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so happy!!

Member since 1/07 2091 total posts
Name: Mommy
New mother of premature twins
Hi, I am a mother of twin girls. They are 10 weeks old. They were born 6 and half weeks early. I know that they are behind in milestones, but I want to know when I should expect them reach each of them. I am worried and feel they are developing slowly. can anyone help?
Posted 1/2/07 4:48 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: New mother of premature twins
First of all congrats!!!
My boys were born 51/2 weeks early and for a while they were meeting milestones on thier adjusted age. We subtracted the 5.5 weeks early from thier actual ago to get thier adjusted age. One of my sons spent a month in the NICU and was IUGR, so he was a month behind my other son, but now they have caught up and do things on time, but still on the later part of the range.
Have you spoke to your ped about this?
Posted 1/2/07 4:53 PM |
so happy!!

Member since 1/07 2091 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: New mother of premature twins
I have spoken to the ped and they said not to worry, but of course I am. i feel as though they should have smiled by now-not the spont. kind. I guess I am expecting too much as of yet.
Posted 1/2/07 4:55 PM |
My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06 4018 total posts
Re: New mother of premature twins
You have to think of them as 4 weeks old at this point.
I am sure they are fine. Also there is a range that kids do things in and for every child that does it in the beginning part fo the range there is a child that does it at the end too.
Posted 1/2/07 4:58 PM |
so happy!!

Member since 1/07 2091 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: New mother of premature twins
Thank you for the help.
Posted 1/2/07 5:01 PM |
Never Forget

Member since 2/06 2735 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: New mother of premature twins
Just wanted to say CONGRATS... my boys were born just over 6 weeks early and they are doing great (thank God)... I found that early milestones they were slightly delayed but now (at 4 months tomorrow!) they seem to hold their own. Good luck
ETA: my ped told ,me not to read into the milestone timeline. Every child develops on their own and with preemies you have to account for the gestational age difference. DOn't let it drive you crazy!!
Message edited 1/2/2007 6:15:55 PM.
Posted 1/2/07 6:12 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/05 741 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: New mother of premature twins
Congratulations!!! My boys were 7 weeks early and struggled early on with basic things. They received physical therapy because of weak muscles and so on. They are now almost 26 months old and are on track and ahead on most of their motor skill milestones. Trust me I worried! I had them evaluatated periodically because of their birth age, but ultimately, they all catch up by the time they turn 2! Typically you have to gauge them from when they should have been born, and give yourself a few weeks give or take from that. Without a 33% delay, its not considered a real problem... All in all, try not to worry to much! And like Majen said, all kids develope at their own rate! Enjoy them, they are cute little babies!!!
Posted 1/2/07 7:11 PM |
Re: New mother of premature twins
Welcome! Another twin mommy on the boards!
I wouldn't worry about it just yet - I've read and heard that they could be delayed up until they are a year and a half. My DDs seem to be keeping up with what the book says for now, but that's of course what the book suggests - maybe they are a bit behind in some things, I really don't know. The ped asks us questions and checks them out and as long as I'm on par with what she says I think its ok for now. Good luck!
ETA: I love your girls' names!!! Abby is a consideration if I ever have another girl!
Message edited 1/2/2007 8:06:40 PM.
Posted 1/2/07 7:58 PM |
Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
Re: New mother of premature twins
I have no advice as my boys were only 4 weeks early but i wanted to welcome you to our boards!!
Posted 1/3/07 12:33 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: New mother of premature twins
I have no advice.....just wanted to welcome you
Posted 1/3/07 12:44 PM |

Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: New mother of premature twins
Welcome!! You are the 3rd Tracy twin Mommy!!!
Truth be told the first 3 months the most you should be seeing is the raising of the head & smiling.
Posted 1/3/07 2:08 PM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: New mother of premature twins
Welcome and congratulations!!!! Try to relax and enjoy your babies, don't stress over the milestones.
Posted 1/3/07 2:30 PM |
so happy!!

Member since 1/07 2091 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: New mother of premature twins
Thank you to you all. It is hard not to stress. I will try and be patient. Thanks for welcoming me!
Posted 1/3/07 2:49 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: New mother of premature twins
Of course I have no advice... there are days when I'm still and over being preggo with twins but mostly
Just wanted to welcome you
Posted 1/3/07 6:49 PM |
Re: New mother of premature twins
FM me if you are interested in a good developmental checjklist - I post it every now and then....
Posted 1/5/07 10:00 PM |
Love my little ladies

Member since 2/06 1225 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: New mother of premature twins
My girls were born at 29 1/2 weeks and spent 2 1/2 months in the NICU. They hit what they were suppose to by the adjusted age. My girls are 10 months now and my doc goes by 8 months and they are doing what they are suppose to. Don't get cought up with that because every baby matures differently and it will drive you nuts.
Posted 1/7/07 10:17 PM |
so happy!!

Member since 1/07 2091 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: New mother of premature twins
thank you!
Posted 1/8/07 10:43 AM |