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Please excuse me while I vent...

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Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

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Please excuse me while I vent...

If I don't release this before I leave for work, I think I might explode....

I'm ready to strangle JT!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
Every morning, I get up a half hour early, feed the baby, change her, put her back to sleep. I do that M-F and Sat. and Sun., too. I do it to make JT's life easier because he works late.
I stay at my parents house Thursday nights so that JT can sleep in with no interruptions because he works very late Friday nights. My dad watches the baby all day Fridays and drops her off to me after work. My mom comes Mon. and Wed. at 2pm so JT can take a nap, a shower, etc and relax before work. I pay my cousin to come Tu. and Thu. so that JT can have a break and relax and what not before work. Basically, EVERYONE is making sure JT has a break during the day from watching the baby. Which is great that everyone is willing to do that for him. However, HE NEVER SAYS THANK YOU to anyone. Not me, not my mom, not my dad, not my cousin. Infact, he doesn't even see it as a break.Chat Icon
Yesterday, I was home so I could take the baby to the dr. I let JT sleep in till 11am. He woke up, never said, "Thanks for letting me sleep," nothing at all. When I asked him how he slept, he snapped at me and told me he was still tired. So, next week, I will be telling my mom, my cousin and my dad to not help him out at all. Let's see how well he does without all of those "non" breaks he gets. Since they don't seem to be doing anything for him, why should everyone be inconvenienced by giving them to him. It'll be great to sleep in this weekend while he gets up with the baby.Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/06 6:46 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy to 3 Boys :)

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Jen - counting my blessings...

Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

I'm not a mommy yet but this is my fear too...I have the same prob. with my DH...the "thank you's" are very few and far in between....a lot of times I know he is grateful but it would be nice if he would acknowledge it...I feel your pain...Chat Icon Maybe you could just speak to him in a calm voice, like "Isn't it great how we have so much help, I am so grateful, aren't you?" I know it's sneaky but you don't want to cause WW3, ya know?!! Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/06 6:59 AM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

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Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Dh can be like this too sometimes. I will get better. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/06 8:03 AM

It goes fast. Pay attention.

Member since 7/05

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Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon
You never appreciate what you truly has until it's gone.Chat Icon

Rather than cancel everyone, can you talk to him about it?

Posted 10/19/06 8:18 AM

All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05

20181 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Freakin men!! As much as I love my DH he can be like this as well. The world revolves around them and only them. They are the only ones that work hard!!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/06 9:01 AM

She's 7!!!

Member since 8/05

14624 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

OOhhh!! DH and I had the same thing today. He complains that I woke him up early (8am) so that I could shower and get ready. And then he complains about how he has no time to take Jordy to daycare since today he has to walk her (he usually drives her). Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Never mind the fact taht I got up at 6:45, pumped, fed her, played with her, dressed her and I would have to walk her to daycare and then walk another few blocks to teh subway and make 5 stops instead of 2 with a potential transfer ....

I really don't think some men realize how good they have it until its gone.

Posted 10/19/06 9:32 AM

My love.

Member since 5/05

6247 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

You know what - we must make it look easy - that is why they think its no big deal.

Rachel I really feel like there comes a point in every relationship that you need to drive the point home. Make him take her for the day - or get up early, whatever it might be.

He has to understand he is her parent...not when he feels like it, or when he isn't tired, but ALL the time!! I sometimes have to remind my DH that he isn't a babysitter...he isn't doing ME a favor when he gives my dd a bottle -he is being her dad,he is doing what he committed to when we decided we wanted to have kids...simple as that. the few times I had to remind him of that seemed to really hit home for him. I hope things get better - stand your ground!!

Posted 10/19/06 7:52 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3353 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

I agree let him see how it is. Sometimes we are too accommodating to our DH's. Hopefully once he sees how good he has it he will start being more appreciative.

Posted 10/19/06 8:48 PM

Mommy to 3 boys!

Member since 5/05

4114 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Chat Icon Men crack me up. When they take care of the babies, it's like the biggest deal. When women do it, it's just expected that we juggle ten million things!!

Posted 10/19/06 8:54 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

You are right...he is being selfish. No one owes him a break. I would take him out for a drive and discuss this camly. You both need time "off"..but when people help you get that time you should say thankyou.

Posted 10/19/06 9:08 PM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Thanks girls. I mean, don't get me wrong, he absolutely does his share because he is with her all day, but come on, when someone helps you out, just effing say thank you. How hard is that?

Posted 10/19/06 10:10 PM

and Dylan too!

Member since 5/05

4331 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent... much as I LOVE JT, that would pi$$ Me off as well. But Jim would do the same thing. I swear, men really ARE from MarsChat Icon
Chat Icon

Posted 10/19/06 10:33 PM


Member since 5/05

15167 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

HOLY!! When do you get your breaks?? I wouldn't cater that much to my husband!

Posted 10/20/06 9:29 AM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

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Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Posted by Scotty-CassidysMom much as I LOVE JT, that would pi$$ Me off as well. But Jim would do the same thing. I swear, men really ARE from MarsChat Icon
Chat Icon

I agreeChat Icon

Posted 10/20/06 9:37 AM

Chase is one!

Member since 5/05

27530 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Posted by IrishTracy

HOLY!! When do you get your breaks?? I wouldn't cater that much to my husband!

Breaks? I don't have the luxury of breaks like JT does, yet somehow, everyone seems to think he has it so hardChat Icon

Posted 10/20/06 11:49 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

1107 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

The only way he will truly learn is by cutting off his breaks. I say GO FOR IT!!! Men need to be hit over the head with reality most of the time.\

ETA: Do I sound bitter??? Chat Icon Chat Icon

Message edited 10/20/2006 11:52:40 AM.

Posted 10/20/06 11:52 AM

Where does time go?

Member since 12/05

9747 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Posted by prncssrachel

Posted by IrishTracy

HOLY!! When do you get your breaks?? I wouldn't cater that much to my husband!

Breaks? I don't have the luxury of breaks like JT does, yet somehow, everyone seems to think he has it so hardChat Icon

I know what you mean...that's what is hard about having an involved DH, people think he is already going "above and beyond" what he is "supposed" to do...PUH-LEASE...I married DH because I knew what kind of father he would be, he shouldn't get a prize or reward for doing the work that I do...where's my parade for being a FT working mom???

Posted 10/20/06 11:53 AM

wow, pic is already 1 yr old!!

Member since 1/06

6689 total posts


Re: Please excuse me while I vent...

Chat Icon dh and I had an argument similar to this a week ago - and since then he has been amazing.....helping out as much as he can - its hard b/c he is such a heavy sleeper and honestly doesn't hear the baby crying (she is in the bassinett next to the bed!!!!Chat Icon ) but if I nudge him, it wakes him enough and he hears her and helps out....we have it hard too b/c he works crazy hrs and overtime, but it has been great to see him take charge without my asking too! hang in there and hope you get a nice "break" soon! (but as moms, we really never do, do we??)

Posted 10/20/06 11:59 AM

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