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I'm a rolling machine.
Member since 9/06 2064 total posts
OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
I honestly don't know why, but this has been bugging me for a couple weeks:
If you have a c-section, do you still "bleed" like you do from a vaginal birth?
This might be a slightly dumb question...but I have seriously been wondering.
Posted 4/11/07 8:13 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 11/06 4512 total posts
Name: Laura
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
I had quite a bit of bleeding.......
Posted 4/11/07 8:20 PM |
I'm a rolling machine.
Member since 9/06 2064 total posts
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
Thanks...I figured that a woman would...but then again, I've never exactly asked anyone and you know, since the baby doesn't come through there...
It makes total sense that you just boggled my mind for some reason.
Posted 4/11/07 8:22 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 2697 total posts
Name: Christina
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
Everything I have read says you do.
Posted 4/11/07 9:48 PM |
Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
Yeah, a lot of blood...for me anyhow. Then I bled for 6 weeks afterwards, but only heavy in the very beginning...spotting toward the end.
Posted 4/11/07 9:50 PM |
Living the DREAM!!!

Member since 7/06 2646 total posts
Name: Kimmer
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
4 weeks post c section today and Im still spotting. Sorry
Posted 4/11/07 9:53 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
Yes the reason you bleed is from the placenta detaching from your uterus. It was once attached and when it comes up it leaves a "wound" on your uterus. So since everyone that gives birth has a placenta that comes out everyone bleeds.
Posted 4/11/07 10:49 PM |
I'm getting old

Member since 5/05 8688 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
From my experience (all c's) you bleed a lot less from a C than you do with a vag delivery. It was never terrible bleeding for me. And from about 3-5 weeks PP it was panty liner time. I don't know if it had to do with them "washing out" my insides or what but it was totally tolerable.
Posted 4/11/07 11:06 PM |
Turning a new page

Member since 5/05 9731 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
yes. you still bleed.
Posted 4/11/07 11:07 PM |
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
Yes, but I hear if you breastfeed, you bleed alot less.
Posted 4/12/07 9:12 AM |
Member since 12/06 2770 total posts
Re: OK...enlighten me. [post c-section question]
It's funny that you asked this because my best friend thought the same thing. I guess either way we can't win right?? ?
Posted 4/12/07 9:15 AM |