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Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Our first bad night....need advice
I guess I can't complain, it was Hannah's first bad night since her first month.
She went to sleep as soon as we got home from day care. I woke her at 7:30 to change and feed her. Put her to bed, right to sleep she went. By midnight she was hysterical crying. As soon as I unswaddled her she started chewing on her hands. She was soaked (up by her neck). I can't tell if it was spit up (she never spits up) or salvia (she's been drooling). I tried the bottle, she didn't really want it. She sounded very stuffy and nasal.
Anyway she wouldn't go back in her crib for anything. I had to bring her into the guest room and let her sleep on her belly in bed with me. This was the first time I ever did that and don't want it to become a habit (although it was nice to snuggle after not seeing her all week.) She woke up every 2 hours and I just patted her back to sleep. Does it sound like a cold? teething? Is there anything I can do to help her? She doesn't have a fever. I have been using nasal drops.
Posted 3/16/07 10:10 AM |
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LIF Adult

Member since 7/05 4189 total posts
Name: Doreen
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
Definately sounds like something was bothering her. She could well be teething. Molly is only 4 months and it looks like only days away from her bottom two teeth coming in. Maybe she had some gas pains. Or she could just be a little off and not her regular self as she adjusts to her daycare environment.
Hope she does better tonight!
Posted 3/16/07 10:51 AM |
Life is good...

Member since 9/05 18504 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
I don't want to diagnose her with anything...
This sounds just like how Steven started with his teething. He was sleeping sooooo well then he would wake up frequently crying (he's generally not a big cryer), his hair soaked with drool and very iritable.
I'm sorry to say that this has been happening for about 5 weeks now.
I hope Hannah feels better soon
Posted 3/16/07 11:42 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 1977 total posts
Name: Cassie
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
It sounds definitely like either a cold or teething. If she wasn't completely stuffed up in her nose, I would guess teething. Esp. w/the drool and not wanting to eat. I wouldn't worry about the bad habits, hopefully she is feeling better soon and things go back to "normal" - I use that word with caution!!
Posted 3/16/07 11:53 AM |
Little Angel

Member since 10/05 1745 total posts
Name: Kristi
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
I agree something is bothering her. Would you be ok with giving her a little tylenol before bed? Does she have a temp? I found that when it was teeth a little shot of tylenol eased the pain! Hope she feels better soon.
Posted 3/16/07 12:04 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
Welcome to my world Jodi! Gillians been sick and up everynite.
Posted 3/16/07 12:10 PM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
Okay all of our babies are about the same age and I am having the SAME problem with Ava. She always slept through the night, lately 9 or 10 hours a pop and now this whole week she's been getting up at least 8 times a night. . I am exhausted. I give in and feed her every now and then and she will take the bottle but it doesn't seem to make her sleep any longer. Lately she has been putting chewing on her fingers, makes herself gag sometimes. She's also a little congested. So maybe they are all teething???? She has been rolling onto her back lately too and doesn't know how to roll back over either, so that's another issue.
Posted 3/16/07 12:24 PM |

Member since 5/05 18599 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
I have been going through something similar with Nikolas for well over a month now.. he's 5 months old and was a great sleeper for awhile, then it's like a lightbulb went off and he decided to wake up at LEAST 1x a night at a minimum.. but usually it's more often. I will let him cry for awhile but he just gets more and more hysterical until I go and check on him. He never needs a bottle, he just is getting bothered by something .. my guess is teething. Usually popping his paci back in his mouth will settle him down eventually, but that doesn't work. Every night is a challenge!
It does sound like Hannah might be teething. I know Nikolas has been teething since about 3 months old. our ped even confirmed it...and he had all the same 'signs'.. For us, we still have no toothies 2 months later and his gums are sooo swollen and red. If he's particularly cranky before bedtime I give him a little Tylenol to settle him down but don't like to make a habit out of it.
I hope it gets better for you and Hannah and for us all 
Message edited 3/16/2007 12:39:42 PM.
Posted 3/16/07 12:38 PM |
My boys!

Member since 1/06 5292 total posts
Name: Jessica
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
It definitly sounds like teething. This happened to Christopher also. He has been teething since 3 1/2 months (he is 5 months now) and still no teeth. For a couple of weeks he was waking up 3 to 4 times a night screaming. I would give him tylenol and oragell. On a brighter note his sleeping habits are back to normal so hang in there.
Posted 3/16/07 1:16 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/07 557 total posts
Name: Marci
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
Sounds like teething. And like someone else said this can go on for a while before a tooth comes through. I gave DD a dose of tylenol before bed to ease the pain and help them sleep through the night and it always helped.
Posted 3/16/07 9:39 PM |
Member since 5/05 12578 total posts
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
Thanks ladies.
Hannah woke up from her nap this morning screaming. She had a low fever 100.1 and was crying sooo much she threw up.
The ped really wanted to see her since she's so young. So we ventured out into the storm (thank goodness DH was home).
He said he doubts its teething at this age, he feels she probably got something from day care. He said keep an eye on her and come back if her fever goes up.
She slept most of the afternoon, has been eating (although less than normal) and went to bed no problem.
We'll see if she wakes up screaming tonight.
I hope all of our babies feel better soon
Posted 3/16/07 9:53 PM |
My babies
Member since 6/05 5229 total posts
Name: f
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
Poor little thing - hope she feels better soon!
Posted 3/16/07 10:06 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
That sounds like Grace all day today. She is only 10 weeks tomorrow but she started teething two weeks ago, according to the doctor. Her gums are all red and swollen. Today it was really bad.
I know its early but could be teething. She only feel asleep tonight after a dose of tylenol. All day she would only nap on me and was so upset.
Message edited 3/17/2007 12:30:40 AM.
Posted 3/17/07 12:28 AM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
OMG, it sounds like we're all going through the same thing. Luca has been a royal pain in the arse for the past 2 nights. I even went to the 24 hour CVS last night at 2am to get baby Ambesol. It definitely seemed to help, so it sounds like DD may be having teething symptoms. I gave DS Ambelos before his bedtime feeding and he's been sleeping weel tonight. If he wakes up again I will put Ambesol on right away and try to get him back to bed. And given his lack of sleep he's been really needy the past 2 days. He's in a decent enough mood when he's awake- so long as you're holding him and walking around. If you put him down he throws a fit and you can't even sit and hold him.
Posted 3/17/07 12:46 AM |
Our family is complete

Member since 6/06 16494 total posts
Name: K
Re: Our first bad night....need advice
I think Leah may be in the beginning stages of teething too. If she wakes up, I just stick the paci back in and then she is good to go. She drools like CRAZY and is soaked down the front of her. Sometimes, I just leave the bib on her.
Posted 3/17/07 8:48 AM |