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Not sure if this is the right board to ask this question?

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LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

65 total posts


Not sure if this is the right board to ask this question?

I figured someone here would have the answers since you guys are so knowledgeable....

My cousin has been TTCing for about 6 months and she's 33. She's been doing everything I think.. I think she charts and does the OPKs. But she's worried.... she doesn't know if anything is wrong and was wondering if she should start investigating about any fertility issues now rather then later.
If so, should she contact her OB/GYN to get the ball rolling on tests or go straight to finding an RE?

If an RE is the case, can anyone recommend a good one in the Nassau area?

Posted 12/6/05 4:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Not sure if this is the right board to ask this question?

Quite honestly, I think she can do either.
I felt the same way and I was 32. I started getting numbers of RE in my area during my 10th month of trying. I was going to set up my appt for my 12th month. I became pregnant during my 11th month of trying. So I never needed to go to the RE.

Have her temps been within the normal ranges? Has she been ovulating??

Posted 12/6/05 4:16 PM

Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05

2220 total posts


Re: Not sure if this is the right board to ask this question?

Most people don't conceive within 6 months. The average couple takes about a year to conceive.

She should just be making sure she is ovulating based on her charting. If she notices she isn't, I would question my ob/gyn to run tests. However, she has to have a ob/gyn who is fairly knowledgeabe in fertility testing, not all are.

Basically I agree with Marcie, as always :)

Posted 12/6/05 5:05 PM

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