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NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

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Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

Hi All-

I was wondering if any NYC teachers used COBRA benefits for a leave of absence and if so, what was the cost?

I want to take a leave of absence after my FMLA runs out, but can't get an answer as to how much COBRA will cost for a family.

Also, how do I apply for COBRA?

Any info. would be so appreciated...

Message edited 10/23/2008 5:32:19 PM.

Posted 10/23/08 5:30 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

Are you planning to stay employed with the DOE? Because there is something called "SLOAC"- Special Leave of Absence Coverage. I had to go on leave early, and I ended up out for 14 weeks, so I went on the SLOAC coverage. It didn't cost anything. I think you can stay on it for a while, though I am not sure exactly.

You will just have to make sure that your payroll sec does everything right and then follow up. I was actually dropped from my ins. and the Welfare Fund during my FMLA time. I don't know why but it was a huge PITA.

Posted 10/23/08 7:10 PM

Life is Good :)

Member since 11/07

6605 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

I don't know anything about NYC schools but I do know a lot about cobra

1st off you should contact your HR person if there is such a thing in schools.
If not you can contact the health Ins co. Directly and ask for the cost, they may actually give it to you.

2nd be aware that on top of the cost, NYS allows employers to charge a fee for having to process your insurance every month, and they are allowed to charge up to 10% of the insurance cost additional. (so for every $100 = $10 fee per month)

to apply for cobra, you really don't do much. the HR person should give you a form (very basic, if they even give you one) where you basically check off a box for cobra. then you sign it and then send it in to the insurance co. They may not even do this step. we just require a letter stating the fact that you would like to opt for cobra on such and such date. you usually have to enroll by the 1st of the month. Also NYS coverage rules: if you have a lasp in coverage that is less then 63 days the health ins. co can not make you wait for coverage as they typically do if your coverage lasps (in your case it would be cobra)

HTH FM if you have any other questions I can try to help

Posted 10/23/08 7:22 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

I found this.

You can get it for four months.

Posted 10/23/08 9:00 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

Posted by MrsProfessor

I found this.

You can get it for four months.

Do you think they would give me SLOAC for child care leave?

I want to take my 12 weeks FMLA and then an extra month or two child care leave. Ideally, I would like to return to work in May. If I have to, I will go back in April right before the break, which is probably smarter, now that I am typing it out.

Posted 10/26/08 1:48 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

Posted by Snickers

Posted by MrsProfessor

I found this.

You can get it for four months.

Do you think they would give me SLOAC for child care leave?

I want to take my 12 weeks FMLA and then an extra month or two child care leave. Ideally, I would like to return to work in May. If I have to, I will go back in April right before the break, which is probably smarter, now that I am typing it out.

I *think* you can get SLOAC for child care leave- I took 14 weeks- 12 under FMLA and then the add'l two were considered child care, not restoration of health.

Posted 10/26/08 4:32 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers: Leave of Absence and COBRA??

Posted by MrsProfessor

Posted by Snickers

Posted by MrsProfessor

I found this.

You can get it for four months.

Do you think they would give me SLOAC for child care leave?

I want to take my 12 weeks FMLA and then an extra month or two child care leave. Ideally, I would like to return to work in May. If I have to, I will go back in April right before the break, which is probably smarter, now that I am typing it out.

I *think* you can get SLOAC for child care leave- I took 14 weeks- 12 under FMLA and then the add'l two were considered child care, not restoration of health.

Thanks for your response MrsProfessor...

I e-mailed my payroll secretary. Hopefully she'll get back to me soon. I've been going down there so much lately, I think we're sick of eachother...Chat Icon

Posted 10/26/08 6:44 PM

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