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New Basement Apartment for us:

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You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


New Basement Apartment for us:

This is a lil long but I need advice! OK, so Vinny and I are feeling a little overwhelmed. The house my IL's are moving into is beautiful - in Smithtown and in a very nice development. The only thing is, it does need some updating in terms of minor things inside (fixtures, wallpaper). I mean, that's their business as to what they want to do.

For us, we are in the finished basement. This is where I start to get overwhelmed lol. It needs some updating - well, the carpets are the biggest problem. They are older and hold a lot of odor. When all of you moved into your houses, apartments, condos, etc. HOW did you prioritize what to do first and how to go about it?

I want to put laminate flooring in and rip the carpet out ASAP as my allergies are flipping out. Then, painting really needs to be done because the paint colors now are awful. My biggest concern is the bathroom - it is not big enough as my husband has a hard time turning around in it and we literally CANNOT fit together in the bathroom for any reason (say we both want to brush our teeth at the same time). I'm confused because there is a BIG storage space right next to the bathroom - and we could, I think, just take that wall down and make it bigger. I'm confused as to why the people before us made the bathroom so small and didn't use that space. The tile is from the set of Three's Company so I want that to go and the shower is a bath fitter and I really want to get a regular shower.

Our first time seeing the new place was last night. We were supposed to stay there. We ended up staying with my sister until some of these things can be done. DH and I are planning on taking all of this Sunday to work on the apartment since we both work on Sat.

Anyone have suggestions, words of wisdom, plumber recs, ANYTHING for us? This is our first place alone together (meaning, separate from my IL's and on our own) and I'm a bit worried! :::starting to breathe into paper bag:::

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Message edited 8/13/2009 10:23:52 AM.

Posted 8/13/09 10:19 AM
Prudential Douglas Elliman Real Estate
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my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

I don't have rec's b/c I'm not in LI - but we rent a 1 bedroom basement apartment (from my in-laws as well) and we did A LOT to it and it looks really nice...

Def do the laminate - we ripped up the carpet and having laminate is so much easier to keep clean - especially since we have a dog....

I would see how you guys manage with the bathroom after living there for a bit - we have a small bathroom too and we make it work....if you don't plan on living there for a long time I wouldn't go crazy spending money to do renovations - that JMO though - if you do plan on staying there it might be worth changing....

Don't be overwhelmed - do one thing at a time....I would do paint and flooring first - that is what we did when we moved into our apartment....

Posted 8/13/09 10:30 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Is the basement "smelly"? If it is, it's probably moisture.

I would get a dehumidifier.

Change the carpet first. Especially if you have allergies. They could be old and moldy.

Posted 8/13/09 10:34 AM

<3 <3 <3

Member since 9/07

5035 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

The first thing I would do would be to get a dehumidifier in there. They work wonders for smell and humidity no matter what time of the year. If you are in a basement, i'd have it running 24/7. I had one in our first apartment and I got it from Home Depot, it was a nicer one...around $200 but it worked WONDERS.

Carpets, especially old ones hold lots of germs, dust, and all that lovely stuff. I would think that would be the first to go if it was me living down there and I had allergies. The bathroom, as long as it's functioning would stay for a little while (again, IMO) just because taking a wall down and starting all construction is a lot to handle and $$$$ especially when you are moving in right away.

So for me, the carpets ripped up, some paint and decoration would be what I would do. But I think the dehumidifier is a must! Whether the basement is brand new or 100 years old!

Oh, since you are living in your IL's...are you allowed to do whatever you want since it's your basement apt? What do they say about this? Why did you only see it for the first time the night you were going to actually sleep there?

Posted 8/13/09 10:35 AM

my little monkey<3

Member since 5/08

3303 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

ITA with the others about getting a de-humidifier....that's a good idea.....

After we took out the carpeting our apartment lost a lot of that humid feeling - the carpet holds in moisture (gross!) and sometimes the carpet would feel damp (gross I know!) Chat Icon but once we changed the floors and put in ceilings fans to circulate the air better it lost that damp/basement feeling....

Posted 8/13/09 10:40 AM

Be happy always

Member since 1/07

1880 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

If the carpet is gross and ugly you def should rip it up. If you don't mind it but due to your allergies its a no go, then get a professional carpet cleaner in. My friend has really bad allergies, she just bought a home that the previous owner had animals. She is getting the rugs done professionally.
Personally I wouldn't do too much to the apartment, because you don't own it. I would do minimal things to make it your own. Laminate flooring is a great option. And paint can work wonders.
Maybe if the tile in the bathroom isn't that great, you can work around it. As long as it's clean, you can make it work.As for the size, I agree with seeing how it works for a lil bit. Then decide if you should renovate to make it bigger.

Just keep in mind, this might not be your dream location... but it's a stepping stone to the bigger great picture. One day you will be able to show your kids the before and afters of what you did to make it home.

Posted 8/13/09 10:40 AM


Member since 1/07

6929 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Are you actually living in your IL's basement or this someone elses house? I'm not sure.

If this is you IL's house that you will be living in, ask them what they are comfortable with you guys doing to the basement. I would rip the carpet up and than paint and than install the laminate flooring. It's really a pain in the butt to keep the new flooring clean when you paint. Chat Icon I would live with the bathroom for now. Make a list of what you want to do and than number being most important. Take one thing at a time. GL! Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/09 10:48 AM

Waste not, want not

Member since 6/06

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Lois Mom Mommy Mama Ma

Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Posted by CJMommy

The first thing I would do would be to get a dehumidifier in there. They work wonders for smell and humidity no matter what time of the year. If you are in a basement, i'd have it running 24/7. I had one in our first apartment and I got it from Home Depot, it was a nicer one...around $200 but it worked WONDERS.

Carpets, especially old ones hold lots of germs, dust, and all that lovely stuff. I would think that would be the first to go if it was me living down there and I had allergies. The bathroom, as long as it's functioning would stay for a little while (again, IMO) just because taking a wall down and starting all construction is a lot to handle and $$$$ especially when you are moving in right away.

So for me, the carpets ripped up, some paint and decoration would be what I would do. But I think the dehumidifier is a must! Whether the basement is brand new or 100 years old!

I agree.

1. Buy a dehumidifier.
2. Rip up carpets ASAP - especially if you have allergies.
3. Paint

After that, I'd tackle the bathroom. Of course, you'd have to speak to your in-laws about taking down the wall. Just make sure you can structurally do that. I would think renovating the bathroom, while it's the smallest space, is the biggest project.

Message edited 8/13/2009 12:30:35 PM.

Posted 8/13/09 12:29 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Pick a corner and start making your list for Santa (aka Home Depot). For me, if I was planning on staying for more than a year or two, I would be gutting out the balance of the place (flooring, bathroom, etc.) and starting from scratch. If you have the finances available, you are only adding equity to the place (yet making it livable for yourself). Don't mess around with the bath remodel yourself; get a contractor. I had my entire bathroom remodeled (tile and all) within 3 1/2 days for around $4,000 (including materials).

Posted 8/13/09 1:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

2479 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Have you ever seen that show on HGTV where they redo basement apartments to add value to their homes? They have done some amazing things on that show - go on their site and maybe you can get some ideas.

They have added value and space to the apts. Some of them included laundry rooms too.

Check it out.

Posted 8/13/09 3:21 PM

Square head cutie pants

Member since 3/06

6899 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

From experience.. do any painting on the walls before getting new flooring if you can. It's much much easier to paint walls when you don't have to worry about keeping the floor spotless.

I agree about trying the dehumidifier first also - that may help the smell and your allergies, then you can paint, then once thats done, rip the carpet out.

as for the bathroom.. thats a big job to tackle, so definitely have a professional do it since it will likely involve moving plumbing.
Maybe do the carpet/walls first.. live with it for a little and then tackle the bathroom.

it can get very overwhelming when you try and tackle everything all at once.
set small goals and you'll feel much better looking at what needs to be done.

Posted 8/13/09 3:44 PM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Posted by CJMommy

Oh, since you are living in your IL's...are you allowed to do whatever you want since it's your basement apt? What do they say about this? Why did you only see it for the first time the night you were going to actually sleep there?

Thank you for all the advice!

Well, it is their house. But, they stress the fact that it is our apartment and one of the reasons they chose this house was b/c of the finished basement for us. So, they are OK with us doing it and making it our own -- they are setting up to have an outside entrance and small kitchen put in. DH got his Master's in May and is looking for a job as a Science teacher. He will continue to work with his father at their fam business until he gets a teaching job -- but, until he is settled in his career and getting a steady paycheck we are living with them. Their old house was very large and we had a lot of space but no kitchen (it wasn't in the basement) -- his parents don't need such a big house anymore and wanted to downsize. So, they downsized to a smaller colonial with a finished basement so that we can go ahead and move in there and then get our own kitchen and have a sence of separation and privacy until we move out when DH gets settled work-wise.

So, we expect this to take about 1-2 years because I'm still in College also and working two part-time jobs. We need to really save so it takes time. They went to this open house and saw it and loved it -- it's their house and I saw pictures online on the realtor's website and that was that. They were very excited - we drove past but that was it until we actually moved in. Once I saw things in person I started to be like, oh god we need to do a lot lol.

Yeah, so that's why I only just saw it - once they went to contract there was no more getting into the house so all we could do was drive by and look at pics online. DH and I were both at work when they went to the open house and put the bid on it.

TY!!Chat Icon

Message edited 8/14/2009 11:32:14 AM.

Posted 8/14/09 11:29 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

OK, after the first stressful day I feel better!

DH and I talked and we spoke with IL's -- we are going to rip up the carpets this Sunday first and foremost because of the odor and how old they are.

Then, we are going to prime the entire basement -- we are not going to paint yet because we have a contractor coming in about the outside entrance and kitchen (IL's are bringing him in to discuss what they want to do so that it can be independent and separate for us soon)... So, I'm going to wait on painting until I know what he's doing and how to go around it because if he is going to take walls down or whatever I don't want to have to re-do any painting. I'm better off just priming and then waiting. It'll look clean and nice in the meantime.

Then, same thing w/ the floors - I'm gong to wait to install them until he comes and I know what he is doing.

He is going to take a look at the bathroom and try to help us update it because the shower looks like it might leak and DH actually can't turn around in it because that is how small it is -- or, should I say, how big DH is LOL.

Thanks so much everyone!! I feel 100% better - I think it is going to be really cute when we are done and very pretty.

They have a built-in dehumidifier that was nice 10 years ago -- however, now it is old, loud and I don't think it is doing the trick anymore. So, we are going to rip that out and purchase one. It is also right smack where we want the kitchen so it has to go no matter what.

Thanks!!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/14/09 11:40 AM

You're My Home <3

Member since 11/06

14815 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Also, until the big stuff is done down there and we can stay down there DH and I are in one of the extra BR's upstairs -- we use the hall bathroom and it is very comfortable for us until the main stuff is done and we can move in down there. Chat Icon

Posted 8/14/09 11:43 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/09

772 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

take things 1 step at a is so hard to get everything done and it stinks to have 100 unfinished projects all around you....
so easy does it and good luck!!!!

but i am sure you will turn it into an amazing space that has great potential for you to save for a place of your own and then for your parents to rent out for extra money too

Posted 8/14/09 11:49 AM

<3 <3 <3

Member since 9/07

5035 total posts


Re: New Basement Apartment for us:

Posted by DaniRella

Also, until the big stuff is done down there and we can stay down there DH and I are in one of the extra BR's upstairs -- we use the hall bathroom and it is very comfortable for us until the main stuff is done and we can move in down there. Chat Icon

I'm happy to hear it's all working out! Chat Icon

Posted 8/14/09 12:22 PM

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