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Normal for a one year old??

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Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


Normal for a one year old??

Hi all,
My daughter just turned one yesterday, and I have a question. She is still nursing 5-6 times in a 24 hour period, as well as eating 3 good meals a day plus snacks. Is this normal? She won't wean to a cup, so they give her 2 milk bottles at day care as well. By this age, my son was down to 2 nursings a day, and got
all other fluids out of a cup, which he loved. Becky hates the cup, though. Can some of you give me advice on this, both on how much she's consuming and how to get her to take to the cup. Thanks!!

Posted 3/1/07 12:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: Normal for a one year old??

AT 1 year when we were on bottles, it was 3 oz bottles a day...about 1 1/2 hrs after each meal. Then we weaned out the after lunch bottle to a sippy (of milk) but now I give her water at lunch and snack in the afternoon.

Then we weaned the AM bottle to a sippy of milk. Took a good 2 weeks for her to drink the milk well.....

We are still on a bedtime bottle (I'm the one that can't let go of it) 7 oz of milk and most of the time she finishes it.

It sounds like she's nursing for comfort/out of habit.

We introduced a sippy with water around 7 or 8 months of age.

Also, we notice she prefers 1 kind of cup for milk and will drink water out of any of them.

Posted 3/1/07 12:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

7967 total posts


Re: Normal for a one year old??

Oh I feel your pain. DD is 13 months today and still nursing although not as much. She has never had a bottle and for some reason will drink water out of the sippy cup but not so much milk. I have found though in the past week if I give her the sippy cup with milk while I am holding her she will drink that instead of nursing.

What type of sippy cup are you using and is it easy for her to drink out of?

Sounds like your daughter is eating enough so its not like she should be hungry. Are you co sleeping? I find that my DD will nurse to go back to sleep when she is in bed with us.

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Posted 3/1/07 12:55 PM

Keep passing the open windows

Member since 10/06

3627 total posts


Re: Normal for a one year old??

No, we are not cosleeping (not our decision, it was HERS!) so it's up & down the stairs 2 or three times a night for us.

The sippy cup we have is fine... I hate to say it, but she is really lazy. She knows I will nurse her, so she doesn't make any effort to use the cup. She won't tilt it up, just chews on the lid & throws it away. She is such a bad sleeper, and has been since she was born.

As much as I love nursing her, I am ready to not be nursing quite this much, you know? Any help/advice would be appreciated!


Posted 3/1/07 6:28 PM

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