Opinions on Patchogue-Medford High School?
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Member since 10/10 352 total posts
Name: Lisa
Opinions on Patchogue-Medford High School?
Anyone have any opinions on Pat-Med HS? Good or bad, just looking for some info. Thanks!
Posted 1/13/11 7:26 AM |

Member since 8/06 13803 total posts
Name: Jeannie
Re: Opinions on Patchogue-Medford High School?
My best friend is a teacher there and my nephew goes there.
It's a big school. There have been some challenges that I know about - but the teachers really seem very invested and caring. There are some bad elements - as you might expect in any school with a large school with a large array of socio-economic diversity.
I dunno.. I think education is what you make of it in a lot of ways. A kid who is motivated, has parental guidance and works hard can be very successful at Pat-Med!
Posted 1/13/11 1:34 PM |

Member since 11/05 5666 total posts
Name: Barbara
Re: Opinions on Patchogue-Medford High School?
Posted by rojerono
My best friend is a teacher there and my nephew goes there.
It's a big school. There have been some challenges that I know about - but the teachers really seem very invested and caring. There are some bad elements - as you might expect in any school with a large school with a large array of socio-economic diversity.
I dunno.. I think education is what you make of it in a lot of ways. A kid who is motivated, has parental guidance and works hard can be very successful at Pat-Med!
I agree.
My daughter will be going there next year and I'm a nervous wreck about it. But I do believe that a lot of what goes on in school also depends on what is going on at home. Not to say a child can't get into trouble even though the parents are very involved, but I definitely feel that parent involvement can help keep kids on the right path.
I don't think any school in any district is immune to the problems that seem to be plaguing today's youth -- such as heroin, gangs etc.
Posted 1/13/11 2:15 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: Opinions on Patchogue-Medford High School?
I went there! Although times have changed, (what school hasn't?) I would have no problem sending my child there. We even looked for houses in the area.
I have family that works there!
Message edited 1/13/2011 4:06:24 PM.
Posted 1/13/11 4:06 PM |
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