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I'm Getting Teeth!!!

Member since 4/06 1307 total posts
Name: Nicole
Nursing Info...
I am planning on Nursing because of the wonderful benefits of breastmilk. I am aslo excited about the quicker weight loss as well. My main concern is the nutrients the baby will be getting from breast milk. Only thing is...and I hope this doesn't sound wierd..but.. is it OK to pump and mainly bottle feed the baby?? I know I will have to breast feed in the hospital, but when home can I strictly bottle feed breast milk? I want the benefits but I don't want to have to constantly breast feed. Again, I hope I don't sound strange but I really thought bottle feeding would be easier.
Comments and advice please............
Posted 9/25/06 12:12 AM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Nursing Info...
I'm also going to try bfing, but if it gets too hard (since I'm having twins) I plan on doing the same thing - pumping then bottle feeding so DH can help. I don't think its strange at all, the baby is getting the benefit of bfing.
Message edited 9/25/2006 1:52:34 AM.
Posted 9/25/06 1:51 AM |
Drama Momma

Member since 9/06 9947 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Nursing Info...
I think thats a good thing because sometimes it is even harder to ween them off the booby
As long as little one is getting your milk I think thats fine!
Posted 9/25/06 7:10 AM |
I'm Getting Teeth!!!

Member since 4/06 1307 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Nursing Info...
Thanks guys.. I thought I was wrong in a way for mainly wanting to bottle feed breast milk. I just think it would be easier on us all.
Posted 9/25/06 9:18 AM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Nursing Info...
I have to agree that getting breastmilk is better for them BUT I dont know if I would say easier. Not only will you be pumping which takes time you will also have to be feeding which takes time. You may feel that all you do is pump and feed. My kids were strictly on the boob and that still takes a lot of time. Also there is the time to wash and sterilize the bottles etc. If you can maybe have a supply in the freezer for times when you want someone else to feed or you go out but you may also want to get the baby to latch. Just a suggestion.
Posted 9/25/06 9:44 AM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Nursing Info...
I think pumping and bottle feeding is fine, but it may actually be really time consuming. I will be doing a lot of that when I return to work after 3 months. My only concern is that some of the beneficial properties of the breast milk (antibodies, etc.) might get stuck in the bottle, so it might not be as beneficial. However, I know I will want the flexibility of giving bottles here and there and it will be a necessity when I return to work.
Posted 9/25/06 10:16 AM |
My girls

Member since 7/05 4303 total posts
Re: Nursing Info...
Breastmilk does loss some benefits when pumped. More is lost when frozen. Its still healthier than formula, but for the maximum benefits its best fresh from momma.
I also want to add to the comments that bottlefeeding pumped milk basically doubles the effort. Pumping takes longer than nursing, and then you have a big mess of supplies to clean up. Instead of constantly breastfeeding you'll be constantly pumping and washing supplies.
Once you get BFing established it is much, much easier than bottlefeeding (except for the fact that you are the only one who can do it -- but the reality is, you are going to be with the baby 98% of the time anyhow...)
Posted 9/25/06 12:51 PM |
She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05 14624 total posts
Re: Nursing Info...
Posted by Calla
Breastmilk does loss some benefits when pumped. More is lost when frozen. Its still healthier than formula, but for the maximum benefits its best fresh from momma.
I also want to add to the comments that bottlefeeding pumped milk basically doubles the effort. Pumping takes longer than nursing, and then you have a big mess of supplies to clean up. Instead of constantly breastfeeding you'll be constantly pumping and washing supplies.
Once you get BFing established it is much, much easier than bottlefeeding (except for the fact that you are the only one who can do it -- but the reality is, you are going to be with the baby 98% of the time anyhow...)
I was going to say this too! Now that I am back to work, I pump during the day (9-5) and breastfeed before and after work. It is much easier. When you go out or travel, you have all the "equipment" you need. Traveling with bottles and carrying cold milk and keeping the milk cold can be a PITA.
I would not have too many expectations before you give birth. I would give exclusive breastfeeding 3 weeks. After that I would start pumping and giving the baby a bottle so she/he can get used to it. That's what I did because I knew DD would have to drink from a bottle while I was at work and I wanted her to get used to it. While I was home, I would feed her from the breast and DH would do the last feeding from a bottle. Once your baby is comfortable with both, you can make the decision on what you want to do.
Posted 9/25/06 1:14 PM |

Member since 1/06 4593 total posts
Re: Nursing Info...
Posted by Calla
Breastmilk does loss some benefits when pumped. More is lost when frozen. Its still healthier than formula, but for the maximum benefits its best fresh from momma.
I also want to add to the comments that bottlefeeding pumped milk basically doubles the effort. Pumping takes longer than nursing, and then you have a big mess of supplies to clean up. Instead of constantly breastfeeding you'll be constantly pumping and washing supplies.
Once you get BFing established it is much, much easier than bottlefeeding (except for the fact that you are the only one who can do it -- but the reality is, you are going to be with the baby 98% of the time anyhow...)
Posted 9/26/06 1:18 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 5/05 336 total posts
Re: Nursing Info...
I think it is perfectly okay. You need to do what you are most comfortable with.
I plan to mostly pump and bottle feed myself if all goes well. I might breast feed partially for the bonding benefits, but I want my baby comfortable with the bottle.
Other advantages of pumping and bottle-feeding are:
Daddy gets to bond with baby during feeding also
Gives Mom a break because others can help in feeding
Allows Mom & Dad to get a break together because babysitter or family member can watch baby and bottle feed
Hope this helps answer your question and support your decision.
Posted 9/26/06 1:56 PM |