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OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

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Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

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OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

WHO IS THIS CHILD??? Where is my sweet boy?? Every morning I have this little monster throwing shoes down the stairs, going through drawers etc. This morning he pulled down one of my very heavy dining room chairs, I cant change his diaper without physcially holding him down. And just now I got a delievery of Christmas ornaments that I had ordered in Disney World last week and he smashed 3 of them!!!! Right in front of me!!

Its because the Grandparents and the Great Aunt let him get away with everything and think all he does is soooo things are going to change now

vent overChat Icon

OH let me not leave out he pulled one of my vertical blinds right off the track, have to have someone come and fix that.

Message edited 9/28/2006 3:01:48 PM.

Posted 9/28/06 3:00 PM
Long Island Weddings
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I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

I think the terrible two's is a phase they never grow out of!

Message edited 9/28/2006 3:06:08 PM.

Posted 9/28/06 3:03 PM

My boys

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Chat Icon I don't look forward to itChat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 3:08 PM

Barb-Never removing this pic!

Member since 11/05

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Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

That is my son! He will be 18 months on the 9th and he has been like this for a liong time!

Posted 9/28/06 3:15 PM

I love my DS!!!

Member since 5/05

9340 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

My nephew who just turned one likes to dump all of his toys that are put into this box and then crawls away. It sounds cute but wait till my DS starts doing it, I wonder if i'll be saying how cute it is...LOL

Posted 9/28/06 3:24 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

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Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Chat Icon oh man, good luck! Not looking forward to this stage! Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 3:37 PM

Happy Birthday baby girl!!

Member since 5/05

1663 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by stayandjohn

WHO IS THIS CHILD??? Where is my sweet boy?? Every morning I have this little monster throwing shoes down the stairs, going through drawers etc. This morning he pulled down one of my very heavy dining room chairs, I cant change his diaper without physcially holding him down. And just now I got a delievery of Christmas ornaments that I had ordered in Disney World last week and he smashed 3 of them!!!! Right in front of me!!

Its because the Grandparents and the Great Aunt let him get away with everything and think all he does is soooo things are going to change now

vent overChat Icon

OH let me not leave out he pulled one of my vertical blinds right off the track, have to have someone come and fix that.

Hey...has he been hanging out with Gianna?Chat Icon I have been going through the same thing with DD...she is 20 months and she used to be so sweet now she is a little terrorChat Icon I know she is testing us but I don't know how to handle this "stage".

Posted 9/28/06 3:52 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Chat Icon Chat Icon to you!
I feel like my 6 month old is a terror I can't imagine what you are going thru... I hope it gets better soon!

Posted 9/28/06 3:54 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by Giannas-mama

Posted by stayandjohn

WHO IS THIS CHILD??? Where is my sweet boy?? Every morning I have this little monster throwing shoes down the stairs, going through drawers etc. This morning he pulled down one of my very heavy dining room chairs, I cant change his diaper without physcially holding him down. And just now I got a delievery of Christmas ornaments that I had ordered in Disney World last week and he smashed 3 of them!!!! Right in front of me!!

Its because the Grandparents and the Great Aunt let him get away with everything and think all he does is soooo things are going to change now

vent overChat Icon

OH let me not leave out he pulled one of my vertical blinds right off the track, have to have someone come and fix that.

Hey...has he been hanging out with Gianna?Chat Icon I have been going through the same thing with DD...she is 20 months and she used to be so sweet now she is a little terrorChat Icon I know she is testing us but I don't know how to handle this "stage".

I have to walk away from him sometimes and catch my breath.

Posted 9/28/06 3:55 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

When we are out or at someone else's house he is sweet as pie. When we are home its a jekyl and hyde situation. He doesnt throw tantrums in public which I guess I should be thankful for.

Posted 9/28/06 3:57 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by Giannas-mama

Posted by stayandjohn

WHO IS THIS CHILD??? Where is my sweet boy?? Every morning I have this little monster throwing shoes down the stairs, going through drawers etc. This morning he pulled down one of my very heavy dining room chairs, I cant change his diaper without physcially holding him down. And just now I got a delievery of Christmas ornaments that I had ordered in Disney World last week and he smashed 3 of them!!!! Right in front of me!!

Its because the Grandparents and the Great Aunt let him get away with everything and think all he does is soooo things are going to change now

vent overChat Icon

OH let me not leave out he pulled one of my vertical blinds right off the track, have to have someone come and fix that.

Hey...has he been hanging out with Gianna?Chat Icon I have been going through the same thing with DD...she is 20 months and she used to be so sweet now she is a little terrorChat Icon I know she is testing us but I don't know how to handle this "stage".

Well I have been going through this with my daughter as well and she is 17 months. NO is definitely one of her favorite words. She hits me and throws things when she gets frustrated. I have to keep reminding her to stop and use her words. UGH I am not looking forward to 'the terrible twos' if this is even a preview.

Nicole I think we need to put on some goalie gear and get the pig tail twins together!
Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 4:22 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

It's actually not terrible 2''s a misnomer. It's actually Terrible 18-26 months. Wait until you get to the "I do it myself" phase.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 5:27 PM


Member since 5/05

6079 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by nrthshgrl

It's actually not terrible 2''s a misnomer. It's actually Terrible 18-26 months. Wait until you get to the "I do it myself" phase.Chat Icon Chat Icon

this is true! LOL Terrible 2's do not start on the 2nd birthday, Aidan started around 18 months as well...he's is starting to get "better" but I have been told the treacherous Three's are even worse! Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 6:03 PM

Straight up nasty

Member since 5/05

7740 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

My sympathies StaceyChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Somedays I feel like I have "The Exorsist" going on in my houseChat Icon Debbie mentioned the other day how Emily spits stuff all over the house - I now have Amber doing that all over my french doors, sliding doors, etc.Chat Icon Soo disgustingChat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 6:05 PM

Our life is complete

Member since 5/05

5909 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by Ambersmom

My sympathies StaceyChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Somedays I feel like I have "The Exorsist" going on in my houseChat Icon Debbie mentioned the other day how Emily spits stuff all over the house - I now have Amber doing that all over my french doors, sliding doors, etc.Chat Icon Soo disgustingChat Icon

OMG, John does this too!!! He was eating vanilla wafers the other day and decided to lick my curio cabinet, my front door and my screen door. I'm so glad I'm not the only one Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 6:07 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by nrthshgrl

It's actually not terrible 2''s a misnomer. It's actually Terrible 18-26 months. Wait until you get to the "I do it myself" phase.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh no Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Alex has quite the temper now. When he doesn't get his way his smacks his head on the floor 3x. Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 7:23 PM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by mommy2Alex

Posted by nrthshgrl

It's actually not terrible 2''s a misnomer. It's actually Terrible 18-26 months. Wait until you get to the "I do it myself" phase.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh no Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Alex has quite the temper now. When he doesn't get his way his smacks his head on the floor 3x. Chat Icon

Start giving him the words he needs. Say things like "Upset? Are you UPSET? Alex say "Upset. Mommy I'm UPSET." so he can express himself verbally rather than physically.Chat Icon

Posted 9/28/06 7:32 PM

3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05

6683 total posts


Re: OMG he is going through the terrible 2's 6 months early

Posted by nrthshgrl

Posted by mommy2Alex

Posted by nrthshgrl

It's actually not terrible 2''s a misnomer. It's actually Terrible 18-26 months. Wait until you get to the "I do it myself" phase.Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh no Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Alex has quite the temper now. When he doesn't get his way his smacks his head on the floor 3x. Chat Icon

Start giving him the words he needs. Say things like "Upset? Are you UPSET? Alex say "Upset. Mommy I'm UPSET." so he can express himself verbally rather than physically.Chat Icon

I try that and I try to distract him from doing so.

Posted 9/28/06 8:03 PM

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