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All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Pack N Play ??
I got this gorgeous Graco Pack N Play and set it up with plans to use it as a bassinet/changing table in my den. PS after this monstrosity is setup hubby and I decide she has a crib and a bassinet upstairs with a video monitor for what reason?? Do I bring this $200 Pack N Play back for a less expensive model without all the bells and whistles?? or do I just return it and wait to see if I even need a Pack N Play?? Do you guys use yours??
Posted 3/4/06 2:30 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Member since 10/05 4796 total posts
Re: Pack N Play ??
Keep it!! You'll be surprised how much you use it. You don't want to run upstairs everytime she needs a diaper change or takes a catnap. The playpen is a Godsend once they're sitting up (about 6 months), not to mention, a safe haven for when you want to go make lunch, make a phonecall or whatever.
Posted 3/4/06 3:18 PM |
Grammie's Little Man

Member since 2/06 3235 total posts
Name: D
Re: Pack N Play ??
My daughter has a large pack-n-play that she keeps in her living room for my grandson. I didn't need or want one so big for when she brings him over to visit and hunted for something smaller (I was hoping to find a playpen, the kind I used for her when she was an infant, but they don't make them any longer). However, I did find a portable pack-n-play in K-Mart for $39.99. It doesn't have any bells and whistles but it does hold the same weight as the large ones do. It is exactly what I was looking for and serves the same purpose as the other ones.
Message edited 3/4/2006 3:39:58 PM.
Posted 3/4/06 3:38 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 10/05 798 total posts
Name: Joanne
Re: Pack N Play ??
I would keep it. We had a pack and play with changing table and bassinet when my son was an infant and used it so much in our living room. It saved me from having to run upstairs each time he had to be changed, which was very helpful since I had a c-section. It was also nice to have him in the same room as us when he took naps. I definitely used it a lot and highly recommend it.
Posted 3/4/06 4:50 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Pack N Play ??
I used mine because going upstairs to change the baby every 2-3 hours is a PITA.
I'm not sure you need the changing table/bassinet but I would definitely get a Pack N Play for travel.
Posted 3/4/06 4:53 PM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Pack N Play ??
We personally never got a pack n play. We didn't recieve one off of our registry and figured we'd try to get by without it. When she was really little she only slept in her bouncer anyway and now she sleeps in her crib. We do have to get one soon though for just the babysitter's house because this way she can nap in it but we'll just get the basic model without all of the bells & whistles.
Posted 3/4/06 7:17 PM |

Member since 5/05 3753 total posts
Name: Lori
Re: Pack N Play ??
I don't have it set up but we did use it a lot over the summer last year when we were outside in our yard. We'd have dinner out there and Ava would hang out in the PNP. This year we plan on doing the same with Jack.
Posted 3/4/06 7:22 PM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Pack N Play ??
we use the pack and play as a play pen its really great he sits in there and plays with all his toys- when she's too big for all the other things ( swing,bouncer,etc) its the only thing she'll fit in you will use it.
Message edited 3/4/2006 7:25:44 PM.
Posted 3/4/06 7:24 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Pack N Play ??
We keep the Pack n Play downstairs and he used to nap in it when he was younger. Now we use it as a playpen, like Antoinette.
If you travel or take day trips, it can come in handy.
Posted 3/4/06 10:20 PM |
Re: Pack N Play ??
I would return it for a model without the bells and whistles and features you won't need in a few months. In the beginning I used it most for travel and for showering, from 7 months on Aidan loved to just play in it as well. Up until last month he would stay in it, now he can climb out but it did get tons of use.
My pack n play only had the bassinet top, no mobile, music, changing station, canpoy, etc, etc, I can't find it on the net but its very similiar to this only no wheels no mobile. It was around $70
ETA: I had a c-section and did use it downstairs for when I wasn't supposed to climb the stairs all that much. Though I used the stairs more than I was supposed to anyway
Message edited 3/4/2006 10:31:46 PM.
Posted 3/4/06 10:29 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05 528 total posts
Name: Tammy
Re: Pack N Play ??
all the time! still use it now she watches tv in it when I cant run after her when I am doing something
Posted 3/4/06 11:59 PM |
My munchkins

Member since 5/05 5010 total posts
Name: corinne
Re: Pack N Play ??
we have a big one with the bassinet and i use it during he day when im in the den so i dont have to put her in her crib. i also bought a second one for traveling its called travellite but its kinda heavy. thats for visits the grandparents house.
Posted 3/5/06 12:49 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/06 2223 total posts
Name: Ellie
Re: Pack N Play ??
I returned mine. I never minded going up and down the stairs, because I wanted to lose the baby weight (every little bit helps)
Posted 3/5/06 8:07 AM |
My Boys

Member since 6/05 1019 total posts
Name: Anne
Re: Pack N Play ??
I would at this point, just return it and get your money back. You will probably find you don't need it, unless you travel a lot. It would then come in handy for travel- a place for her to sleep when away.
Posted 3/5/06 11:48 AM |