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Me and my Monkey

Member since 7/06 2437 total posts
Name: K
Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
So I called last Thursday for an appt and the earliest they can give me was 5:00 today, Ok fine. I pack up my ds and drive for the hour and 15 mintues to get there. (Rocky Point to Garden City)
Now the ONLY reason I'm willing to ttravel this far is because I need to get his picture done in the Basket that they have. I did it for my other 2 kids so of course I have to finish the set to call it that.
So I walk in and NO ONE is there except me and 6 employees! Oh and I got there at 4:45. So I sign in and they don't want to honor my Potrait Club card because they don't transfer from one store to another. ***!!!! It's not a franchise and you have closed down all the other locations on the Island!
So they take my info and tell me they have to ask the manager what he can do after they take the pics. Then I wind up waiting for another 20 minutes before they call us back. I nice girl finally calls us back and she's setting up for the shots. I ask her if I can forgo some of the other shots they take and just take extra basket pics because that's the most important thing to me. She then tells me they don't have a basket. Again I'm like ***. She says they never had the basket as long as she has been at this store. Now remember the ONLY reason why I traveled so far was for the basket.
One of the other guys comes over and says yeah PP has changed a lot. They got rid of a lot of their props. So no more Plane, boat, firetruck and frog. I'm now so angry and also devistated because I wanted to be able to pose my 3rd dc with the props that his brother had when he was little.
So this girl then tries to take a pic of ds. She has him on the bean bag and is right in his face trying to make him laugh. Now she's sweet but really stupid because she gets him to laugh and I realize she doesn't even have the camera in her hand so GUESS WHAT-DUH by the time she picks up the camera he's not smiling anymore. I'm standing behind her trying to get her to smile while my sister holds him up and this girl puts the camera down again. THAT WAS IT!!! I said forget it we are done! They tried to get me to reschedule but I said No way, I'm done and this was a HUGE waste of my time!
So we got no pics but I got some cute fall clothes for my kids. Thanks for letting me vent! What a crappy experience!
Posted 8/20/07 11:32 PM |
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Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
I am so sorry you went through all that. I definitley would have walked out as well.
Posted 8/20/07 11:42 PM |
Me and my Monkey

Member since 7/06 2437 total posts
Name: K
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
This is so bad! I woke up this morning and I'm still MAD about yesterday. Help me to let this go! they were just such idiots!
Posted 8/21/07 1:23 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/05 3372 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
Kiddie Kandids at BRU as a basket..I saw it. Might be a different one but they do have one. I cannot believe that they did not want to honor your card. I feel like PP owes me money! I still have 2 coupons on my card. What a crock of a company!!!
Posted 8/21/07 1:32 PM |
Member since 5/05 24989 total posts
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
I had a really bad experience at KK on Sat too. And I was supposed to go to PP last night at 6pm. Thank goodness I didn't
Posted 8/21/07 1:32 PM |
Me and my Monkey

Member since 7/06 2437 total posts
Name: K
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
Posted by 5ofClubs
I had a really bad experience at KK on Sat too. And I was supposed to go to PP last night at 6pm. Thank goodness I didn't
I would have been there at 6:00. If you had gone you would have seen me the crazy lady telling them how bad they are. I'm glad you didn't get to meet that side of me!
Posted 8/21/07 1:47 PM |
Twin Moms Do Everything Twice

Member since 5/05 9612 total posts
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
i had a really bad experience at PP garden city yesterday too. We had gotten a gc for there about a year ago when the kids were born. Figured this would be a good opportunity to go, get their 1st bday pictures done in their bday outfits. Dh took the day off from work. We went out there, got there early for our appt, got them changed, etc... DD was fine with the photographer but DS was scared of him. So after 10 mins of trying, they said times up, we can try to come back later, although they were all booked up the rest of the day. So basically DH took the day off for nothing, we schleped these kids all the way to roosevelt field, changed them into fancy outfits and were told to go home and try again some other time. We left with zero pics. And I still have this $100 gift card so it means i have to go back sometime.
Posted 8/21/07 2:44 PM |
How did I get so lucky

Member since 5/05 3725 total posts
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
Posted by pinky
i had a really bad experience at PP garden city yesterday too. We had gotten a gc for there about a year ago when the kids were born. Figured this would be a good opportunity to go, get their 1st bday pictures done in their bday outfits. Dh took the day off from work. We went out there, got there early for our appt, got them changed, etc... DD was fine with the photographer but DS was scared of him. So after 10 mins of trying, they said times up, we can try to come back later, although they were all booked up the rest of the day. So basically DH took the day off for nothing, we schleped these kids all the way to roosevelt field, changed them into fancy outfits and were told to go home and try again some other time. We left with zero pics. And I still have this $100 gift card so it means i have to go back sometime.
This happened to me at KK too! I think with twins they need to schedule more time for a sitting, since you want 3 separate poses at the least. Also, for infants, they should give at least 20 minutes!
I'd write to corporate!
Posted 8/21/07 5:16 PM |
Mom of Three
Member since 9/05 7900 total posts
Name: "MOMMY!!!"
Re: Picture People RANT-Sorry VERY LONG!!
That s*cks! I used PP a lot when my oldest was a baby and I can see you wanting to get the same shots. How would you even think to ask if they still have the same props...
As far as their photographers, I found them seriously lacking. My DS #1 was always very camera happy even as a baby so I always got great shots. My DD was a tougher cookie to get a smile out of. Twice I left PP without anything decent for the same reason you stated - you have to be quick on the camera with babies or you miss shots. After that I started using JC Penney and KK and realized how inexperienced the photogs at PP were or how their set up was not the best - I know at JC Penney & KK, the photog doesnt have to be BEHIND the camera to get the shot.
Could you find a similar basket to your other kids pics and bring it with you to another place?
Message edited 8/21/2007 5:28:39 PM.
Posted 8/21/07 5:28 PM |