ok..i know this is normal but when should i start
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LIF Adult
Member since 4/06 1418 total posts
Name: alycia
ok..i know this is normal but when should i start
worrying about my dd's formula/food intake while teething..i know they lose their appetite but my dd so far today(its now 1pm) had 1 oz of formula and baby yogurt.(about 4oz)..yesterday she only ate about 1/2 jar food all day and about 12oz of formula alll day..she has been waking in the night and i cave in and feed her..she takes the 6 oz bottle. i dont want to create a bad habit..but i dont know how else to get her to eat during the day lately...is this just a phase? she has been on such a great schedule for like 4months now..im literally losing my mind...i get so scared of going to bed because i know the nightmare begins at all different hours..can anyone help??! thanks for any advice or input
Posted 4/29/07 1:09 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adult
Member since 4/06 1418 total posts
Name: alycia
Re: ok..i know this is normal but when should i start
anyone? im desperate
Posted 4/29/07 7:10 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: ok..i know this is normal but when should i start
Sounds like a phase to me. I have to say, do NOT get into the habit of feeding her in the middle of the night. Ava went through maybe 3 or 4 days last month of not eating anything at all really. I knew it was teething related, and I kept saying in the back of my mind, "When she's hungry, she'll eat." And I was really proud of myself for not freaking out because low and behold, she woke up a few days later and was eating normally again. I really do believe that, unless there is an underlying medical condition, all babies will eat what they need to grow. My ped. agrees with that, and so I don't even worry if she goes on a hunger strike for a few days. I know it's hard to not worry, but it'll get better
Posted 4/29/07 7:14 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 4/06 1418 total posts
Name: alycia
Re: ok..i know this is normal but when should i start
thanks..i really hope its a phase..i guess i wasnt so worried about her health..it was more or less thinking is she going to eat enough during the day to sleep at night ..i dont know im going nuts..aly doesnt like to be soothed by rocking or cuddling..but the only thing that worked the past few times was a bottle..and i CANT do it again..she is 9 months..not a newborn.i sound horrible but i just cant..i would do anything for her..but i guess you cant do anything for teething..thanks for the response..
Posted 4/29/07 8:48 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: ok..i know this is normal but when should i start
Are you giving her tylenol? I know the feeling, TRUST ME!
Posted 4/29/07 8:49 PM |
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