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opinions about baby shower...

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LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


opinions about baby shower...

Hey Ladies,

What do you think about a joint baby shower for two people who's due dates are within about 3 weeks of eachother?

A LOT of the guests would be there for both moms-to-be (about 25-27 people). Then there would be some people (friends, family) there for one person, and some friends and family for the other person. About 50 people ALL together.

I hope that makes sense. Any opinions on this? TIA!!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/07 8:07 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: opinions about baby shower...

So of the 50, 1/2 would not have gone to both showers? I wouldn't do it. I think guests would see both names on the invitation and be confused and feel like they had to bring gifts to both.

If you only invite your joint friends to the joint shower and do a separate one for your families, then I'd do it.

Posted 10/9/07 8:09 PM


Member since 8/06

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Re: opinions about baby shower...

Posted by SeptemberBride03

So of the 50, 1/2 would not have gone to both showers? I wouldn't do it. I think guests would see both names on the invitation and be confused and feel like they had to bring gifts to both.

If you only invite your joint friends to the joint shower and do a separate one for your families, then I'd do it.

ITA. I think it's too confusing unless all the guests know both of the mom to be's.

Posted 10/9/07 8:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


Re: opinions about baby shower...

I definitely see what you mean about the gift issue. That could be difficult.

The deal is - there are two preggo girls in one family, due within 3 weeks of eachother. It would be great time-wise and money-wise to have ONE shower. 25 people would have been at both anyway. Out of the other 25, half are friends/inlaws of Preggo A and half are friends/inlaws of Preggo B. Does that make more sense? Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/07 8:13 PM

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Re: opinions about baby shower...

Posted by mrandmrs12

I definitely see what you mean about the gift issue. That could be difficult.

The deal is - there are two preggo girls in one family, due within 3 weeks of eachother. It would be great time-wise and money-wise to have ONE shower. 25 people would have been at both anyway. Out of the other 25, half are friends/inlaws of Preggo A and half are friends/inlaws of Preggo B. Does that make more sense? Chat Icon

How would preggo A and preggo B feel about that? I know that I wouldn't want to share my baby shower with someone else.

Posted 10/9/07 8:17 PM

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Member since 6/07

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Re: opinions about baby shower...

Posted by niikki-8-18-06

How would preggo A and preggo B feel about that? I know that I wouldn't want to share my baby shower with someone else.

ITA!! It's your 'last shower'! I wouldn't want to share!

Posted 10/9/07 8:25 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/07

1687 total posts


Re: opinions about baby shower...

LOL!!!!!!!! most people would understandably feel this way. But Preggo A and B are sooooooooooooo close, they would LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea. I think it might have even been THEIR idea, being that they know it is going to be hard to plan these two showers so close together. Chat Icon

Posted 10/9/07 8:42 PM

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Re: opinions about baby shower...

If I knew both of them, I would think it is a great idea, since I don't have to go to two showers.

However, if I would have only been invited to one of them, I would feel like I am being asked for an additional gift and not sure I would be happy about that.

Posted 10/9/07 10:53 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

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Re: opinions about baby shower...

This is happening with me - sort of. My cousins new wife (of a few months) is due right before me. However, I am having twins and most likely will have my babies before her. There is no way that I would share this baby shower with anyone because it took us so long to get pregnant. This is such a celebration for us. For them, she got pregnant and then got married, so no long road. Plus she's only been around for a little over a year. But that doesn't change the fact we are due so close. I know my Mom has picked a day already. I told her whoever comes from the family comes. I have the other side of my family and my DH's family and friends, so whoever is meant to be there, will be there.
I think in your situation you will just confuse the guests and people will feel obligated to buy the other person a gift also. This won't be the first time people will have two showers in a row, so let both pregnant ladies have their moment, regardless if they are okay with having it together.

Posted 10/10/07 9:31 AM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

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Re: opinions about baby shower...

My sisters did this because they were due about 4 weeks apart. For them it worked out and made it easier on my mom but the majority of the guests (85%) would have attended both showers.

Posted 10/10/07 11:05 AM

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