Parents of twins, I was wondering....
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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Parents of twins, I was wondering....
I had a dream this weekend that we got preggo with twins and DH and I started talking about what it would be like. I'm a lot more freaked out by the prospect than DH, since I'm a SAHM and I can't imagine 3 under 2 right now. Anyway, I was wondering....
If you have both babies in the same room, when one baby starts crying at night, does it wake the other one up?
What do you do if they both want to eat at the same time but there's only one person home?
Thanks! Maybe now I'll be able to go back to sleep. 
Posted 10/17/05 12:29 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Dad of Twins

Member since 5/05 1385 total posts
Name: The 80's Man Let's Go Mets!
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
Posted by sarahsmommy
I had a dream this weekend that we got preggo with twins and DH and I started talking about what it would be like. I'm a lot more freaked out by the prospect than DH, since I'm a SAHM and I can't imagine 3 under 2 right now. Anyway, I was wondering....
If you have both babies in the same room, when one baby starts crying at night, does it wake the other one up?
What do you do if they both want to eat at the same time but there's only one person home?
Thanks! Maybe now I'll be able to go back to sleep. 
Last week, our twins just turned six months old.
To answer your questions: 1) Since the beginning, one of them crying didn't wake up the other. We would often have them sleep next to one another in a Pack N' Play. Once they started to move a bit, we would have to keep them apart - otherwise, one would swing their arms and wake up the other. Since they were born, we've always kept them in a atmosphere that isn't totally silent. So, each of them can fall (and stay asleep) with the TV on, people taking, phone ringing, etc. We were over my parents last evening and my niece was there. She was crying up a storm, but the twins slept through it all.
2) Feeding - Everyone always used to ask us if they were an the same schedule. Though it may help us sleep through the night, I actually liked it when they were off schedule. Then, I could feed and spend time with one, while the other slept. Lately, them seem to be pretty much on schedule with one another. Matthew is a little on the inpatient side, so I sometimes feed him before Jillian. I also do the "auto feed". That's where I'll put one in the car seat (or bouncy seat), prop the bottle with a blanket while I sit next to them and feed the other.
On a side note, I love having twins. I can't imagine life with just one child. On occasion, myself or DW and I will be out with one of them. We are so use to having two babies around the it's awkward. Only having to feed or change one seems so easy.
Go and sleep now! -Dennis
Posted 10/17/05 12:42 PM |
Dad of Twins

Member since 5/05 1385 total posts
Name: The 80's Man Let's Go Mets!
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
Let me know if you have any other twin questions.
Posted 10/17/05 12:45 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
I spoke to my mom. She said yes we woke each other up but that's why she had us on the same schedule.
Also my friend has a 4 year old and a set of 1 year old twins. She nursed for a year! and had them on the same schedule too.
My sister's friend has triplets & used a Podee. I used it for Maddie for long car rides.
Oh & growing up - it was tough having a twin, the constant comparison, etc. which tends to happen more with fraternal twins. From the twins I've known identical tend to get along better. Like most sisters, we didn't become close until we were older. Image Attachment(s):
Message edited 10/17/2005 12:50:52 PM.
Posted 10/17/05 12:46 PM |
I am a lucky Momma!

Member since 7/05 15652 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
Okay, what in the world is that Podee thing?
Posted 10/17/05 2:45 PM |
It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05 57538 total posts
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
They sell it at Buy Buy Baby. It's helpful for long car rides to feed the baby, very gassy babies since the baby is fed upright and moms with multiples.
The baby has the nipple in his/her mouth & 5uck5 the liquid through the tube (you do need to start it). Good for newborns since they can't hold the bottle.
Message edited 10/17/2005 2:49:42 PM.
Posted 10/17/05 2:49 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
Thanks! I'm sure it seems silly, we aren't actively ttc, but we aren't trying to stop it either, so I'm a little nervous that this was a premonition or something..... Last time I had a dream we had a baby girl and a week later I has a positive pregnancy test.
Posted 10/17/05 4:21 PM |
Member since 5/05 6297 total posts
Name: Tracey - brideinapril
Re: Parents of twins, I was wondering....
As a brand new mom of twins, I have to say so far, they share a bassinet, and when one cries it doesn't disturb the other one at all. They aren't on the same feeding schedule, I am breastfeeding so feeding at the same time is a little difficult for me. But like another poster said, I really enjoy my time with them individually, but they pretty much feed back to back.
Posted 10/18/05 2:36 PM |
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