What is going on with my body???? I have had cramps since atleast 6-7DPO and still have them now as I type and yesterday I felt sometimes throughtout the day my boobs felt like they were on fire and huge. This morning I tested and got a BFN and I am 10DPO. Doesnt make any sense. I feel like I am also peeing all the time and Im so bloated. I know I shouldnt give up hope but its very stressful. Anyone else feel this way???
ETA: Also forgot to mention that I was sooo tired last night I went to be at 8pm and didnt wake up til 7am.
Ahhh....I'm in the exact same boat as you, minus the sore boobs ( although my chest was sore the other day). I'm 11 DPO and had a BFN with FMU this morning. I'm still keeping my fingers crossed, but I'm geting pretty discouraged. Here's to our