Newborn questions-feeding and night time
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mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Newborn questions-feeding and night time
And so the questions begin...
How often should a newborn be eating and how many ounces at a time is the norm? My little guy is 6 days old and eats about every 2-3 hours and first started off with 1 ounce a feeding but now is about 2, sometimes 3 ounces.
Is this the right amount? time frame?
Also i think that he has his nights and days mixed up. It's not bad at all, but during the day he is out like a light and when he sleeps at night, it's more of a restless sleep it seems. Plus it takes a bit to get him to go back to sleep once we feed and change him.
What can we do? how do we try to keep a newborn awake during the day so he sleeps better at night? I should say that he only gets up about 3 times a night.
Any ideas/suggestions ladies?
Posted 7/5/08 1:47 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 6/08 161 total posts
Re: Newborn questions-feeding and night time
DD had a bottle every 2 hours. She first took 2oz and by at least 2 mionths probably sooner she was at 4 oz every 2 hours. As for mixing up days, they will figure it out in time. It takes a few weeks for them but they some how get it right. When you are feeding and changing at night try to keep it as dark as you can and don't play or talk to much - don't want to stimulate the baby and wake them up more then they are.
Message edited 7/5/2008 1:56:41 PM.
Posted 7/5/08 1:55 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 7967 total posts
Name: sara
Re: Newborn questions-feeding and night time
I BF so cannot answer the amount of formula Q. but I do know it takes them a few weeks to get their nights and days sorted - you cannot really do anything about it for the first few weeks only to roll with it and to try to get some zzzzzzz's when he is sleeping during the day even if it means saying no to guests who want to stop by.
Posted 7/5/08 3:28 PM |
It's a Good Life

Member since 8/06 15404 total posts
Name: Isn't it obvious?
Re: Newborn questions-feeding and night time
Posted by beachgirl and to try to get some zzzzzzz's when he is sleeping during the day even if it means saying no to guests who want to stop by.
See! I told you! Put the sign on the door!
Message edited 7/5/2008 10:41:44 PM.
Posted 7/5/08 10:41 PM |
I am an amazing bakist

Member since 5/05 13673 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Newborn questions-feeding and night time
I can help with the days and nights....but you have to wait a little while. I gave my daughter a few weeks to get used to her new world and torture me with her sleeping all day and staying up all night. At about 3 or 4 weeks, we actively tried to switch her schedule. There are a couple of things you can do: 1. Keep the lights and tv/music on during the day when he's napping. Turn the lights/tv OFF at night when he's supposed to be going to sleep. This helps to teach them that there is a difference. 2. White noise machine/air conditioner at night for sleeping. 3. Make sure he eats every three hours at least during the day. If he's hungry at night, he'll wake up, so keep him fed during the day - even if that means waking him up from a nap! 4. When you're going to feed him, play with him about 15 minutes beforehand, and as long as you can afterwards, until he wants to go back to sleep. If you can keep him up for longer stretches of time during the day, he'll get the idea that day = play and night=sleep. (Doing this, my daughter started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, and at 13 months, is still going strong!)
Good luck! As for the formula amounts...however much he'll eat without spitting it up at least every 3 hours. More often if needed.
Posted 7/5/08 10:48 PM |
Mommy to 2 amazing little boys
Member since 5/05 9306 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Newborn questions-feeding and night time
DS was always eating a large amount for his age so I cant help you with # of oz per feeding, although what you are saying sounds on par, just watch his cues if he wants more try another oz, if he is done then dont force more. My ped said it should be 24 - 36 oz within 24 hours.
What I did was during hte day, lots of lights, tv on, etc, wake every 3 hours no matter what, take clothes off, anythign to wake them.
At night let him wake for a bottle, dont wake him, minimal interaction. I used to do a quick change, no lights or very low lights, feed, burp, no talking, minimal eye contact. DS used to wake, change, eat, burp, rock and back to sleep within 1 hour.
Good Luck!
Message edited 7/5/2008 11:34:19 PM.
Posted 7/5/08 11:32 PM |
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