nicole ritchie denies surgery...
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"My 3 Sons!"

Member since 3/06 3515 total posts
Name: KT
nicole ritchie denies surgery...
OK - I'll admit it, when I read the story in the paper I did for a second think it might be true...
"Nicole Richie has put up a post on her MySpace page denying the Page Six item suggesting she got gastric bypass surgery and had it reversed. She writes:
'So i gain a little bit of weight, and im acussed of having a gastric bypass surgery reversed? Its pathetic of Page Six to insinuate i have done this. Anyone that knows anything about this surgery would know that legally, you must be AT LEAST 100 pounds overweight to even have the surgery done, and is a serious, life changing procedure; not one to throw around as a joke or a rumor. Ive given a statement I am in the process of putting on weight, and that should be enough. Its a shame to hear that instead of hearing supportive words, someone needs to spin it into some negative, absurd way' Yeah that's pretty much what I figured. If she'd actually gotten the surgery this story would've been totally different. Namely she'd be dead. And I'd be writing about how doctors found her 32 lb corpse on the kitchen floor, too frail and weak to even get the fridge door open."
Posted 11/18/06 12:27 AM |
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Member since 5/05 15379 total posts
Name: Kristin
Re: nicole ritchie denies surgery...
Why would someone even say that. I read the first line and thought "you have to be 100 or more pounds overweight"
Posted 11/18/06 9:30 AM |
My miracles!

Member since 12/05 23902 total posts
Name: Leslie
Re: nicole ritchie denies surgery...
I knew immediately she didnt have it. Considering her ex b/f did, she knows EXACTLY what is involved and that she would pose a HUGE danger to herself if she did it with a less significant amount of weight she felt she needed to lose.
Posted 11/18/06 10:47 AM |
2nd verse same as the 1st

Member since 5/05 15287 total posts
Re: nicole ritchie denies surgery...
I can't believe it was even suggested that she had the surgery.
Posted 11/18/06 11:56 AM |
is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05 14266 total posts
Name: Jes
Re: nicole ritchie denies surgery...
im surprised ppl would buy that story anywya
Posted 11/18/06 1:24 PM |
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