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Opinions needed...newborn visitors

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My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Opinions needed...newborn visitors

I am so torn on what the right thing to do is, so I hope someone can help

My brother, SIL & nephew are due to come into town on Saturday afternoon for the weekend. My SIL called to tell me that my nephew is on antibotics for a cold. They said that we should tell them if they should stay...DS is only 11 days old...

Posted 9/17/09 8:08 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource


Member since 6/06

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Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

A couple of questions...

How long has he been on them?

Are they supposed to stay with you?

If he has been on them more than 48 hours by the time he gets there, I don't think he is contageous anymore...

But I let my (then) 12, 14 and 16 year old ILs hold DS the first day he came home...

Posted 9/17/09 8:10 PM

My two miracles!

Member since 5/06

17826 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

He started them today & will be on them a little less then 48 hours by the time we see them

They are not staying with us, just coming by for dinner.

When SIL went to her peditrican, the Dr told them they were just putting my nephew on antibotics for precaution bc he had a weeze....

Posted 9/17/09 8:14 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

This is ME, and I am pretty lax, but I'd probably let him come over and just make everyone wash their hands a lot with anti-bacterial soap.Chat Icon

Yeah the antibiotics for a cold had me Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/09 8:22 PM


Member since 12/05

10281 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

With a newborn I don't think I would take the chance. Plus, if he is on antibiotics, there is a pretty good chance the doctor thinks that this "cold" might be a little bit more than just a cold.

ETS: I should have read your response before I posted LOL...

If its just for dinner than I would probably let them, I just would let the little one around the baby and I would make them wash, wash, wash before touching JJ.

Message edited 9/17/2009 8:23:27 PM.

Posted 9/17/09 8:22 PM

Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07

9764 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

Posted by KateDevine

This is ME, and I am pretty lax, but I'd probably let him come over and just make everyone wash their hands a lot with anti-bacterial soap.Chat Icon

Yeah the antibiotics for a cold had me Chat Icon

ITA.. Don't let the kid hold him... and make everyone wash up a lot. No kissing by those members either.

P.S. I am dying to hear from you about how everything went.. dying!Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/17/09 8:25 PM

My two best friends!

Member since 11/06

5879 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

11 days old is still so new. I wouldnt want them near the baby but that is just MHO.

Posted 9/17/09 8:32 PM

I'm a tired mommy!

Member since 12/05

20105 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

A cold can't be treated with antibiotics. If he is still sneezing or coughing when they are supposed to come, i'd ask them to hold off until next weekend.

Posted 9/17/09 8:34 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

501 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

If it were me..i would not want them near my 11 day old baby...JMO

Posted 9/17/09 8:36 PM


Member since 8/06

3762 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

I would just not let them hold the baby... not just the child either but the entire family since illnesses do pass throughout entire families so another can be a carrier....

however i took my newborn to a party on the way home from the hospital so i am alittle lax on that

Posted 9/17/09 8:44 PM

My loves

Member since 5/06

19150 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

Your baby will be probably be sleeping or held by a few when they come over. Just don't let them hold the baby. I wouldn't worry about it.

I have two stories: I went back into the hospital when DS was 6 days old. SInce I was already released into 'the world' I was not allowed back into maternity, even though my problems were from delivery. I was put onto what they called 'a dirty floor'. We have no family on Long Island and had nobody to care for DS. DH came everyday for a few hours so I could nurse DS twice. He also picked up all the milk I pumped during the day. The hospital is the last place you want a newborn, but we had no choice. He also went to Walmart a lot in those first few weeks and other places. He was fine.

My nephew was a premie. Once he was finally released from the hospital we were invited over to his house for a celebration. A week before the party I was caught in a massive fire while covering a news story. I had a big lung infection and had to wear a surgical mask for a few weeks. I was still invited over to celebrate. I didn't hold him, as much as I wanted to. I stayed clear across the room from him. My nephew was fine.

Posted 9/17/09 9:30 PM

Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05

17988 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

Posted by debsey75

11 days old is still so new. I wouldnt want them near the baby but that is just MHO.

Same here

Posted 9/17/09 9:31 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

14672 total posts


Re: Opinions needed...newborn visitors

Posted by Ang-Rich

Posted by debsey75

11 days old is still so new. I wouldnt want them near the baby but that is just MHO.

Same here

Here too. My DS was in the NICU and they said no kids at all around him for the first 2 or 3 weeks (i forget now)...

Posted 9/17/09 9:37 PM

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