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New here and mini-vent!

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LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


New here and mini-vent!

Hi all! I'm new to this board, but have been on LIF for a while. Was a 2010 bride on LIW. Anyway, it's very early, but seems we are about 6 weeks pg!

I couldn't be more excited!! One thing that has been a difficult adjustment is diet. I guess I eat a lot of foods that you shouldn't while pg, but it's beginning to feel like I can't have anything! DH is taking me out to dinner this weekend and I was going through the menu and everything has gorgonzola, or cured meats, or various seafoods I am now unsure about. Normally I would love this stuff!! How do you deal?

Another example - I've been making salads and homemade balsamic dressing for lunch and recently I read that balsamic vinegar should be used in moderation because of traces of lead!?!?! Anyone hear that? I know I can't have apple cider vinegar because it is unpasteurized. I knew cheeses would be hard to give up (not to mention wine) but vinegar??!!

I feel like I have to question everything. There's one dish I'd like to try and it is a black pasta, which I assume has squid ink. Do you think squid ink is ok? It's very healthy for you normally, full of antioxidants, but it seems all my instincts are wrong so far.

Thanks for letting me vent on this intro post and any advice is appreciated!!

Posted 9/4/14 12:56 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Welcome to the world Chase

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New here and mini-vent!

I can't deal!! lol. I know that doesn't help much, but that's why I eat everything in moderation (I just follow the no sushi rule).

I just feel like years ago our parents never had any restrictions and we were all fine! I say this as I'm eating my turkey sandwich!

Posted 9/4/14 1:08 PM

LIF Adult

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New here and mini-vent!

Hi, welcome!!!

I have never heard anything about balsamic vinegar. If it does contain traces of lead I would imagine you would need to consume A LOT for it to have any effect on you or baby.

Also, most fishes are fine. You just need to limit your weekly intake (once or twice a week) for higher mercury thicker fishes.

Salmon is ok, shellfish is fine (as long as cooked).

No clue about squid ink? I am sure if you have it once, it won't do any damage.

My doctor pretty much said, if you can buy it at stop and shop it is probably fine. Even soft cheese is ok "once in a while." And one or two pieces of soppresata. I wouldn't eat it everyday but if you have a piece with fresh mozz one day I really wouldn't sweat it.

I don't know if this will ease your mind but women in Italy, Greece, and Japan have healthy beautiful babies everyday and they consume fresh mozzerella, feta, and raw sushi on the regular. Not saying this is something I would do, but I truly believe you have to find and be happy in your own comfort zone.

Posted 9/4/14 1:12 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

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Re: New here and mini-vent!

I guess I just have to suck it up!! I just hate questioning everything. I am an adventurous eater normally and I think its important to have a varied diet!

I had a regular physical the other day with my pcp (made the appt before I was pg but went anyway) and she told me I could eat 1) pasta 2) oatmeal and 3) cereal.

Really. That's it. I was like, um, that doesn't sound like a very well-rounded diet lady. I mean, dr. UGH.

I'm sure if I call my ob about squid ink they'll just tell me to err on the side of caution. Looks like I'll be having pasta with tomato and basil sauce this weekend.

ETA - thanks bunnyluck!! I said that very thing this weekend - that I doubt French women are giving up their soft cheeses and wine completely!

Message edited 9/4/2014 1:14:39 PM.

Posted 9/4/14 1:13 PM

LIF Adult

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New here and mini-vent!

Really? That's absurd, IMO.

If you want me to send you the list of do not eat / limit food guidelines my doctor gave me. I am happy to. Just PM me your email.

Posted 9/4/14 1:17 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

157 total posts


Re: New here and mini-vent!

She clearly had no idea what she is talking about! She also told me no cheese, to which I replied - you mean no unpasteurized cheese, right? And then she corrected herself.

I'd love to see the list so I will pm you. Thanks! My first OB appt isn't for another couple of weeks.


Posted 9/4/14 1:18 PM

mahna mahna!

Member since 2/12

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New here and mini-vent!

I eat everything except for unpasturised meat/cheese, and uncooked or undercooked food (sushi, rare steak, etc). And alcohol, of course ... none of that either.

I don't think you need to question everything ... stressing about it is not healthy for you either

Good luck!

Posted 9/4/14 1:23 PM

i need sleep ;-)

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Re: New here and mini-vent!

Posted by bunnyluck

My doctor pretty much said, if you can buy it at stop and shop it is probably fine. Even soft cheese is ok "once in a while." And one or two pieces of soppresata. I wouldn't eat it everyday but if you have a piece with fresh mozz one day I really wouldn't sweat it.

This is EXACTLY what my doctor said. who is your Dr?

I basically limit seafood/shellfish and try to pay attention to cheeses. i hate blue cheese anyway. and no sushi. otherwise, i am pretty lax.

Posted 9/4/14 1:55 PM

Only God knows His plan for us

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Re: New here and mini-vent!

Posted by MrsRapz

I eat everything except for unpasturised meat/cheese, and uncooked or undercooked food (sushi, rare steak, etc). And alcohol, of course ... none of that either.

I don't think you need to question everything ... stressing about it is not healthy for you either

Good luck!

This is me, except I will have a sip here and there or beer or wine. That balsamic vinegar thing is absolute crap, because honestly, there is trace of all sorts of things in everything - I remember reading about trace arsenic in rice.... Really?!?! No way. I also have no deli meats, but that's preference, lots of people will eat it heated.

Oh and congrats!

Posted 9/4/14 2:03 PM

Happiness is...

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New here and mini-vent!

Congrats and Welcome!
Im also a 2010 bride :)

When I was prego with DS #1 I was very cautious and had very little of the coldcuts/hotdogs, etc.

I'm on baby #2 now and this time around I am so laid back with food it's ridiculous. I have had hot dogs, cold cuts, seafood, and probably some blue cheese dressing!

I'm not saying to go nuts and eat whatever but everything in moderation is fine. I have a new OB and was just told not to drink too much caffeine (like a pot of coffee lol). That was pretty much it.

I think its most important not to eat undercooked or questionable-looking food.

Posted 9/4/14 2:12 PM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: New here and mini-vent!

I ate everything. Except sushi because I didn't like it at the time
I ate every other so called "bad" thing.
Cold cuts, hot dogs, wine, coffee
You name it.
All was well.
I think we have swung a bit to the side of excessiveness in this country when it comes to pregnancy paranoia.

And any doctor who tells you that you can only eat oatmeal, pasta and cereal while pregnant should probably loose their medical license.
Really? That's ALL carbs.
No protein.
I'd find another PCP stat.

Message edited 9/4/2014 3:15:00 PM.

Posted 9/4/14 3:13 PM

My loves

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New here and mini-vent!

Every doctor will have something different to say. I was very strict with ds1, but am much more lenient with ds2. I have eaten cured meats a few times, had a few hot dogs, and probably some other things I'm not supposed to have. I follow- no cold cuts, no tuna, limited caffeine, and no soft cheeses (though I've had fresh mozz a few times this pregnancy...). I've never heard of vinegar! I love vinegar and had it so much during my first pregnancy and DS is fine!

Posted 9/4/14 3:20 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 4/14

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Re: New here and mini-vent!

Thanks for all the advice and help, ladies.

Yes, my PCPs comments did come as a surprise, but I like her otherwise. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt since she isn't an OB and was just trying to help!

Posted 9/4/14 4:20 PM

5,000 Posts!

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New here and mini-vent!

I have consumed pretty much everything but alcohol.
As long as its not from a questionable source, you should be fine. I probably wouldn't eat feta from a street vendor, but from a clean greek restaurant, sure!

Your doc does sound like a quack! Fruits and veggies are good, eggs, poultry, beef, pork, beans, pastas, whole grain breads, regular cheeses, etc.
Your diet might be less exciting than usual, but there is very little you shouldn't eat.

Message edited 9/4/2014 5:07:47 PM.

Posted 9/4/14 5:06 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/13

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New here and mini-vent!

I'm staying away from soft/unpasteurized cheeses. Deli meats or anything at the deli counter, Sushi, although I love it.
I limit my fish, but I'm not cutting it out.

Never heard the balsamic vinegar one. But I've been making a salad dressing with avocado oil, lemon juice and salt and pepper that Ive been obsessed with.

Message edited 9/4/2014 6:42:32 PM.

Posted 9/4/14 6:39 PM


Member since 2/09

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New here and mini-vent!

I eat' all the stuff!!!

Posted 9/4/14 9:59 PM

drama. daily.

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New here and mini-vent!

The guidelines your OB will give you are general and you can decide on your own what you'd like to or not like to risk. Honestly, don't google! I bet we could find something wrong with anything. I never heard of the apple cider vinegar thing, and I'm a careful PG eater. I have it ALL the time! Balsamic, too. I live for vinegar and lemons!
My "no" list from my OB: raw seafood, high mercury seafood, unpasteurized cheeses, cold cuts (unheated), alcohol.
In addition to that list I personally choose not to eat nitrates, MSG, artificial coloring or anything that is off of a slicer.
I eat fluke or sea bass or porgy at least once a week! Hey, we live on an island after all...... Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/14 10:43 PM

Just call me Mommy.

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New here and mini-vent!

You can eat all cooked fish and seafood. It is advised to limit high mercury fish. It is recommended to avoid unpasteurized foods but if they are in a cooked dish they are fine. Cooking kills the bacteria. The same goes for honey- Raw honey is unpasteurized but cooking it severs the same purpose. As for cold cut, hot dogs, soft serve, etc they could potentially contain listeria which can be fatal to the baby--keep in mind the last big publicized contamination was in peaches. So wash your fruit.
I would get a list of recommended Foods to avoid from a reputable source online.

Posted 9/5/14 11:11 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/14

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Re: New here and mini-vent!

Congrats!!! Honestly I would just steer clear of really obvious no-nos like sushi, alcohol and overly rare meats. Most of the cheeses in this country are pasteurized so even some feta won't hurt. Best of luck to you and happy and healthy 9 months!!

Posted 9/5/14 11:25 AM
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