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Perceptions of a pregnant belly

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My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Perceptions of a pregnant belly

Im pretty lucky that I have not gotten too much in the way of unsolicited advice and comments about pregnancy from strangers (family yes - but there is nothing I can do about it without alienating people).

But I what I have noticed lately, with the bigger I get, that people silently LOOK at me as if I am some sort of mutant from another planet. I don't put anyone out. I ask for nothing - no favors, no special treatment, no accommodations - NOTHING. Women with little children or babies smile. Older women and men look at me almost with scorn and impatience as if my condition is an imposition on them.

Anyone else notice that?

Posted 8/17/08 9:50 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My Happy Girl

Member since 7/06

8198 total posts


Re: Perceptions of a pregnant belly

I haven't gotten that yet, I'm still getting the sweet looks from women who stare at my belly and give me a nice smile

Posted 8/17/08 9:53 AM

Oh Happy Day!!

Member since 11/06

5689 total posts


Re: Perceptions of a pregnant belly

YES! Leslie, I am right there with you. Throughout my pregnancy I carried pretty small. Now that I have about 3 weeks to go, I am MUCH bigger causing the starring to become more frequent. DH and I went to the diner on Friday night and there was an old man starring at me as if I set his table on fire. I said to DH, loud enough for the man to hear "Ya know, I'm not a a kid...I am MARRIED..and having a baby is not ABNORMAL!!" The man stopped starring at me after that.

I find it to be terribly annoying and rude, but a lot of times I don't think people notice that they are starring.

Posted 8/17/08 9:57 AM

s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07

42079 total posts


Re: Perceptions of a pregnant belly

i get stared at all the time - but i know that before i was PG i was guilty of staring at pregnant women as well!! it's not a matter of being disgusted or anything... i was always just amazed at how pregnant women looked (i still am!) and i couldn't help but stare Chat Icon

Posted 8/17/08 9:59 AM

look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07

7364 total posts

aka marriedinportjeff

Re: Perceptions of a pregnant belly

Yep, I noticed it too.....

there's a small subset of older women and men who seem a bit irritated at the sight of me and look at me with disdain... as if I was 12 and pregnant or something Chat Icon

I'd take the compliment of being one third of my real age, but I know that's not what it is...

I get this vibe like they don't want me to grab attention.... as if THAT's my intent? As if I'm pulling something off that is selfish? It's wierd.

But, for every one person like that, there are 5 who smile and are helpful.... I held the door open for a rather elderly woman yesterday (she was leaving the bathroom as I was entering) and she wanted to hold it open fo me... very sweet.

Posted 8/17/08 10:02 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: Perceptions of a pregnant belly

Wow, I really have not experienced anything but nice gestures from people in public. I think at this point, I would spit on someone if they looked at me wrong. That is so rude. As if we like being this large?

Posted 8/17/08 10:04 AM


Member since 6/06

5911 total posts


Re: Perceptions of a pregnant belly

We were out at Applebees for half price appetizers one night and there was a table of teenage guys sitting behind us. As soon as I stood up they all started staring at my belly! It was really so uncomfortable I hated it!!!!

Posted 8/17/08 11:18 AM

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