bottle around and playing with it.

Posted 6/14/07 5:20 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

Posted by groovypeg

i know i feel like a bad mommy that i have perpetuated this problem of her not feeding herself her bottle. as of the last few days i have been making her hold it and then i put my hands around hers so she can learn to hold it properly. Chat Icon

she eats 3 meals and 2 snacks during the day. we are still on formula and will be moving to milk soon.

Don't ever feel that way. You are not a bad mommy.

Posted 6/14/07 5:21 PM


Member since 5/05

2423 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

Posted by MichaelsMommy

OH, I hope you don't think I think you're a bad Mommy! I know TONS of kids who were "lazy" when it came to this! You just have to give a little tough love and force her to hold it. If she's eating that much, I personally think 16oz of formula is okay for the day. Michael only gets 16oz of milk per day. Oh and if we're talking bad Mommy's, lol, my son is 2.5 and will ONLY drink his milk out of his bottle! Chat Icon Chat Icon

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oh no i didnt think that you thought that LOL!!!Chat Icon

when does being a parent get easier!!!!

Posted 6/14/07 5:24 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

I know of a lot of lazy kids that didn't hold their own bottle, my nephew didn't hold it. He started after 18 months and he still really had no interest in holding it because by then he was drinking water and juice from his sippy cup so he'd prefer that. And my SIL would still hold the bottle for him.

And like I said before. My son is lazy too. Lazy in everything! He was a late crawler and now looks like he will be a late walker too. He took 2 steps the other day and today he refused. He gets scared and starts crying...

Posted 6/14/07 5:25 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

Posted by groovypeg

Posted by MichaelsMommy

OH, I hope you don't think I think you're a bad Mommy! I know TONS of kids who were "lazy" when it came to this! You just have to give a little tough love and force her to hold it. If she's eating that much, I personally think 16oz of formula is okay for the day. Michael only gets 16oz of milk per day. Oh and if we're talking bad Mommy's, lol, my son is 2.5 and will ONLY drink his milk out of his bottle! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon

oh no i didnt think that you thought that LOL!!!Chat Icon

when does being a parent get easier!!!!

I don't think it ever will...Chat Icon

Message edited 6/14/2007 5:26:20 PM.

Posted 6/14/07 5:25 PM

So Big... So Fast!

Member since 5/05

2959 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

Posted by groovypeg

i know i feel like a bad mommy that i have perpetuated this problem of her not feeding herself her bottle. as of the last few days i have been making her hold it and then i put my hands around hers so she can learn to hold it properly. Chat Icon

she eats 3 meals and 2 snacks during the day. we are still on formula and will be moving to milk soon.

Don't feel bad. Neither of my DC will hold their own bottle, nor will they drink out of a sippy cup. they are 11 months. I feel, like in all things, each child develops differently, and they will hold it when they are ready. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 6/14/07 5:27 PM


Member since 6/05

15144 total posts


Re: Need some mommy advice regarding bottles (again!)

DS has only had 2 bottles a day since I think about 11 months and a total of 16oz and he sometimes doesn't even finish his evening bottle if I fed him dinner to late. I wouldn't worry about it.

DS also didn't hold his bottle till he was 11.5 months and I just forced him. I put the bobby on the floor, at an angle and put noggin on. I would put his hands around it and left him and he would have to figure out how to get more milk. He left his bottle half empty a few times but he got the hang of it and at night he holds his own bottle while I hold him. DS was definitly lazy but at the same time I didn't enforce him holding it.

Message edited 6/14/2007 5:37:11 PM.

Posted 6/14/07 5:32 PM

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