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Please remind me of some inportant things to tell the sitter.....

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Member since 5/05

2730 total posts


Please remind me of some inportant things to tell the sitter.....

I'm trying to make a list of things I want the sitter to know but I'm drawing a far I have the obvious like my work and cell phone #'s, her feeding/nap schedule....what else....Ava starts going to the sitter on MondayChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/30/05 5:26 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 7/05

57538 total posts


Re: Please remind me of some inportant things to tell the sitter.....

Sorry just saw this post - I'm not sure if you still want to know what to add to this list but here is what I usually have for sitters that are watching my kids in my home:

your work address
Alternate numbers for DH, Grandparent (include grandparents full names in case they swing by - she should know who to let in & who not)
who can pick up your child if you cannot
schedule (naps, feedings)
insurance info - group #, etc - if not spare ins. card
RX card
age & weight of children - for medicine dosage if necessary. also in case of emergency, they'll need to know that
pediatrician number - they shouldn't be calling them w/o having called you first but just in case.
Any known allergies (food, medicine)

etd - a recent picture of them in case they turn up lost.

Where the flashlights are (Maddie's first babysitter was scheduled in 2003 during the night of the blackout) - so we tell them all where to find the flashlight & spare batteries out of habit..

I realize reading this you're probably thinking how paranoid I am - I'm not thinking of disasters that may or may not happen but from a decade of event experience, you just pick up stuff.

That's off of the top of my head if I think of anymore I'll post them.

Message edited 12/9/2005 10:24:00 PM.

Posted 12/9/05 10:21 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

751 total posts


Re: Please remind me of some inportant things to tell the sitter.....

When DH and I leave Carolyn with a sitter, we leave my cell, dh cell, where we are going to be with phone number, my MIL/FIL number- both home and cell...

I also write down our address in case there in an emergency and she has to give our address to someone. In addition, I leave 50 dollars which sits in our cupboard permanently, in case G-d forbid, an emergency trip needs to be made with the baby- medications, delivery service, hospital runs, etc... as she does not have a car.

That's pretty much it....

eta---- I'm a SAHM so don't really leave her for too long... just for "dates" in the area.

Message edited 12/11/2005 5:04:44 PM.

Posted 12/11/05 4:55 PM

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