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Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
OOT Immediate Family- Question
Any of you have mothers/sisters/etc that don't live on LI? What are you plans for the delivery? Obviously, my mom & sister would love to be here for the delivery, but mom lives 3.5 hours away and sister lives 6 hours away. How is it possible, w/o taking time off before due date, coming down, and sitting and waiting for baby to be born? I know labor takes a while for most women, but having to drive through the city during rush hour wouldn't help (they both live upstate).
Ugh, this is stressful...
Posted 4/24/07 12:30 PM |
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Member since 5/05 17076 total posts
Name: Kara®
Re: OOT Immediate Family- Question
My sister is taking the last 2 weeks of May off, and the second 2 weeks of June. She is a nurse and has a lot of flexibility and seniority. I am not sure I will want her around that much....but she will be available!! Depending on how my internals go, we'll decide when she should come down - she live in VT, about 7 hours away.
Rest of the family - will come for the Christening I guess....
Posted 4/24/07 12:32 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: OOT Immediate Family- Question
All of my fam except my bro and SIL live on LI, I live in CT
When i went into labor, everyone came up.
You will be in labor for awhile, at least 12 hours if it's your first baby, so when you start to get contractions call them to come!
My mom wound up being in the delivery room with me. And my other SIL and MIL came right before DD was born.
Posted 4/24/07 12:35 PM |
The Prince & Princess
Member since 7/05 4939 total posts
Name: J
Re: OOT Immediate Family- Question
I totally am in the same boat. ALL my family, with the exception of my 1 brother live OOT. My mom & step dad live in Illinois and my dad & step mom live in S. Carolina.
I had a talk with my mom about when she'll come and since we can't predict when DS will be born, she can't make any plans. She'd rather get word that he's born then jump on a plane to be here--as opposed to coming now and not being able to stay as long after he's born.
If by chance I have a scheduled c-section (which is a possibility) I am going to see if my mom can fly in that day.
We'll see.
It's not easy, and I try REAL hard not to think too much about it, b/c I have had my fair share of crying episodes b/c my mom isn't here.
As for my dad, he's going to "let" my mom be here right after DS is born, he and my step mom are coming up in the first week of June.
Posted 4/24/07 12:39 PM |
My loves

Member since 5/06 19150 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: OOT Immediate Family- Question
My nearest family lives 8 hours away and some are in Florida. We've never been there for births, so I doubt they will be there for mine. It's just the way my family is. DH's family, however, will be there in a heartbeat. This baby is the first of the generation for his side and they only live 1 hour away.
Posted 4/24/07 12:44 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: OOT Immediate Family- Question
My mom, dad and sister live about 4 hours away.
I've been instructed that as soon as I *think* it's labor I am to call them and they will be in motion.
I keep telling them it could take HOURS for me to be in "real" labor, but they don't care.
Posted 4/24/07 12:46 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: OOT Immediate Family- Question
My ILs live in PA about 4 hours away. Altough Im sure they would love to come right away, due to work schedules, Im sure they will wait for the bris.
My mom will be at the hospital as soon as she can. (Depending on situation she may have to be home with the rest of my kids)
My sister is in FLA.
Neither myself or my DH want anyone else in the delivery room with us. We want it to be just us.
Posted 4/24/07 1:11 PM |