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NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

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Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

what will ou say when you call? I've mad the decision that I'm not going in. My 9 month olds daycare is in Queens near my job and I'm not comfortable driving with her in the's just not worth it.

Posted 2/10/10 9:27 PM

aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06

4268 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

Do you have to give a reason?
It's your sick days to use as you please!

We use an online system so I just click sick or jury duty (only options) and never have to speak to anyone

Posted 2/10/10 9:33 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/08

692 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

Message edited 9/30/2010 3:35:52 PM.

Posted 2/10/10 9:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1233 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

I think its crazy that he called it at 530---and guess what! Its still snowing!!!

My hubbie teaches in NYC!

Posted 2/10/10 9:41 PM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

9289 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

We use sub central so I do not have to be specific in my reason. I will call my AP anyway and leave a message

I have an entire list to choose from:

DD's daycare has a delayed opening
They didn't plow my roads
I am not commuting in the snow when I am 6 months preggo and the LIRR is unreliable
My DH won't let me go to work Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/10 9:46 PM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

I am likely going. But if I can't get to the train safely (it's very hilly around here) I am going to call and say just that. Fortunately my principal is understanding.

Posted 2/10/10 9:47 PM

Praying For A Miracle

Member since 10/09

1652 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

I am going to ty to make it in. I work in Brooklyn and will take my time getting to work... if I get there late, I get there late.

I hope everyone gets to work safe!

Posted 2/10/10 9:53 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

I am probably going to TRY to get there.

I need to call in the morning and speak to a human voice when I call out sick, unfortunately Chat Icon

Regardless of if I try and go or not.. if I can't make it in, I am going to tell them I am currently on the road and am turning the car around because it's unsafe.

If I actually choose to NOT venture out, I know that will be a lie...... but I also know if I say I am sick they will NOT believe me and if I say I am not going and didn't even attempt, they will bash me in the office once they hang up. Everyone in my school is very professional Chat Icon

Posted 2/10/10 10:33 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

I love that it looks like every district in Nassau is closed but NYC is openChat Icon

Posted 2/11/10 2:49 AM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

5404 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

BeautyQ-that happens all the time..

I actually woke up sick today and am going to dig out later to go to the dr....I said in my message at 5:30, when I attempted to get up and out that I'd been sick and woke up sicker today and that, combined with the weather was not going to work...people are going to talk..until they are the ones who unfortunately get into an accident...I didn't feel like a hero this time...

Posted 2/11/10 9:42 AM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

Posted by TheDivaBrideandTeddyFrog

BeautyQ-that happens all the time..

I actually woke up sick today and am going to dig out later to go to the dr....I said in my message at 5:30, when I attempted to get up and out that I'd been sick and woke up sicker today and that, combined with the weather was not going to work...people are going to talk..until they are the ones who unfortunately get into an accident...I didn't feel like a hero this time...

Chat Icon Let them talk.......

I hope you're feeling better!!!

Posted 2/11/10 5:32 PM

Leah's here!

Member since 9/07

5404 total posts


Re: NYC Teachers that aren't going tomorrow......

Thanks! I feel awful today, but got some medicine and will go tomorrow..should be a good day since we are having a Valentine's brunch and it's a laid back day since it's the day before break...once I went out to the dr., I knew I made the right decision-all of my major roads were STILL bad at 10 AM!

Posted 2/11/10 6:43 PM

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