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Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
My first trimester I was hungry almost every 1 & half but it wasn’t like I had to have a meal, a roll or something small would usually satisfy me.
My poor husband would be a wreck figuring out dinner since I was never hungry enough to finish anything. All I wanted was a bowl of cereal, small portions or snacks.
When I saw the doctor last week, I was told had gained only a half pound since pre-preggo.
…. …. ….
How things have changed!!!
Now when I’m hungry.. I’m HUNGRY! Gotta stop whatever I’m doing and eat. Now its not just a roll or something small but I need a happy meal size snack. I need substance.
What the heck is this?
Now if I don’t eat within like 15-20mins of the hungry warnings, I am nearly sick with despair like I haven’t eaten in days. My poor tummy is so vocal that you can NOT ignore it. Coworkers giggle, hubby laughs. When I’m hungry.. I’m hungry.
Its first come first serve for me too. That’s bothering me. I don’t want to balloon but healthy choices are hard to come by in the WFC or at least not affordable. It’s Easter and all those candies are right there at easy reach! Thank GOD, its not Halloween!
Is this just me or is anyone else experiencing this?
PS: I had a bowl of cereal for dinner last night (along with a bowl and a half of gold fish an hour earlier) and when I went to bed you could hear my tummy growling. My hubby was like “Guess this it takes after me after all” haha
Posted 3/21/08 10:21 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 8/06 7945 total posts
Name: M-lo
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
Keep snacks on you at all times - granola bars, fruit (bananas, apples), nuts, pretzels.
They definately help me through the days where I feel insatiable! It keeps me from eating the plate that the food comes on!
Posted 3/21/08 10:39 AM |
Love my boys

Member since 2/08 8766 total posts
Name: Mrs Dee
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
I hear ya! I woke up at 3:30 am the other day staaaaarving! I literally couldnt go back to sleep until I got up and ate!!! here's to us :
Posted 3/21/08 10:41 AM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
lol glad to know its not just me..
now... Can I make it to 12?
One more hour.
Posted 3/21/08 10:57 AM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
i totally understand what your going through! all i do all day long is eat. i feel like i get full quickly, but then i'm starving an hour later.
Posted 3/21/08 12:14 PM |

Member since 8/07 10682 total posts
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
i am hungry a lot more too. And I get so cranky if i dont eat within 20 min of the hunger pains.
I am eatng a lot more but I have only gained 4 lbs
Posted 3/21/08 12:55 PM |
Sooo Sleep Deprived....

Member since 7/06 2742 total posts
Name: S
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
WFC?!?!?!?!? I work there too!!!
Posted 3/21/08 4:40 PM |
LIF Toddler

Member since 2/08 381 total posts
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
Posted by Xelindrya
lol glad to know its not just me..
now... Can I make it to 12?
One more hour.
my lunch is always at 12.. (i'm teacher) and i NEVER make it.. i'm always eating my lunch during my last class before lunch.. then lunch times comes and i'm either not as hungry or hungry all over again.. i started packing two lunches.. one pre-lunch and then a regular lunch. one day 2 weeks ago, i had three turkey sandwhiches.. i brought two in the morning and had eaten both by lunch.. and went back to buy a third one.. the guy at the deli was cracking up.
Posted 3/21/08 5:05 PM |
My 4 girlies

Member since 2/08 9702 total posts
Name: Valerie
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
I am sooo with you!!!
Posted 3/21/08 5:23 PM |
He has my heart

Member since 12/07 1379 total posts
Name: Tracy
Re: Ok, this hunger thing is insane!
Im so hungry just reading the word hungry here!
Posted 3/21/08 5:30 PM |