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Should I buy a pair of this lamp before we are ready for them?

Forum Opinion Poll
Yes, they'll be gone and then you'll regret it 51 91.07%
No, hold off, you don't even know what your rooms look like yet 5 8.93%
Other, just b/c....... 0 0.00%

ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

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A new love!

Member since 1/08

5946 total posts


ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I've had my eye on this lamp at Pier 1 for a while now, b/c I'd like to get new everything for our living room when we buy a new house. They're now on clearance, which means they won't be around past the end of the summer.

Should I buy a pair now and store them for use later, or just look around and see if they're there when we're looking to furnish? We have not yet found a home we like enough to put in even a contract, so I realize that I'm jumping the gun a bit.

Here's the lamp. I'd buy two of them for a matching pair.

External Image

What would you do?

Posted 6/24/09 6:38 AM


Member since 5/05

1645 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

Usually I would wait and if I go back and it's gone I figure it wasn't meant to be. But considering that they're on clearance and you've been looking at them for a while, I'd probably get them.

You can always ebay them if they don't fit into your new house!

Posted 6/24/09 7:19 AM

loving my babies!

Member since 4/08

4594 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I say buy them now because you will kick yourself if you don't and can't find them later!

Also, if they end up not working in your living room, I'm sure you can always find another use for them or sell them!

Posted 6/24/09 8:28 AM


Member since 9/06

9532 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I would get them and keep the reciept. Clearance or not, you'll most likely be able to return them if you change your mind.

Posted 6/24/09 8:35 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

My house was decorated instantly when we moved in because for years, if I saw something I wanted, but wouldn't need until we had a house, I'd buy it. ESPECIALLY if it was on clearance. Oh the deals I could tell you aboutChat Icon

Posted 6/24/09 8:43 AM


Member since 1/07

6929 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I would def. buy them now. We have been working on our Family Room for about 6+months. As I saw things I liked for the room, I would buy it. And everything was usually on sale. Chat Icon Now I get to decorate my room in a couple weeks when we are finished with the room.

Posted 6/24/09 9:20 AM

I'm cranky

Member since 7/06

18178 total posts

Mama Cranky

Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I would buy them-you'll kick yourself if you miss out and then can never find anything that you like as much.

Posted 6/24/09 9:26 AM


Member since 4/08

2516 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

i buy things all the time. Chat Icon i have accumulated many things over the years. none of which i regret buying. im a sale shopper, so if i see something that i love and will later have a use for, ill buy it!

i say go for it.. and theyre so pretty!!!! i have a $250 gift card to pier one.. hmmm maybe ill get them too. Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/09 9:33 AM


Member since 5/08

9818 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I voted hold off - because you really never know what your rooms will look like.

Unless you love these lamps and are 100% sure that you will decorate your LR around these guys.

I have made purchases, then changed my mind. I actually made a $500!!!!!! mistake with my bedding. So I'm speaking from experience. Chat Icon

Posted 6/24/09 12:38 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/08

1619 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

I voted yes but for a slightly different reason!

We were initially supposed to close on our house in November, so I started buying everything we needed (especially lamps!). Unfortunately the seller passed away a week before closing so we had to wait until the estate was established and actually closed in March.

However, we already had everything we needed (stacked in boxes in our apartment) so after closing costs were paid, we weren't overwhelmed with having to spend more money since everything had been purchased 4 months earlier!

Posted 6/24/09 1:31 PM


Member since 5/05

10425 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

If you love them, buy them now.
Otherwise, if you can't find them, nyou will have this image in your head & never be able to match it.

BTW--I love them!

Posted 6/24/09 2:44 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/07

219 total posts


Re: ok, do I buy it, or run my luck?

If you like them and have been looking at them for a while, you will find a way of making them work somewhere in your home. I have lived in 8 different places over the past 15 or so years (okay, that's the first time I counted that - yikes!). The pieces I have loved have moved with me and found a place...

Good luck!

Posted 6/24/09 6:23 PM

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