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Opinion needed

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Happy Mommy

Member since 9/06

4074 total posts


Opinion needed

My DH is considering completing his Bachelors online...which I think is really cool. He wants to further his education and always intended on completing his 4 year degree. I am currently in grad expensive one due to the fact that not many schools have my major...the closest inexpensive one is Queens College. Combined with my loans from undergrad I am having nightmares about what's waiting for me after school is over, but my earning potential will increase significantly after this degree. The online courses DH is looking at comes to about 30k that he would have to take student loans for. We are not yet homeowners and I am imagining that my loan payments alone will be, monthly, about the amount of a large car payment. We both really want a house. Problem is that I am unclear if the degree will increase his earning potential for what he wants to major in, so I am a little hesitant about it...not unsupportive, just hesitant. I think it would probably be better to get a degree in something that would increase his earning potential, even if that career is a plan B, rather then get a degree in something he may not find a job in that won't increase his earning potential. The career he wants does not require a bachelors, although you can make more if you have one...but the bachelors does not have to be in that field. Getting a job in the field he wants is hard though. I am very supportive of him and I want him to be happy more then anything else in the world. I feel hypocritical about saying anything about the money because of the cost of my (over priced) education. I am just really concerned and I don't want to come off as unsupportive or even dictationg to him. I don't want to control his life or anything, I just want to invest in the best way possible. Can anyone share any words of wisdom on this? I would appreciate it. Just please don't quote me.

Sorry so longChat Icon

Message edited 12/1/2006 5:44:57 PM.

Posted 12/1/06 5:43 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06

3235 total posts


Re: Opinion needed

I don't think you're unsupportive at all. I think you're being cautious; which is a good thing. In my opinion, furthering your education will benefit you in the long run. While getting his Bachelor's Degree may or may not increase his earning potential in his chosen field, it will help in something else he may choose to do. My daughter has a Bachelor's in Health Science and works as a claim representative for an auto insurance company. One of the requirements for the job was that she have a Bachelor's Degree; it didn't matter in what. She makes a very good salary, has a company car that she uses for her personal use (saves her a car and insurance payment) and she works from home.

I see your point in your husband getting a degree in a field that would, most likely, increase his earning potential, instead of his chosen profession where he might have a difficult time even getting a job. Question is, would he be happy doing that? If he is working in a field he is not happy in, then chances are he would leave it anyway. Education is expensive (as you are well aware) and it is not possible to see where that education will take you. You think it will lead one way and, before you know it, you are on an entirely different path. Look at my daughter.

I think you raise valid points and this is something, at the end of the day, you need to sit down and thoroughly discuss with your husband after looking at all viewpoints. Whatever decision you and your husband make, know in your heart that it will be the right one for the both of you. Good luck!

Posted 12/1/06 6:56 PM


Member since 8/06

1730 total posts


Message edited 9/21/2011 1:06:59 PM.

Posted 12/1/06 6:57 PM

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