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Online degree

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/06

667 total posts


Online degree

Hey I've been considering going back to school for my bachelors in elementary education. I found an online school that is NCATE accredited. I was wondering if the teachers on this board could please look at the website and tell me what you think. It is so convenient because I work full time but I also don't want to waste my time. Thank you all in advance.

Online school

Posted 3/13/07 10:11 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Online degree

I am no expert on this or anything and have no background for basis but my gut and HO is that with the competition in the field especially here in NY or LI your best bet would be to get the conventional education.

I have taken many online courses but not for my degrees. They are great and convenient, and good for those with high self discipline, however they do not give you the most thorough educational experience and employers know that. For instance, during my EDU classes we had to teach the class, which the teacher observed, critiqued, and sometimes videotaped. It was such a valuable experience. I also learned a GREAT deal from my classmates who were already in the field (I was doing my graduate courses). Class discussions were a staple in these grad courses. I just think you will be missing so much by doing it on your own and it may not stand up to the competition, though I could be completely wrong! Chat Icon

Posted 3/14/07 8:04 AM

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