Okay many Pg test later... it is neg and NO AF! I am so fustrated!
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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Okay many Pg test later... it is neg and NO AF! I am so fustrated!
Okay, AF was due on 11-29, she has not shown her ugly head. I have taken about 5 tests and they r all neg. My doctors office said it sometimes takes 2 weeks for a BFP. I never knew this, I always thought it woild just show up when u r late. So I am 5 days late, no AF, and I am very fustrated. I usually get af religiously every 26-28 days. I did have some lower pain on my left side and my right side like when I ovulate, maybe I ovulated late? I had spotting after that, and it went away. (sorry if TMI). HELP!My Dh is driving me nuts......as well as I wish my body would do something. Any thoughts?
Message edited 12/5/2005 2:18:01 PM.
Posted 12/5/05 2:10 PM |
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Delay is not denial

Member since 5/05 2220 total posts
Name: Michelle
Re: Okay many Pg test later... it is neg and NO AF! I am so fustrated!
One thing that it could definitely be, is that you didn't ovulate when you thought you did, so you may not be late for AF.
I know I say this so many times, don't get stuck on 'typical cycle days". Our cycles change, or can change at any time. Especially when you decide to TTC, stress can alter ovulation.
Most people will get a bfp even before AF is due, if they know when they ovulated, because some hpts are so sensitive now they are measuring HCG at even 7mius. Which to me is actually not a good thing but, it's probably helping increase sales of the hpts.
There are women who don't get bfps on hpts. Hcg is secreted into the bloodstream at implantation , it needs to pass through the kidneys to show in the urine. Some women just don't show up positive on a urine test but I need to be honest, this is very rare.
Message edited 12/5/2005 2:29:54 PM.
Posted 12/5/05 2:28 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 3944 total posts
Name: ME
Re: Okay many Pg test later... it is neg and NO AF! I am so fustrated!
Thank you so much for answering me on this. So In guess I will just sit tight and see what happens. Af will show or I will be preg. Whatever will be will be I guess. Thank you again.
Posted 12/5/05 2:32 PM |
Dad you finally did it!!!

Member since 10/05 1714 total posts
Name: Brandy
Re: Okay many Pg test later... it is neg and NO AF! I am so fustrated!
Sorry this is happening to you!!! I hope you get an answer soon. I know the wait is horrible. Let us know how you are doing and how you make out!
Posted 12/5/05 3:01 PM |
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