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Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

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LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

Hi ladies. I an nauseous pretty bad off and on (worst in mornings and night) most days. I haven't thrown up yet - THANK GOD - but i do feel like i am about to all the time.

What i don't understand is how everyone functions like this? I am not working right now - getting my masters - but it is definitely interfering with my school and life.

I feel like I am missing out on some coping mechanism...please tell me how do you do it? how do you go to work day after day. i just had to get out of the shower because the nausea was so intense i couldn't even get the conditioner out of my hair :(

any tips you have would be GREATLY appreciated Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 10:39 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

I dk,...some women on here have it so bad they take the same meds as for nausea during chemo.
hats off to them and u and everyone else. I have a high tolerance level for pain but throwing up brings me to my knees.
I did try to find some remedies because there is someone on here quite ill...
try to read up on this site, feel better!!! and if the site is wrong let me know..I will look for it again


Message edited 1/18/2007 10:43:34 AM.

Posted 1/18/07 10:42 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

2697 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

My first 2 months I was naseous all the time. Some days I actually got sick, other days just felt naseous. I felt the worst in the morning where I did not want to get in the shower cause the heat would make me feel worse. I'd feel worse again at around 9 at night like clockwork. Ice cream believe it or not would sometimes make me feel better, crackers helped too.I teach and luckily I have an aid where if I needed to go to the bathrom I could. Take it easy! There is hope, and it does get better!!!

Posted 1/18/07 11:51 AM

hello baby Albert

Member since 9/05

7750 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

for about 2 or 3 weeks in the beginning of pregnancy I had the same thing that you described... there was nothing that would make me feel better, just had to live through it... then my m/s (actual throwing up in the morning) started and I still have to this day although I would like to announce that I did not throw up yesterday and today... at least the baby is giving me a rest lol

Posted 1/18/07 12:07 PM

My little love bugs!!

Member since 9/05

5759 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

I had the same thing... literally, I was lucky and stopped working... but I slept ALOT... it was the only thing that helped... just get a lot of rest, eat or drink what you can... I lived on Seltzer and Bagels... and just know that it will get better soon!!

Posted 1/18/07 12:10 PM


Member since 5/05

34581 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

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I wish I knew the coping mechanism.

Im about 20 weeks now and its still pretty bad.

All that seems to help me is gingerale. I can drink a lot of it without getting sick. Too much regular water makes me sick still.

And I sleep a lot.

I hope it passes soon for you Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 12:55 PM

b nice like u want ur kidz 2

Member since 7/06

7752 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

I read unisom helps nausea in pregnancy==anyone explore this or try it?

Posted 1/18/07 1:39 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 11/06

796 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

i was sick all day for the first 15 weeks... I tried everyhting from changing my vitamins- to eating crackers constantly-- whatever non-medicinal way i could- My7 doctor refuses to let me take anything other than tyl;enol..... I'm a nurse- so there was little sympathy from my co-workers, and I pretty much lived my life hour by hour... promising myself if i made it through the morning-- I could get thru til I was relieved to go home...

I think it was hard too for me b/c I work 6am-230 pm... so i felt like anytime my eyes were open I was sick-- i slept alot when i could and thankedd the 2nd trimester A whole lot b/c I am fine now :)

Posted 1/18/07 1:43 PM


Member since 7/05

9662 total posts

Mrs. Honeybee

Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

i had the same exact morning sickness as you. i was nausaus from the minute i woke up till the minute i went to sleep. finally at week 12 it all went away. sadly nothing really helped me, but some nice deep breaths. my obgyn suggested a number of things (none worked for me, but they make work for you). ginger snap cookies, fireball candies, ginger ale. supposdly ginger helps alot. give it a try. it cant hurt.Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 2:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

Thank you ladies for your helpful suggestions. I am going to have DH pick up gingerale on his way home!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon To all of you who have gone through this and those that still are Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 6:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/05

9644 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

Posted by dm24angel

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I wish I knew the coping mechanism.

Im about 20 weeks now and its still pretty bad.

All that seems to help me is gingerale. I can drink a lot of it without getting sick. Too much regular water makes me sick still.

And I sleep a lot.

I hope it passes soon for you Chat Icon Chat Icon

I've read a few of your posts on this and I just want to say I AM SOOOOOOOOOO SORRY! I know it must be so difficult! But they say feeling sick makes for a very healthy baby! Chat Icon

Posted 1/18/07 6:14 PM

My Everything!

Member since 11/05

35670 total posts


Re: Please help re: Morning Sickness (i.e. all day nausea)

Well - I was dysfunctional with my m/s - I threw up everywhere - on my honeymoon in plastic bags on the tour bus (I'm sure everyone was thrilled) for 2 solid weeks.... At work in every sink, garbage, and toilet in every school I was at... Pulling over by the side of the road, or at a light when people were honking at me Chat Icon

Thank god for the meds - but I would still throw up taking them....

Your life isnt normal at all, and its hard to function...

good luck!!!!

Posted 1/18/07 6:15 PM

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