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Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

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My Dream come true!

Member since 12/07

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Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I just cant im trying.. but i barely make it past 3 bottles with a small bottle of juice. Im just so worried im hurting my baby.

Posted 9/3/08 8:29 PM
Long Island Weddings
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look who's freshly baked!

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aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I'm notorious for exceeding the gallon.... I drink 1 & 1/4 to 1 & 1/2 every day Chat Icon

My preggo symptoms skyrocket and I feel miserable whenever I drink less.

(frankly, as long as your pee isn't dark yellow, you're likely fine... after all, eveyone's water requirements are different......)

Posted 9/3/08 8:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

Far far far from it...I'm lucky to get in an 8oz glass, sometimes (2) 8 oz glasses during the day. I'm really not a big fan of water to begin with. I've been drinking mostly OJ, milk, and iced tea. Sometimes I'll go 2 or 3 days without actual, don't feel bad. You'll know if you're not drinking enough liquids---passing out, cramping, and muscle cramps (along with dark pee) are all signs.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/08 8:41 PM

My Dream come true!

Member since 12/07

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

my pee has been on the darker side...Chat Icon im being so down on my self but i dont know how im gonna be a good mommy if i cant even drink the right amt of water. thank for letting me pity over myself

Posted 9/3/08 8:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/07

652 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I am not drinking enough water either. I really don't like water. I try to drink 5 to 6 glasses throughout the day but I mostly drink juices and iced tea sometimes. Don't worry! I'm sure our babies are fine! Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/08 9:07 PM

Little drummer boy

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

The past two days have been really warm, so I definitely drank at least a gallon. It makes me feel better...I just wish I didn't have to use the bathroom so often.

Posted 9/3/08 9:50 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

13625 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

Gallon of water a week maybe Chat Icon ...Seriously, I'm really bad with water consumption, I pour the glasses and just don't drink them...Trying hard though !

Posted 9/3/08 9:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/08

1001 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

Nope, nope, nope...but from what I hear the baby will take whatever it needs from us...and we will be left with the dry skin and hair like meChat Icon

Posted 9/3/08 9:51 PM

love my boys!

Member since 2/08

3181 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I drink 64 ounces in water a day give or take plus I drink a couple of cups of milk. My doctor suggested sticking to the 64 ounces of water which is 1/2 gallon. Your doctor told you 1 gallon? I don't think I could do that either!

Those large water containers have been so helpful, that's the only way I've been able to keep track at work. I make sure to have it 3/4 finished by the time I leave work.

Message edited 9/3/2008 10:00:13 PM.

Posted 9/3/08 9:59 PM


Member since 5/07

27557 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I am very bad with this. I drink anywhere from 40 oz a day to 64 oz at most.

I asked my dr today, he said it really varies and he wasn't concerned when I said I can't drink alot of liquids most times. Just to try to get at least 32 oz a day (4 small glasses) at least.

Posted 9/3/08 10:14 PM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

Posted by sweetbabydreams

my pee has been on the darker side...Chat Icon im being so down on my self but i dont know how im gonna be a good mommy if i cant even drink the right amt of water. thank for letting me pity over myself

my advice to jam more water down your throat when you don't want it:

get a big glass (I have a 1/2 liter glass... 1 gallon = about 4 liters... so 8 of those = 1 gallon).

I bought lime juice, and put a squirt in a glass and fill it with filtered water. I drink extra water when I am too tired to notice or care... first thing in the morning, middle of the night (during a pee break), late evening....

Just try to get your pee a medium yellow and I promise you will actually FEEL better. less swelling, more energy, no headaches, less aches and pains... that's my sole incentive to keep this up Chat Icon

Posted 9/3/08 10:15 PM

this is what it's all about

Member since 11/07

3321 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

i dont think i get enough water either!!
maybe 4-5 glasses..

i try to drink water whne i am not thirsty..
and i notice i get less headaches if i am well hydrated

Posted 9/4/08 7:47 AM

Life is So Wonderful!

Member since 8/06

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

How many oz is in a gallon? I try to drink 64oz a day. it is tough, but i'm trying.

Posted 9/4/08 8:13 AM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

A gallon?!?!?!? We're supposed to drink a gallon?!?!?!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I drink a decent amount. I drink one of those big Fiji bottles at my desk and a small poland spring at lunch. Then at home I drink maybe a couple of glasses, most likely one glass. Is that close to a gallon?Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/08 8:54 AM


Member since 4/07

22952 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

uh no...I drink what I can.

Posted 9/4/08 9:07 AM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I am really trying. I monitor my pee color, lol.

Posted 9/4/08 9:12 AM

Sooo Excited

Member since 6/06

2252 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

A gallon a day - no shot!

I just try my best to drink as much as possible.

Posted 9/4/08 9:33 AM

just the girls

Member since 5/05

9461 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

Yes I do and more. Its all I drink, I dont drink anything else unless at a party then I will drink 2 glasses of cranberry juice with sprite, then back to water.
No juice, soda- only at a party which is not usual.
I actually used to get cramps early on the pg and found out it was due to lack of water so after that I drink and drink and drink water.
squeeze lemon in it and yummy!!! In your 3rd tri you can have crystal lite.
It is really important, so drink up ladies!Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/08 9:38 AM

<3 <3 <3 <3

Member since 1/06

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

lately, I think I'm pretty close to it. I'm so thirsty lately. Also, I never used to like my water ice cold, now the colder the better.

Posted 9/4/08 9:38 AM

HELLO Manolo !!

Member since 5/06

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I try - I don't really drink anything else, so I kind of replaced my usual morning hot tea, lunch diet iced tea etc etc w/ water ..........I'm sure i'm not drinking a gallon, b/c I'm not one to really drink A LOT anyway, but probably close -

Posted 9/4/08 9:40 AM


Member since 7/06

2467 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

nope - not even close. Drinking water tends to bring on my MSChat Icon i just have what i can when i can. hopefully when the MS stops i can do a little better. But right now it is impossible. Chat Icon

Posted 9/4/08 9:43 AM

My Everything

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Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

No. Most days I make 6 glasses.

Posted 9/4/08 10:02 AM

Love my little man

Member since 8/05

16290 total posts


Re: Ok be honest.. Do you really drink the gallon water per day

I try to drink as much as possible-- days when I am out and about all day though-- it's just not happening.

When I am at the office though-- I definitely get through a lot...

Posted 9/4/08 10:38 AM

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