
Member since 5/05 15167 total posts
Name: Tracy
Pink & Carey Hart Got Married
Punky pop singer Pink and her fiancé, motocross racer and The Surreal Life star Carey Hart, wed in Costa Rica on Saturday, PEOPLE has been told exclusively.
More than 100 guests (including Lisa-Marie Presley) attended the non-denominational ceremony, which was held on the beach during sunset at the Four Seasons resort and performed by a local officiant. "We just love the beach, so we knew we wanted it to be at the beach," Pink tells PEOPLE.
Adds Hart, "We wanted it very fun and non-traditional. We're spiritual, but we're not religious. It was about being with our closest friends and family and having a very fun and loose party."
The bride (real name: Alecia Moore), 26, and Hart, 30, met at the 2001 X Games and broke up for a time in 2003, but the split was well behind them last June, when the singer defied convention and popped the question to her beau as he sped around the track during a competition in Mammoth Lakes, Calif.
The medium for her message: She held up a sign that read, "Will You Marry Me?" On his following lap, the songstress wrote, "I'm serious!" It was an effective means. Hart scrapped the race and drove off the track to say yes. "I knew within the first few weeks after meeting her that I wanted to be with her for the rest of my life," Hart tells PEOPLE.
Pink, who is starring in the upcoming movie Catacombs, was keen on at least one wedding tradition: engagement bling. Partying at Hollywood club LAX in August, she happily flashed her diamond stunner when a friend asked for a peek.
CREDIT: HEW BURNEY / FILMMAGICAside from their taste in tattoos – they both have "Tru Luv" inked on their wrists and he owns the Hart & Huntington tattoo parlor in Las Vegas – Hart has said that it is humility that binds them. "I ride dirt bikes, she sings; but I'm still the same white-trash kid, and she's the same girl from Philly," Hart told PEOPLE in November.
As for how he plans to show his devotion to Pink, Hart said, "Once we get married, I'm gonna tattoo her name down my ring finger. I'm a sap."
This is the first marriage for both Pink and Hart, who plan to go snowboarding along with their four dogs for their honeymoon. "They're so in love, and they're best friends," says wedding planner Kara Keaney. "They're perfect for each other."
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Member since 5/05 4239 total posts
Re: Pink & Carey Hart Got Married
OH, I'm SO HAPPY for them!
From seeing him on the Surreal Life, he seems like a really good guy!
Good for them! I REALLY hope they last!!!