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Pacifier/sleep question

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

754 total posts


Pacifier/sleep question

DS is 3 1/2 months old. He was sleeping anywhere from 6-9 hours/night. The last two weeks he's been getting up several times a night and I put the binky in to soothe him. Now it seems he can't soothe himself back to sleep without it. He barely uses it during the day and I have tried not giving it to him the last few nights but he gets all worked up. I believe he is also starting to teeth.

Any suggestions on what to do would be very welcomed. I think 3 months old is a little young for CIO which is what some people are telling me. I'm back to work and really need to get some sleep.

Posted 11/30/06 2:28 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

1977 total posts


Re: Pacifier/sleep question

My DS is 3 months and teething also, and the binkie really seems to help him. He's always loved it, but now w/teething it seems to really soothe him. I pop it in at night and if it puts him back to sleep I am so OK w/that!! I know what you mean about being back to work. I have no advice but I definitely feel your pain as we are in the same boat, but with a cold/ear infection to boot!!

Posted 11/30/06 2:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 9/05

754 total posts


Re: Pacifier/sleep question

Sorry your DS is sick...I hope he gets better soon.

I know the paci definitley helps him and I want him to feel better but it falls out all night long!! Does that happen to your DS also? I am up and down at least 2-3 times a night and sometimes more!!

Posted 11/30/06 2:40 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: Pacifier/sleep question

I do the same thing but they eventually can find it themselves. My older son had one till he was 2 and we use to put 2 or 3 in the crib with him.

Posted 11/30/06 3:02 PM

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