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Organic foods

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

557 total posts


Organic foods

What is your opinion on eating organic foods yourself and for your child? Is it really better?

Just looking for some thoughts.

Posted 4/12/07 4:03 PM
Long Island Weddings
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My Everything

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20541 total posts


Re: Organic foods

Do I think it's better-YES. Do we do it all the time-NO. It's very expensive and just hard to maintain IMO. I try to make sure milk and dairy is always organic and meats too. There is a list somewhere are what things you should always try to get organic. Unfortunately I dont know where it was. Consumers Reports maybe?

Posted 4/12/07 4:06 PM


Member since 5/05

16438 total posts


Re: Organic foods

ABSOLUTELY. Particularly with meats and vegetables. Meats contain an inordinate amount of hormones, and I really, truly believe one of the reasons that children are entering puberty SO young these days stems to all the hormones they are eating on a daily basis. Also, with regard to veggies and fruit, I am concerned about pesticides and chemicals.

We don't eat meat, but we buy mostly everything else organic. In fact, last year we joined an organic farm coop - every week they deliver to our neighborhood a week's worth of fresh, organic fruits and veggies. We eat it for ourselves, and our daughter.

Posted 4/12/07 4:09 PM

Disney cruise bound!

Member since 5/05

8126 total posts


Re: Organic foods

Better? Yes it's free of additives, preservatives, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.. But like the pp said it's more $$ and hard to keep up with. In the perfect world my whole family would eat nothing but organic.

Posted 4/12/07 4:09 PM

My girls

Member since 7/05

4303 total posts


Re: Organic foods

I think its worth it for children's milk and for the highest pesticide produce. The rest doesn't matter as much.

Here is what Consumer Reports says should be bought organic:

"Once your child starts eating solid food, certain items should be purchased organic as often as possible, due to the higher levels of pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics found in conventionally grown versions. They include meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy, as well as apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach, and strawberries."

And these they say rarely have much pesticide, so no need to buy organic:

"...asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, kiwi, mangos, onions, papaya, pineapples, and sweet peas."

Posted 4/12/07 4:15 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Organic foods

We predominantly eat organic - its better for you, tastes better, and better for the environment - but it is very expensive. We are hoping to raise our baby as organic as possible as well....

Posted 4/12/07 4:34 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: Organic foods

I would say about 90% of the things we eat are organic. Always milk, meat and produce as long as it's available. Some dried goods aren't but that is because I cant readily find them in my store. I am trying to reduce the amount of hormones, chemicals and pesticides my children have in their systems. I think it's totally worth the added expense.

Posted 4/12/07 4:58 PM

Life is good...

Member since 9/05

18504 total posts


Re: Organic foods

I buy organic whenever possible, but I definately do not follow a strict organic diet

Posted 4/12/07 5:09 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Organic foods

Posted by Bxgell2

ABSOLUTELY. Particularly with meats and vegetables. Meats contain an inordinate amount of hormones, and I really, truly believe one of the reasons that children are entering puberty SO young these days stems to all the hormones they are eating on a daily basis. Also, with regard to veggies and fruit, I am concerned about pesticides and chemicals.


I agree 100%

Posted 4/12/07 5:40 PM

My girls

Member since 5/05

7027 total posts


Re: Organic foods

Posted by pmpkn087

I buy organic whenever possible, but I definately do not follow a strict organic diet

same here.

Posted 4/12/07 7:04 PM

Say Cheese!

Member since 1/06

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A (formerly WhatNow?)

Re: Organic foods

Posted by Bxgell2

ABSOLUTELY. Particularly with meats and vegetables. Meats contain an inordinate amount of hormones, and I really, truly believe one of the reasons that children are entering puberty SO young these days stems to all the hormones they are eating on a daily basis. Also, with regard to veggies and fruit, I am concerned about pesticides and chemicals.

That is ablostely true! Which is why we only use organic dairy and meats! Those are the very worst offenders! Fruit and veggies I am not that strict with.

Posted 4/12/07 7:07 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

344 total posts


Re: Organic foods

Yes, especially when they are babies. All baby food I bought was organic. Now I would say 75% of what we eat is organic - including all dairy, chicken (dont eat meat) and produce. Although some produce I can never find organic, and I'll buy regular -- the ones with little to no pesticides. The higher level of pesticide produce I will not buy and I definitely wont give it to my son unless its organic.

Posted 4/12/07 7:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07

557 total posts


Re: Organic foods

Posted by Calla

I think its worth it for children's milk and for the highest pesticide produce. The rest doesn't matter as much.

Here is what Consumer Reports says should be bought organic:

"Once your child starts eating solid food, certain items should be purchased organic as often as possible, due to the higher levels of pesticides, hormones, or antibiotics found in conventionally grown versions. They include meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy, as well as apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, red raspberries, spinach, and strawberries."

And these they say rarely have much pesticide, so no need to buy organic:

"...asparagus, avocados, bananas, broccoli, cauliflower, sweet corn, kiwi, mangos, onions, papaya, pineapples, and sweet peas."

Thanks, that list is what I was looking for, I know I saw it somewhere. I know organic is better but just not really sure how much better. I'm going to make concious effort to buy more organic for the family.

Posted 4/12/07 9:08 PM

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